The Maternal Management Of Children, In Health And Disease Part 22

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Bowels, disorder of, in the infant, 208.

b.r.e.a.s.t.s of the infant, swelling of, 195.

Breathing, how affected by disease, 175.

Calomel, danger in its use, 167.

--, injurious to the teeth, 160.

Carminative, Dalby's, 111.

Carriage, "a good carriage;" how best obtained, 95.

--; the sad results of the mode frequently adopted, 91.

Castor oil, 99.

Choice of a wet-nurse, rules for, 28.

Cleanliness and bathing, 72.

Clothing, in infancy, 78.

--, in childhood, 81.

Clysters, what kind best for children, 105.

--, mode of application, 106.

Cold, infants very susceptible of, 78.

Convulsions, 112, 167.

Cork-nipple teat, 41.

Costiveness, in infancy, 50. 229.

--, in childhood, 231.

Cough, as a sign of disease, 175.

Countenance, in health, 165.

Countenance, in disease, 165.

Croup, 176. 286.

Dalby's Carminative, 111.

Damp, induces disease in the infant, 85.

Dent.i.tion, easy, 136.

--, difficult, 139.

Diarrhoea, in the infant, 50. 227.

Dietetics of infancy, 2.

--, of childhood, 54.

--, general directions upon, and of animal food, 55.

--, sugar, 60.

--, salt, 61.

--, fruits, 62.

--, water, 63.

--, wine, beer, spirits, 63.

Diet, under the different complaints to which infants are liable, 48.

--, and regimen of a wet-nurse, 31.

Digestion, in the infant; time requisite for its performance, 42.

Discharge, from the eyes of the infant, 196.

Disease, the importance of its early detection, and hints upon, 162.

Dress, in infancy, 78.

--, in childhood, 81.

Enema. See Clysters.

Eruptions on the skin in infancy; how best prevented, 74.

--, about the head, and sores behind the ears, 295.

--, during teething, 147.

Exercise and air, in infancy, 85.

--, in childhood, 89.

--, horse-exercise; its importance to delicate children, 89.

Eyes, of the infant, discharge from, after birth, 196.

Fever, scarlet, 239.

Flannel clothing, 80.

Flatulence and griping in the infant, 50. 208. 226.

Food, for infants. See Artificial Feeding.

--, for children. See Dietetics of Childhood.

--, and regimen, for nurses, 31.

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