Under The Highlander's Spell Part 19

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The bedchamber she entered reflected Artairs practical nature. It was orderly, with everything in place, and she laughed softly knowing it wouldnt remain that way for long with her around. It might not be fair, but he wanted to play at husband and wife so he would have to suffer the consequences.

Her small sack was on the bed, and she opened it, shaking out the only other skirt and blouse she had brought with her. She hung them on a peg near the door, then shook out her plain linen nightdress and laid it on the bed.

Zia couldnt discard her garments fast enough once the tub was filled, and shooed the young girls away with a wave, insisting that she preferred to tend to her own needs.

It didnt take long for the steaming water to penetrate her flesh and soothe her weary and aching bones. She washed her hair and body quickly before the water cooled, and barely rested her head back on the rim when she began to doze off. She jolted awake and told herself to get out and go to bed. She was bone-tired, and if she didnt get out would fall asleep there, which wasnt a good idea. It wouldnt do having her pretend-husband find her like that, naked in the tub.

After the hall emptied, Artair was left at the table with Cavan. He thought his brother would want to wait until morning to speak with him, but when Honora had gone to bed without her husband, Artair knew that Cavan wished to talk.

You have made a good match, his brother said. And one that will benefit our clan. I am happy for you and proud of you.

Thank you, Artair replied, though knew soon enough he would have to confide the truth to Cavan. It would have been better if I had returned with Ronan.

Cavan didnt agree or disagree. Instead he asked, What did you learn of him?

Artair shared the news, and Cavan shook his head.

Why would Ronan leave the place that saw to his care and safety? Cavan asked.

I dont know, and neither does Zia or her grandmother Bethane.

Are you sure of that? Cavan asked skeptically.

Artair took no offense to his brothers question. After all, it was a practical one. I asked the same myself, but from what I learned of the village Black and the people, I couldnt see any reason for anyone to keep the truth from me. He shook his head. Though You feel you werent told the whole of it?

There remains a nagging doubt, Artair confirmed.

And the other question that remains is, if Ronan left the village of his own volition, why hasnt he returned home?

Ive wondered over that myself. Perhaps wherever he went, he continues to heal, and once fully healed h.e.l.l return to us.

Cavan shook his head. Something about the whole thing doesnt sit right with me. I feel as you do. We havent been told the whole of it. Someone is leaving something out"and on purpose.

Do you refer to my wife? Artair asked, again not taking offense. His brothers duty was to protect the clan.

I like your wife, and after telling us of the troubles she has faced due to her healing skills, Id say shes a brave woman.

Sometimes foolish, Artair said with a laugh.

What woman isnt?

I wouldnt let your wife hear you say that.

Cavan laughed along with his brother before his tone once again turned serious. I am truly grateful that you have wed such a gifted healer, though it is selfish on my part. I worry about Honora. She continues to not feel well and has fainted twice since youve been gone. I feel better with a skillful healer being here.

Zia is a remarkable and diligent healer. Ive seen it with my own eyes, which is why she has been accused of witchcraft.

The clan will keep her safe, though it is better she remain on Sinclare land until the whole matter is settled, Cavan said, then lowered his voice, though no one was about. It makes no sense that Ronan left the village where he was cared for.

I thought the same myself. Why leave a safe place?

Something forced his departure, Cavan said.

I do not think Zia or Bethane had a hand in it. Their concern is to heal.

Then as it seems you suspect, there is more to Ronans departure from the village Black than you have been told.

True enough, but what reason could there be for keeping any pertinent news of Ronan from his family?

The answer struck him before Cavan could answer.

Zia is trying to protect us from something.

Chapter 18.

Artair entered his bedchamber quietly, not wanting to wake Zia, who he was certain was sound asleep. He stopped short when he saw her in the tub, her head back, a snoring purr coming from her lips. An arm and a leg were hanging over the rim, as if she had fallen asleep while getting out of the tub.

He had to smile. She looked sweet and delectable, and hed love to devour her, but not yet. In time she would come to understand that their union would benefit them both, and commit to a proper one"the marriage he had suggested to her more than once.

Until then?

He shook his head and wondered how hed survive.

He walked over and hunched down beside the tub. She was a beauty in every sense. Her body was curved to perfection, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and hips molded just right. He ached to reach out and touch every bow and arch.

He closed his eyes, hung his head and took a deep calming breath. If he continued to look at her, hed continue to want to make love to her. He needed to get his soaring desire under control, get her out of the tub, dried, and in bed.

Lord, give me strength, he muttered, then gently tapped her shoulder. Zia, wake up.

She didnt budge. He muttered several incoherent oaths and tapped her shoulder more firmly while raising his voice. Wake up.

Her eyes drifted open and the tip of her tongue slowly licked at her bottom lip.

He m.u.f.fled his groan with a hard swipe of his hand across his mouth and this time spoke louder than he intended. Wake up!

Zia catapulted forward, splas.h.i.+ng water over the sides, and glared at him wide-eyed. Im cold.

No doubt, he said. Youre sitting in a tub of cold water.

Zia looked down, and a moment later her arms rushed to cover her naked b.r.e.a.s.t.s. I fell asleep.

Artair grabbed a towel from the nearby bench. So it appears. He stood and spread the towel wide. Now stand up.

She didnt hesitate; he doubted she would, since her hands were shriveled, gooseflesh p.r.i.c.kled a good portion of her skin, and there was a noticeable s.h.i.+ver to her.

He wrapped the towel around her and began rubbing her dry. As he ran the towel over her, Zias s.h.i.+vers began to lessen. Scooping her up, he carried her to the bed and set her down on the edge.

Arms up, he ordered, grabbing her nightdress and slipping it over her head. Then he hunched down in front of her and, when she finished wiggling the gown onto her body, s.n.a.t.c.hed up one foot at a time and dried them with the towel.

Even her feet were beautiful, toes neatly shaped, a soft arch, smooth skin. When he realized that the towel had slipped from his grasp, he caressed her foot with his hand instead, and d.a.m.ned if he wanted to stop.

He didnt. It was Zia who slipped her foot away from him and crawled under the woolen blanket, pulling it up to her neck.

All settled? he asked.

She nodded, her fingers over the edge of the blanket and her eyes intent as she watched him.

He turned and walked to the door.

Where are you going? she asked.

He didnt look back. I need a cold bath.

She chuckled. Theres one right here.

He spun around. Want to see me naked, do you?

He had his clothes off before she could respond, but she didnt disappoint him. She continued to watch him. She even propped herself up on her pillow to get a better look.

He wasnt shy. Once naked, he took his time getting into the tub. With one foot in, he almost changed his mind, since the water was colder than he expected.

Coward. Zia laughed.

I was giving you time to enjoy the view.

Ive seen enough.

Like what you see? he asked, his chest puffed broad.

Youre pa.s.sable.

He turned too quickly to protest her witty response and lost his footing, plunging down into the tub. The water splashed up and over the sides as he plopped down on his backside.

Zia fell forward with a burst of laughter, holding her stomach as she came up to laugh some more at him.

This is all your fault, he said, rivulets of water running down his grinning face.

She controlled her laughter, though it slipped out between words. I maneuvered the tub just fine.

But you failed to get out, didnt you?

Better than falling in. A yawn interrupted her laughter.

Go to sleep, youre tired.

Ill wait for you, she said, snuggling down beneath the blanket once again.

He wanted to ask why, since she certainly didnt intend for them to make love, and luckily she answered without him asking.

I want to know what your brother thinks of our marriage, and with the water so cold, it shouldnt take you long.

She was right about that. He hurriedly washed his hair and his body and was out of the tub and dried in rapid time.

Then he approached the bed, the towel wrapped snug around his slim waist. I sleep naked.

I dont, she said. And stay on your side.

Ill try, he teased, released the towel and hopped into bed.

After he was settled, she asked, What did your brother say? Oh, I do like him and Honora. They make a wonderful couple, and your mother is perfect; I do feel so sorry for her, though. You can see the sadness in her eyes. And Lachlan She chuckled. Hes a charmer and hides what a truly caring man he is.

Im pleased that you like my family and are so perceptive when it comes to Lachlan. As for Cavan? Hes pleased with our union, though he has questions concerning Ronan.

He lay next to her, on his back, and felt her tense as she turned on her side to look at him.

I imagine he would. Though only having met your family, it is obvious how close you all are. Ronans absence must weigh heavy on all your hearts.

He heard the sincerity in her gentle voice and thought that since she empathized with their pain, she might tell him more of Ronan. Instead she changed the subject.

I thought you would have confided in Cavan and told him the truth about us.

Not at the moment.

She smiled. I know why you didnt tell him.

Enlighten me, he said, turning on his side to face her.

You hope to convince me to marry you before it becomes necessary for you to tell everyone the truth.

He scratched his head in confusion. You know, you may be right.

She poked him playfully. Youre not going to get your way.

Well see about that. He tapped her on the tip of her noise. After all, you are in my bed.

Her yawn defined her response. For sleep only.

He leaned over and gave her the faintest of kisses. Then sleep, wife.

She poked him again. Remember to stay on your side, husband.

You too.

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