The Maternal Management Of Children, In Health And Disease Part 23

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Fruits, 62.

Gestures, of the infant, in health and disease, 169.

G.o.dfrey's cordial, 111.

Grief, its effects upon the mother's milk, 34.

Gums, of the infant in difficult dent.i.tion, the importance of their being lanced, 140.

Hare-lip, how the infant may be nourished with this defect, 199.

Head, of the infant, swellings upon, when born, 193.

Hereditary transmission of scrofula and consumption; the best antidote to, 20.

Hooping-cough, 275.

Horse-exercise, its importance to delicate children, 89.

Hunter's, Dr., experiments on the effects of wine upon children, 64.

Jaundice, in the infant after birth, 204.

Ice, how to be applied to the head, 127.

Indigestion, in the infant, 208.

Infant, food for. See Artificial Feeding.

--; when still-born, how to be managed, 187.

--; of injuries received during its birth, 193.

--; retention of its urine after its birth, 194.

--; swelling of the b.r.e.a.s.t.s after birth, 195.

--; discharge from the eyes, 196.

--; hare-lip, 199.

--; bleeding from the navel string, 201.

--; ulceration, or imperfect healing of the navel, 202.

Infant; bleeding from the navel, 203.

--, jaundice in, 204.

--, tongue-tied, 205.

--, moles and marks on the skin, 206.

Inflation of the lungs of the infant, the mode, 190.

Lavement, the proper kind for infants and children, 105.

Leech-bites; the mode of controlling the bleeding of, 113

Liniment, aperient, 107.

Looseness, 208.

Lungs of the infant, inflation of, 190.

Magnesia, 102.

Manna, 101.

Maternal nursing, 3.

--, management of the diseases of children, 184.

Measles, 258.

--, how distinguished from scarlet fever and small-pox, 255.

Medicine, aperient, 97.

Mercury, 107.

Milk, the mother's; how to be preserved healthy during suckling, 3.

--; deficiency of, 11.

--; drying up of, 54.

--, cow's; for infant's food, 35.

--, a.s.s's; for infant's food, 37.

--, all kinds of, sometimes disagrees with the infant, 39.

Mind, anxiety of; effects upon the parent's milk, 24.

Moles and marks on the skin, 206.

Mothers, their duty in relation to suckling, 3.

--; those who ought never to suckle their children, 20. 24. 26.

Motions of the infant; what the appearance of, and how frequent, in health, 99. 172.

--; their deranged condition, a sign of disease, 173.

Napkins, the infant's, 74.

Navel, bleeding from, 203.

--, ulceration or imperfect healing of, 202.

Navel-string, bleeding from, 201.

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