Status Meister Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 – Team Fighting

When I collect the medicinal herb or hunt the rabbit which I found, I put them in my inventory.

「Why do you know, where the medical herbs grow?」

「It’s intuition, Intuition!」

While blus.h.i.+ng, I head towards the green points marked ahead in the forest while cheating, a brown creature appeared in the way. Is this a wild boar?

「It’s a wild boar, please be careful as to it can rush at you!」

When I heard that, it started to run at me.

It is surprisingly fast. Well, if it continues, then it will hit Millia.

….Without even think about it. I jumped in front of Millia, thinking that I had to protect her from the wild boar.


I caught onto the tusk from the front. Then I stabbed it with my knife, and killed it with a single blow. The wild boar fell down with a thud while badly bleeding.

「Catching it from the front. What would you have done if you had been hurt by it?」

「I mean, it was aiming at Millia. Because if it had hurt you, I don’t know what I would have done.」

She blushed again, I shouldn’t be embarra.s.sed. Furthermore call what to being protected partly due saying, it is the face. (お、また赤くなった。照れてるなしかも守られたこともあり何も言えないって顔だ。)

「Well! AAAA!」(「で、でも! も! あぁぁーっ!」)

She stomped her foot on the ground. Plus that conceals it is possible to s.h.i.+ne, Should no feeling of me that cannot be done though want to be preached by me. Yes, I understood. (足を地面にダンダンってやってる。照れを隠すプラス、説教したいけどできない感じだなうん、分かってきた。)


「Already. What is it?」

「Embarra.s.sed Millia is also pretty.」

She turn red, while making her mouth gasp. Did I push her a little too much?

She would get very angry if I start to pet her.

Though I understand Millia, this is not a place that I can be mischievous and I will leave it be for now.

While observing Milia. I check my HP.

HP: 340 (240+100)

Because I wasn’t able to get hurt. I wasn’t able to determine somethings?

I finished confirming what I need to know, so when I tried to put away the wild boar into my inventory, a brute’s roar can be heard from the front.


「By any chance….」

「Let’s run away for the time being.」

I pick up the hem of my jersey, and the face of Millia, who said such a thing, turns gray.

I should have put the wild boar that I killed immediately into my inventory because the wolves seems to have been attracted to the smell of wild boar’s blood and seems to be come over here.

I have decided to run for the time being while holding onto Millia’s hands.

I should be able to exit the forest if I run straight forward.

「Hey! I can run by myself, you don’t need to hold onto me.」

「No, endure it a little because this is faster.」

Though I am holding her under my arms like a luggage, but I really meant to hold her like a princess in my arms. Because I am holding a knife in the one of my hands, I’m sorry.

Even though I was running at full speed, it seems that I have been already surrounded and also one jumped straight at me.

「KYA! They have caught up.」


I avoid to the left and cut the side of the wolf with the knife with all my might.

However, there seems to be two more of them waiting and ones again threw themselves at me at the same time.

When they jumped at me, I took a step back, and just like the previous one I cut it’s side.

I turned around and also cut the other one.

When I turned around, I was bitten by it on my left shoulder, but it is only a slight pain.

It’s okay, but I checked my HP just in case.

HP: 320 (240+100)

I got bitten by that big wolf and it only did about 20 damage? Because it was me, it was alright. But if it was Millia who got bitten then more than 1/4 of her HP would have gone. It may have been an instant death.

I decided that this is bad and began to run immediately, but two more wolves came out from the places that the previous two came from.

Because there is no help it, I changed the direction and started to run the other side.

When I was running for a while, I came across a open s.p.a.ce with one big tree.

Not having attacked us while we were running, was the purpose to drive us in here? Indeed, this is what it feels like when you hunt in a group.

I set down Millia near the tree and turn around to confront the wolves.

「What should we do…. well! Shoulder! There is blood coming from your shoulders!」

「Ah, it’s okay. Millia didn’t get injured, right?」

「I am okay. Because I didn’t do anything.」

「Then it is good. Please don’t move from there. Because I will be concentrating on fight them.」

Oops. I should have given Millia a weapon or I should have asked if she could use magic.

Is it because of my status is high? I seem to be able to follow the movements of the other party. But I don’t know whether or not I can protect Millia by myself.

Did the wolf get cautious after see me defeat three of their companions with a single blow? Since they have stopped moving a few feet in front of me.

When I counted once again, it seems that there number has increase to seven. This is getting dangerous.

Only one of them is slightly bigger than the rest and it is the only black one. Is he the leader?

If I beat him, the others might run away, as it is not possible to escape right away.

Altogether, it seems there is more than six of them. It will be dangerous if they attack altogether.

I only have to concentrate in front of me because there is a tree in the rear.

However, it is more likely that the wolves will attack at the same time if I give them time to organize. I think that I should be the first to attack them.

I thought about it and ran towards the wolves. In response to it, the wolves divided into two in the right, two in the left and three to the front of me.

I see. It seems that I am able to predict how they are going to attack?

When I try to either kill from the right or the left, it leaves me open to the wolf from the other side. Then there is the danger of them aiming for Millia. That would be bad.

There is no helping it. All I can do is protect her will also trying to kill them.

This is how you should work together!

I thinks so, and dash towards them. Then, there are still four of them left and they came running.

I feint and stepped back, in the place where the four sprang upon and moved to the left and killed the closest one.

Having just killed the one which came from the right, I let the other two to bit my left hand and foot deliberately.


Even though I was bitten I was still in good condition!

I stuck the knife into the back of the two that was biting me.

(Is the HP alright?)

HP: 216 (240+100)

Hey, it isn’t as helpless as before, only the leader poses a problem.

Depending on where it was going to attack me? Will determine the difficulty of killing it, as I am getting very tired.

Well, it is good. There are only three dogs remaining.

One of the three wolves slowly moved to the left, while the other moved to the right.

When there is a gap between me and Millia, one of them might try to attack her.

Will, I think so, I take off the jersey and tear it. So that I could wrap it around my left hand and move close towards Millia so that if they try to go after Millia, I could protect her.

So when I saw a good chance at defeating them, I attacked them. This time, all three of them attacked at the same time.

However, because I can see their movement, I start running towards them quickly and let my left hand which is wrap in my jersey, bitten by a wolf. Then I cut the wolf that is in front of me.

And then the wolf that is biting my left hand is stabbed as the last one bits my right foot.

Phew…. I somehow managed it. Is the HP alright?

HP: 104 (240+50)

I seems to be all right.

Feeling at ease I sit down.


Millia jumped into me, while crying.

「Hikku! WAAAA! Why WAA.. Are you doing something so dangerous.」

Millia who jumped into me is held with my left hand and as I am petting her head with my right hand.

「Safe, it is safe now. Right?」

「Jiwa! Waaa! Kusun! Kunka!」

Millia continued to cry, she began to sniff while crying for a while, so I placed her on my lap and continued to pet her head.

「I was very scared. Please don’t fight like that anymore. What would I have done if Takas.h.i.+ was eaten…」

「I have been fighting properly? It is alright. Because both of us are alive.」

Millia is still s.h.i.+vering. She must have been very scared. In addition, she seems to have started to cry.

「That’s not it. No this…. I don’t want to see Takas.h.i.+ keep on getting hurt… Anyways I wasn’t able to do anything.」

「Did you fall in love?」

After being surprised, she looked down.

「It’s a foul to say such thing at such time. Though it is not that I have falls in love. yet……  It was good.」

Did you not fall in love? But this a good time to earn alot of points with Millia. It’s a good feeling.

「I thought that I had more power」

「Because you are still a novice, it’s inevitable. Let’s do our best from now on.」

So, today was the first day, the party was created.

Our adventure has just begun!

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