The Maternal Management Of Children, In Health And Disease Part 24

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Naevi, or moles, 206.

Nurses, wet, rules for the choice of, 28.

--, diet and management of, 31.

Nursery medicines, 97.

Nursing, maternal, 3.

--; the plan to be adopted for the first six months, 7.

--; the plan to be followed after the sixth month to the time of weaning, 9.

--; the injurious effects to the mother of undue and protracted suckling, 15.

--; the injurious effects of undue and protracted suckling to the infant, 18.

Opiates, 110. 297.

--, in teething, dangerous, 145.

Pa.s.sion, its effect upon the breast-milk, 33.

Porter, of its use, by the mother during suckling, 1 --, when mischievous, 4.

Poultice, bread-and-water, how made, 116.

--, mustard, how made and applied, 115.

Purgative medicine, 97.

Retention of urine in the infant, 194.

Rhubarb, 103.

Rules for nursing, 3.

--, for the use of the warm bath, 181.

Salt, as a condiment, 61.

Scarlet fever, 239.

--, how distinguished from measles, 245.

Scrofulous const.i.tution, 180.

Sea-bathing, 120.

Seasons (the), their influence in producing particular forms of disorder, 178.

Shower-bath, 123.

Signs of health in the infant, what, 168.

--, of disease in the infant, what, 169.

Skin of the infant, importance of its perfect cleanliness, 72.

--, friction and sponging of, beneficial, 73.

Sleep, during infancy, 66.

--, childhood, 69.

--, how affected when the child is ill, 171.

Small-pox, 262.

Spirituous liquors, their pernicious effects to children, 63. 296.

Sponging, 125.

Spoon-feeding, 39.

Still-born, 187.

Stomach and bowels, their derangement, a fruitful source of disease, 208.

--, disorders of, in the infant at the breast, 210.

--, disorders of, at the period of weaning, 217.

--, disorders of, in the infant brought up by hand, 221.

--, their treatment, 222.

Stools of the infant, what the appearance of, and how frequent, in health, 99. 172.

--, their deranged condition, a sign of disease, 173.

Suckling, plan of, 3.

--, by a wet-nurse, 27.

Sugar, 60.

Swelling of the b.r.e.a.s.t.s in the infant, 195.

Teat of the cow--the artificial--the cork, 41.

Teeth, of the permanent or adult teeth, 148.

--, the manner in which they appear, 148.

--, their value and importance, 152.

--, their management and preservation, 154.

Teething, easy; management of the child, 136.

--, difficult; hints upon, 139.

Tight-lacing, evils of, 92.

Tongue-tied, 205.

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