The Choise of Valentines Part 6

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124 _Lyke_, like; _with_, that; _charm'd_, charmd.

125 Omitted in Rawl. MS.

126 _spend their_, spent there; _hir_, your.

128 _It_, Yt; _beawtie cann_, beauty can.

129 _clap_, clipp; _I feele, I view_, I wincke, I feele.

130 _dead he lyes_, lyes he dead; _thinking_, feeling.

131 _Unhappie me_, By Holly dame; _stand_, staund.

132 _Com_, now; _rubb_, roule; _chafe_, rub; _with_, in.

133 _Perhaps_, perhapps; _sillie_, seely; _is labour'd_, hath laboured.

134 _wearied that it can_, worked soe that it cann.

135 _If it be so_, Which if it be; _am greate a-dread_, doe greately dread.

136 _tenne_, ten; _were_, weare.

137 _How ere it is_, What ere it be; _no_, noe; _want_, lacke.

138 _maie auaile to_, maye avayle for; _recouerie_, recoverye.

139 _saide_, said; _and rould_, & rowld; _hir thigh_, her thighe.

140 _And when she look't on't she would weepe and sighe_, and looking downe on it, did groane and sighe.

141 _dandled_, haundled; _dancet_, daunced; _up_, vpp; _doune_, downe.

142 _she rais'd_, shee raisd; _his swoune_, her sound.

143 _he flue_, it flewe; _hir_, her; _he_, it.

144 _hir breeche did hack and fayne_, her breech laboured & foam'd.

145 _p.r.i.c.kt, and pierst her_, peirct her euer.

146 _farre_, deepe; _might_, could digg; "eath," easy.

147 _stryking_, stricking; _and_, &.

148 _Now dyuing deepe he toucht hir_, And diving deeper, peircte her.

149 _gird_, girde.

150 _Straite_, then; _statlie_, stately.

151 _him_, he; _so_, soe.

152 _pacient Grissill_, patient Grissell; _hir warde_, his ward.

153 _blythe_, blith; _free_, fresh.

154 _ere-more_, euer; _midle_, middle of the.

155 _him hir eyes continualy_, her his eyes Continually.

156 _hir eye-beames his_, his eye-browes her; _looke's_, eyes.

157 _twixt_, betwixt; _plaies_, playes.

158 _one_, the one; _th'other cast's rebounding_, the other casting redounding.

159 _He lyke_, She like; _reguild_, requite.

160 _Sucks-in_, suckes; _of Phebus_, of sweete Phebus.

161 _lynes_, beames: _descending_, discending.

162 _bright_, deepest; _hir dearest sight_, the purest light.

163 _Planet_, plannet.

164 _Hir puritie_, her puritye.

165 _verie chamber_, verye Chamber; _enclouds_, includes.

166 _Lookes lyke_, seemes as; _that G.o.d deuine_, the G.o.ds devine.

167 _Who_, Whoe; _daie_, daye; _Zodiake_, Zodiacke.

168 _euerie euen discends to th'oceane_, in the even, settes of the ocean.

169 _So fierce_, soe feirce; _is hir radiance_, in her radiaunce.

170 _fyrie stakes_, flyeing breath; _darts_, dartes; _euerie glance_, every glaunce.

171 _enflame_, inflame; _icie limmes_, verry mappe.

172 _make_, cause; _his seignedrie to aswage_, him suddenly ta.s.swage.

173 _To_, and; _upon her_, vppon those; _lamps_, lampes.

174 _his chiefest ioyes encamps_, his ioyes incampes.

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