Status Meister Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 – Study Session Part 1

She seems to not want to sit down on my knee. First of all, I will aim to get closer to her.

For the moment, there is the need to talk about jobs and status.

「….Right? Well, though I want to know a lot about jobs, skills and the status」

「If there is something that you’d like to hear, please don’t play around and ask.」

I got scolded. Well, is it inevitable? I wanted to touch her bottom again, but that’s all right. Some other time.

「How many jobs are there? And how can you change it?」

「Do not you know such a simple thing?」

Oh, did I step on a land mine this time? Well, I am from a different world, so I wouldn’t know simple thinks which are common senses for people from this world. I guess I can’t deceive her anymore.

When it came to this, I can’t do anything other than act as if I have lost my memories.

「Since a little while ago I haven’t been able to remember anything.」

「Is that so…. I’m sorry.」

A little while ago I came from another world, without any knowledge of this world. Yes, it is not lies. However, it seems I have been misunderstood.

「No, it’s okay. It’s just don’t know any of the knowledge that people of this world has, I don’t know most of the things that normal people have. Therefore, I want you to teach me various things. Though the trouble and hards.h.i.+p increase, I still want to know so I will be bothering you a little.」

「In that case, please ask me anything that you want to know.」

I seem to have managed it somehow. But I am seen with a sympathizing look.

Though I didn’t really tell a lie, I still feel bad when I see such a face for Millia. For now, I will leave it alone.

「Oh, then let’s begin with talking about jobs.」

「Yes, thank you, Millia-sensei!」

Were the feelings improved when I called her, teacher? Her chest’s are puff out and she seems happy. To be frank, it is easy to make her happy.

I must protect her, so that she isn’t deceived by a bad adult!

While thinking such things, I was listening to the explanation that Millia was giving about jobs. Apparently, this is all:

・ A person is born as a villager.

・ A job can be gotten when someone meets a certain conditions.

・ That being the case…. It is not necessarily that you are a.s.signed to the job.

・ A job includes low cla.s.s jobs and high cla.s.s jobs.

・ The low cla.s.s jobs such as adventurer, can be gotten immediately if you meet the conditions.

・ It is rare but there are some person who can get several jobs.

・ Pope has a skill which changes the job to divine protection of a G.o.d.

・ Even if you use the divine protection of G.o.d, you might not be able to change your job.

I see. Then what is the skill called G.o.d’s Hand of the Unknown? Is it a skill same as the Pope?

When I was considered various things, Millia begun to explain about skills. She said the following about the skills.

・ You can obtain them when you get a job.

・ When your level rises, the skills which can be used increases.

・ If a skill is effective with one thing, that doesn’t mean that it will work in every case.

・ Skills uses life force.

・ Magic is also treated as a skill, but it doesn’t use life force, but uses magical power.

・ The skill varies in strength depending of the ability of the user.

・ The magic varies in effect depending on the magical power of the user.

The life force is HP, and the magical power is MP. And your own abilities, that depends on your status.

So about whether or not Millia can use magic, I should ask about it.

「Can’t Millia use magic?」

「Well, umm….」

She has a very unpleasant face, I think that there is something wrong but she doesn’t want to tell me. That being said, there are still a lot of things that I don’t know and there might be very painful memories related to it.

「I’m sorry, it seems to be hard to say. It is all right, because there is still a lot of time. When you feel that you are ready, you can tell me.」

「Uu, thank you.」

Because she looks gloomy, I decide to change the topic.

「Incidentally, Because I was hurried when we ran out of the guild, I accepted few requests of the collection and subjugation. Do you know a place with the wild boar and wolf?」

「Why did you have to accept a request like that? Specially the one for the wolf….」

After all, I guess that it was bad receiving a request from the upper ranks? However, it has already been received.

「If it gets dangerous, we could just run away and it’s ok?」

「They’re wise, so wolves move in a pack! So it won’t be easy to run away!」

「Is it so….? However, I have already received it, because there is a penalty which I can’t pay. If don’t manage to do it.」

「It is impossible. I am already going to be eaten.」

Is it that dangerous? I haven’t seen wolves from my original world, but if you think them as large-sized dog and that they move in a crowd. It is….it is still unreasonable.

「I don’t want to die yet! My mother could lend us the money, to pay the penalty! Huh?」


「It is still impossible for us. Because it doesn’t come out during the day because of the presence of others but if it is night then we will be in trouble. It is still safe.」

She seriously dislikes it. There is no help it. Do I postponed it for the time being?

「By the way, how strong is it? Rank D, It is not that much stronger is it.」

「In rank E and D, it isn’t that different. Though the wolf doesn’t have that much strength. Because it is always in a pack, you need a full party of rank E adventurers to defeat it. Moreover subjugating it with just two people is very difficult.」

Is it that different?…. Wolf is very terrible.

However, though I saw Millia’s status a little while ago. But it seems that she has ten times the ability of a level 1 adventurer.

「By the way,…  When two parties are united and does the subjugation, what is the average level of the adventurers?」

「3 or 4」

When it is an adventurer who is level 4, his ATK stat would be around 50 if he only add the points to the ATK stats. My ATK stats is more than double, when I am barehanded.

「Hmm. You win with ATK and MAG, and how is the points allocated?」

「Oh? What is it or, that? Is it allocated? Of what?」

Oh,……? Millia has an action which waves its hand while tilting the head on one side. I do not seem to know it seriously Was way of speaking bad? (あれ……? ミリアが首を傾げながら手を振る仕草をしてる。本気で知らないみたいだな言い方がまずかったかな。)

「Right. Do the abilities adheres with the elevation of level? When Power goes up, Magic also goes up. How is it understood?」

「The person himself becoming strong and the power of the magic he uses doesn’t have anything to do with each other. This is the first time I have noticed it?」

The question is returned with another question. They don’t seem to really understand it. After all, is it one me who could allocated points into any attributes that I want. Doesn’t this already exist in this world?

「Then how are the attack power and the magic power raised?」

「Haven’t you heard what I said up to now? Your power increase with hard work, training and actual fighting.」

I am convinced. There does not seem to be a concept of the allocating points.

Then, how should this basic value I see and the point which are left allocated? It should be possible to a.s.sign it, but that doesn’t seem possible.

When you practice and study, is it automatically a.s.signed when you do the same thing again and again, is it such thing? That’s wasteful. The chance to increase one strong point will be very hard.

The point is a reservation for the time being. Every time the level rises, I’ll confirm whether a point isn’t used selfishly.

「Yeah, well for the time being I should reserve the request for subjugation wolves. Because it is still daytime, I should do the quest for collection herbs and iron ore first. Then I can end the day by subjugating rabbits and wild boars.」

「I don’t understood everything, but I guess that it is alright. However, thinking about the wolves are unpleasant.」

That being said, we finished talking and decided to enter the forest.

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