The Illustrated London Reading Book Part 62

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MIRA'CULOUS, _a._ done by miracle

MI'RROR, _s._ a looking-gla.s.s

MI'SERY, _s._ wretchedness; calamity; misfortune

MISFO'RTUNE, _s._ calamity; ill-luck

MI'SSILE, _s._ something thrown by the hand

MI'SSIONARY, _s._ one sent to propagate religion

MI'XTURE, _s._ the act of mixing; that which is added and mixed

MO'ATED, _a._ surrounded with by way of defence

MO'DERATE, _a._ temperate; not excessive

MODERA'TION, _s._ state of keeping a due mean between extremities

MO'DESTY, _s._ decency; purity of manners

MODULA'TION, _s._ the act of forming anything to certain proportion; harmony

MO'LTEN, _part. pa.s.s._ the state of being melted

MO'MENT, _s._ an individual particle of time; force; importance

MOME'NTUM, _s._ the quant.i.ty of motion in a moving body

MO'NARCH, _s._ a sovereign; a ruler; a king or queen

MO'NASTERY, _s._ a residence of monks

MO'NEY, _s._ metal coined for the purposes of commerce

MO'NKEY, _s._ an animal bearing some resemblance to man; a word of contempt, or slight kindness

MO'NUMENT, _s._ anything by which the memory of persons or things is preserved; a memorial; a tomb

MO'RALIST, _s._ one who teaches the duties of life

MORA'LITY, _s._ the doctrine of the duties of life

MO'RNING, _s._ the first part of the day

MO'RTAR, _s._ a cement for fixing bricks together; otherwise, a kind of cannon for firing; a kind of vessel in which anything is broken by a pestle

MO'RTIFY, _v.a._ destroy vital properties, or active powers; vex; humble; depict; corrupt; die away

MO'SLEM, _s._ a Mussulman; relating to the Mahometan form of religion

MOSQUE, _s._ a Mahometan temple

MO'TION, _s._ the act of changing place; action; agitation; proposal made

MO'ULDED, _v.n._ be turned to dust; perish in dust

MO'UNTAINOUS, _a._ hilly; full of mountains; huge

MO'VEABLE, _a._ capable of being moved; portable

MULETE'ER, _s._ mule-driver; horse-boy

MULTIPLI'CITY, _s._ more than one of the same kind; state of being many

MU'Lt.i.tUDE, _s._ a large crowd of people; a vast a.s.sembly

MU'RMUR, _v.n._ grumble; utter secret and sullen discontent

MU'SSULMAN, _s._ a Mahometan believer

MU'TILATE, _v.a._ deprive of some essential part

MU'TUALLY, _ad._ reciprocally; in return

MY'RIAD, _s._ the number of ten thousand; proverbially any great number

NA'RROW, _a._ not broad or wide; small; close; covetous; near

NA'TION, _s._ a people distinguished from another people

NA'TIVE, _a._ original; natural

NA'TIVE, _s._ one born in any place

NA'TURAL, _a._ produced or effected by nature; not forced; tender

NA'TURALIST, _s._ one who studies nature, more especially as regards inferior animals, plants, &c.

NA'TURE, _s._ const.i.tution of an animated body; regular course of things; disposition of mind; native state or properties of anything; sort; species

NAU'TICAL, _a._ that which relates to a sailor

NA'VIGABLE, _a._ capable of being pa.s.sed by s.h.i.+ps or boats

NAVIGA'TOR, _s._ a sailor; seaman

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