A History of the Philippines Part 21

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[79] Relacion de la Entrada del Sultan Rey de Jolo, in Archivo del Bibliofilo Filipino, vol. I.

[80] Historia de Filipinas, p. 682.

[81] These orders and other doc.u.ments dealing with the Jesuit expulsion are printed in Montero y Vidal, Historia de Filipinas, vol. II. p. 180 sq.

[82] But the conquest was almost valueless, and a few years later the inhabitants had to be transported to Cagayan because of the scarcity of food.

[83] Alava made a series of journeys through the different provinces of the Philippines, and on these trips he was accompanied by Friar Martinez de Zuniga, whose narrative of these expeditions forms a most interesting and valuable survey of the conditions of the Islands and the people at the beginning of the nineteenth century. "Estadismo de las Islas Filipinas, 6 mis viajes por este pais, por el Padre Fr. Joaquin Martinez de Zuniga. Publica esta obra por primera vez extensamente anotada W. E. Retana." 2 vols. Madrid, 1893.

[84] Jagor: Viajes por Filipinas, p. 81. Translated from the German. Madrid, 1895.

[85] See Estado de las Islas Filipinas en 1847, by D. Sinibaldo de Mas.

[86] Bowring: A Visit to the Philippine Islands, p. 387.

[87] The reports of the Dominican missionaries of Nueva Vizcaya and Isabela show the extent and persistence of these raids. (See the files of the missionary publication, El Correo Sino-Annamita, and also the work by Padre Buenaventura Campa, Los Maybyaos y la Raza Ifugao, Madrid, 1895.

[88] Montero y Vidal: Historia de Filipinas, vol. III, p. 99.

[89] Montero y Vidal: Historia de Filipinas, vol. III., p. 209. The doc.u.ment is given in Appendix 4 of the same volume.

[90] See Rajah Brooke, by Sir Spencer St. John, London, 1899.

[91] Keppel: Expedition to Borneo of H. M. S. Dido for the Suppression of Piracy, with extracts from the Journal of James Brooke, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1846. Keppel: A Visit to the Indian Archipelago in H. M. S. Moeandar. 2 vols. London, 1853.

[92] Spain established a permanent commission of censors.h.i.+p in 1856. It was composed of eight persons, one half nominated by the governor and one half by the archbishop.

[93] El Periodismo Filipino, por W. E. Retana. Madrid, 1895.

[94] An account of Rizal's trial and execution, together with many papers on the revolution, is printed by Retana. See Archivo, Tomo IV. Doc.u.mentos politicos de Actualidad.

[95] See the decisions of the Supreme Court in the cases of American Insurance Co. v. Canter (1 Peters, 511), decided in 1828; National Bank v. County of Yankton (101 U. S. Reports, 129), decided in 1879; The Mormon Church v. United States (136 U. S. Reports, 1), decided May, 1890. On the domain of personal liberty possessed by the inhabitants of a territory, in addition to above cases, see also the cases of Reynolds v. United States (98 U. S. Reports, 154), 1878; and Murphy v. Ramsey (114 U. S. Reports, 15), 1884.

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