The Illustrated London Reading Book Part 61

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MA'NDIBLE, _s._ a jaw

MA'NKIND, _s._ the race or species of human beings

MA'NNER, _s._ form; method; way; mode; sort

MANUFA'CTORY, _s._ a place where a manufacture is carried on

MANOEUVRE, _s._ a stratagem; a trick

MARA'UDER, _s._ a soldier that roves in quest of plunder

MA'RGIN, _s._ the brink; the edge

MA'RINER, _s._ a seaman

MA'RITIME, _a._ that which relates to the sea

MA'RSHAL, _v.a._ arrange; rank in order

MA'RTYR, _s._ one who by his death bears witness to the truth

MA'RVELLOUS, _a._ wonderful; strange; astonis.h.i.+ng

MA'SONRY, _s._ the craft or performance of a mason

MA'SSACRE, _s._ butchery; murder

MA'SSIVE, _a._ heavy; weighty; ponderous; bulky; continuous

MA'STERPIECE, _s._ chief excellence

MATE'RIAL, _a._ consisting of matter; not spiritual; important

MATHEMA'TICS, _s._ that science which contemplates whatever is capable of being numbered or measured

MA'XIM, _s._ general principle; leading truth

ME'ASURE, _s._ that by which anything is measured; proportion; quant.i.ty; time; degree

MECHA'NIC, _s._ a workman

MECHA'NICAL, _a._ constructed by the laws of mechanics

ME'DAL, _s._ a piece of metal stamped in honour of some remarkable performance

MEDI'CINAL, _a._ having the power of healing; belonging to physic

MEDITA'TION, _s._ deep thought; contemplation

ME'DIUM, _s._ the centre point between two extremes

ME'LANCHOLY, _a._ gloomy; dismal; sorrowful

ME'LLOW, _a._ soft with ripeness; soft; unctuous

MELO'DIOUS, _a._ musical; harmonious

ME'MBRANE, _s._ a web of several sorts of fibres, interwoven for the wrapping up some parts; the fibres give them an elasticity, whereby they can contract and closely grasp the parts they contain

MEMBRA'NOUS, _a._ consisting of membranes

ME'MOIR, _s._ an account of anything

ME'MORABLE, _a._ worthy of memory; not to be forgotten

ME'MORY, _s._ the power of retaining or recollecting things past; recollection

MENA'GERIE, _s._ a place for keeping foreign birds and other curious animals

ME'NTION, _v.a._ to express in words or in writing

ME'RCHANDISE, _s._ commerce; traffic; wares; anything to be bought or sold

ME'RCHANTMAN, _s._ a s.h.i.+p of trade

META'LLIC, _a._ partaking of metal; consisting of metal

ME'TEOR, _s._ any body in the air or sky that is of a transitory nature

ME'TRICAL, _a._ pertaining to metre or numbers; consisting of verses

METROPO'LITAN, _a._ belonging to a metropolis

MI'CROSCOPE, _s._ an optical instrument, contrived to give to the eye a large appearance of many objects which could not otherwise be seen

MI'LITARY, _a._ engaged in the life of a soldier; soldierlike warlike; pertaining to war; affected by soldiers

MIND, _s._ intellectual capacity; memory; opinion

MI'NERAL, _s._ fossil body; something dug out of mines

MI'NSTER, _s._ a monastery; a cathedral church

MI'NSTRELSY, _s._ music; instrumental harmony

MINU'TE, _a._ small; little; slender

MI'RACLE, _s._ a wonder; something above human power

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