The Choise of Valentines Part 4

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24 _unto_, into; _venery_, Venery.

25 _bouldlie,_, bouldly; _enquire_, inquire.

26 _hackneis_, hackneyes. Hackney, a person or thing let out for promiscuous use, _e.g._, a horse, a wh.o.r.e, a literary drudge. _Cf_.

"The hobby-horse is but a colt, and your love perhaps a hackney."--_Love's Labour Lost_, iii., 1.

27 _crau'd_, craud.

29 _Therwith out stept_, With that, stept forth; _three chinnd_, three-chinde. Foggie = fat, bloated, having hanging flesh. _Cf_. "Some three chind foggie dame."--Dolarney, _Primrose_.

30 _us'd_, vsd; _yong_, younge.

31 _ask't_, askt; _I ment as I profest_, soothe were my request.

32 _onelie ask't_, onely moud.

33 _it_, yt.

34 _com_, come; _give_, giue; _Jill_, Gill.

35 _"Why, Sir." quoth shee, "if that be your demande,"_ "If that yt be," quoth she, "that you demaunde."

36 _Com laye me a G.o.d's-pennie_, then giue me first a G.o.des peny.

"G.o.d's-pennie, an earnest-pennie."--Florio, p. 36.

37 _oratorie siccarlie_, oratory, siccarly. "Oratory," properly a private chapel or closet for prayer; here a canting term for brothel: cf. abbess = bawd; nun = wh.o.r.e, and so forth. "Siccarly," certainly, surely "Thou art here, sykerlye, Thys churche to robb with felonye,"

MS. Cantab Ff. ii., 38, f. 240.

38 _heere_, in; _nicarie_, deuory. "Nick," female _pudendum_: hence nickery, copulation. Deuory may either be Fr. _devoir_, duty; or devoure, to ravish, to deflower.

39 _offertorie_, affidavit.

40 _wee'le_, Ile.

41 _hearing hir so ernest_, seeing her soe earnest.

42 _Gave hir hir_, I gaue her her; _and she the dore unlocks_, and she the doare vnlockes.

43 _In am I entered_, Nowe I am entered; _venus_, sweet Venus.

44 _where's this female_, where's the female; _do this_, do the.

45 _By_, through; _meanders and by crankled_, meander and through crooked.

46 _Shee leades_, Shee leads; _Aucthor saies_, author sayes.

47 _we came within_, I came vnto; _shadie_, shady.

48 _bounsing vestalls_, bouncing vestures; _skirmish_, skyrmish; _oft_, omitted.

49 _shee_, she; _leather chaire_, Lether chayre.

50 _prettie Trulls_, wenches straight.

51 _To chuse of them_, And bad me choose; _myne_, my.

52 _hir_, she; _no where espie_, noe waye espye.

53 _them_, her; _them_ her.

54 _Yet_, But.

55 _Bawde_, baud; _as daintie_, soe dainty; _bee_, be.

56 _forth to_, vnto.

57 _Halliedame_, Holy Dame; _she_, shee; _G.o.ds oune_, G.o.ds one.

58 _wylie_, wyly.

59 _more_, better.

60 _You'l smell_, youle find; _nare so_, now soe.

61 _hir_, her.

62 _think_, look; _purse-strings_, purse-stringes; _abye it deare_, abide yt deere.

63 _that will eate quailes_, whoole feed on quayles; _crounes_, crownes.

64 _Mistris Francis_, Mistres Fraunces; _veluett gounes_, velvett gownes.

65 _And ruffs_, Her ruffe; _perwigs_, perriwigge; _as_, soe; _Maye_, May.

66 _with half a croune_, for half a crowne.

67 _hostess_, hostes; _we_, wee.

68 _Though_, although.

69 _bonnie_, bonny.

70 _tenne_, tenn; _gobbs I will unto thee tell_, goblets vnto thee Ile tell. "Gob, a portion" (H).

71 _lyke thee_, like you.

72 _doe I hir companie_, I doe her company.

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