The Choise of Valentines Part 5

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73 _Awaie_, Awaye; _thing_, worde.

74 _That (mauger) will inuade_, it makes invasion in.

75 _Hey-ho_, Loe! here; _hearte_, harte; _keepe_, keeping.

76 _Lullabie_, lullaby; _and falle a sleepe_, fall a sleeping.

77 _coms_, comes; _ground_, ground.

78 _Hir_, her; _silkes_, silcke; _confound_, Confound.

79 _Oh_, Awaye; _rauisht_, ravisht; _voide_, voyd; _chamber_, Chamber; _streight_, straight.

80 _For I must neede's be on hir_, I must be straight vppon her.

81 _smilde_, smiled.

82 _beguilde_, beguiled.

83 _With smiles, with flatt'ring wordes, and fained cheere_, With sighes and flattering woordes and teares.

84 _their_, your; _their_, much; _doeth appeare_, still apeares.

85 _how_, How; _lambkin_, Tomalyn; _replide_, replied.

86 _dancing_, dauncing.

87 _it be_, be it; _this_, thy.

88 _camp_, campe.

89 _onelie_, only; _sweete heart_, sweete harte; _came_, cam.

90 _auoide_, avoyd; _troblous and stormie_, troublesome, stormye.

91 _But now_, And since; _coaste_, coast; _we wil_, I will.

92 _Since_, for; _louer_, louers.

93 _sprung_, sprunge; _lips_, lippes.

94 _And fast about the neck me colle's and clips_, and about my neck she hugges, she calles, she clippes. "Coll" or "cull," to kiss, to embrace; so also "clip."

95 _faints_, faynes; _vpon hir_, vppon the.

96 _tosseth_, tosses; _and fro hir_, and froe her.

97 _shutts hir eyes_, shakes her feete.

98 _who_, whoe; _abstaine_, forbeare; _long_, longe.

99 _I com, I com_, I come, I come; _lyning_, Ladye; _be_, by.

100 _Softlie my fingers up this curtaine heaue_, softly my curtaines lett my fingers heaue.

101 _make_, send; _happie_, happye; _stealing_, sailing; _degreese_, degrees.

102 _First bare hir leggs, then creepe up to hir kneese_, First vnto the feete, and then vnto the kneese.

103 _From thence_, And soe; _unto_, vnto; _mannely_, manly.

104 _lingring_, lingering; _am so_, come soe.

105 _Smock_, Smocke; _climbe_, clime.

106 _Oh heaven and paradise are all_, all earthly pleasures seeme to this.

107 _Compar'd with this sight I now_, Compard be these delightes which I.

109 _prettie rysing_, prettye rising; _weame_, wenne. "Wem," spot or blemish.

110 _shone_, s.h.i.+ne(s); _anie siluer streame_, any christall gemme.

111 _bare_, beares; _bending_, riseing; _an_, a.

112 _a fountaine dwelleth still_, the(r) runnes a fountayne still.

113 _his_, her; _uglie bryers_, rugged briers.

114 _duskie_, duskye; _wyres_, wires.

115 _loftie_, l.u.s.ty; _veines_, vaines.

116 _comelie_, comely; _distreines_, restraines. "Distreines," to seize, to touch.

117 _wanton_, harmles; _harmlesse stype_, wanton gripe.

118 _fruites of loue oftsoone_, fruite thereof too soone

119 _And_, A; _too tymelie_, to tymely; _the stemme_, his springe.

120 _To dye ere it hath seene Jerusalem_, it is, dyes ere it can enioye the vsed thinge.

121 _G.o.ds_, G.o.des; _euer anie_, ever any; _so_, soe.

122 _So suddenlie_, soe suddenly; _awaie_, awaye.

123 _Hir_, Her; _are spread and I am all unarm'd_, and legges and all were spredd, But I was all vnarmed.

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