Under The Highlander's Spell Part 18

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I will send word to your grandmother so that if she should hear of this incident she will not worry, he said, and held up a clean cloth, silently asking if he should bandage the burn.

She nodded. Thank you. I appreciate you thinking of her.

He wound the bandage around her hand, though her own hand stilled his after a few wraps.

Let me show you, she said, and guided the hand that held the bandage. A light touch with only a few twists and turns will be sufficient.

Her delicate touch was like a faint whisper on his flesh, a tingle to his senses. Her hand rested over his, as well as her glance, and it was as if time stood still and there was only the two of them.

She broke the trance, leaned forward and boldly said, I think I want to kiss you.

And I you.

He slowly captured her lips, and while he would normally tease a woman into responding, Zia needed no such enticements. She responded with enthusiasm that rapidly turned pa.s.sionate. Her fervent responses never failed to astound and excite him.

She stopped the kiss abruptly and with labored breathing said, I dont know why Im attracted to you.

He was so stunned he had to laugh. Im not sure how to take that.

Im not sure how its meant. She shook her head. I mean, I cant seem to make sense of what I find appealing about you. She continued to shake her head. I mean"

He took hold of her shoulders, then ran his hands slowly up and down her arms. I think the problem is that Im not quite the man you expected.

She nodded. Youre right. Youre nothing of what I expected of the man who I"

Artair wanted to strangle whoever pounded at the door and interrupted. He stomped to the door, swung it open and instantly calmed himself at Jamess worried expression.

We couldnt find the messenger, James said, but theres another problem. There are some"men, mostly"who are wondering how Zia escaped the messengers wrath so easily.

Thats how the problem started in Lorne, with the men, Artair said.

It wont take long to get out of hand, James whispered.

Artair nodded. James was right. Before they knew it, Zia would be in trouble again, and with two villages proclaiming her a witch, the church council was sure to condemn her.

Be ready to leave shortly, Artair instructed.

Our hasty departure will raise suspicion.

Spread word that weve been summoned home immediately, Artair said, and turned to tell Zia.

I heard everything, she said, though understand none of it. I have done nothing wrong.

The gossip will stop as soon as we leave here, he told her. The people will return to their daily lives and soon forget you.

The village of Lorne is not going to allow that. They seem determined to see me condemned as a witch.

Lets get you to a safe place first and then well concern ourselves with the rest, he said. Now gather your things. We leave immediately.

She stepped toward him. Are you sure?

Yes, Im sure. Youll be safe at my home.

No, thats not what I meant, she said, annoyed. As Ive expressed before, my presence could cause trouble for your family, and I"

Let me worry about that.

He stopped any further protests by beginning to shove things haphazardly into her healing basket. Zia stopped him and took over, continuing the task more carefully. She remained silent, and Artair knew her to be deep in thought. And why wouldnt she be? There was much for her to consider, and this was only the beginning of it.

He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. Once we arrive at my home, Ill arrange a small wedding ceremony for us and"

She pulled out of his embrace and moved around the table, continuing her task of packing her things while on the opposite side. I told you I will not marry you, and dont ask me again until Until what? he asked impatiently.

She threw the pouch she held in the basket. Until youre finally not reasonable anymore.

Chapter 17.

They kept an arduous pace for four days, stopping more to rest the horses than themselves. Zia said nothing. She knew Artairs intentions were to get home to his village as fast as possible. They ate and slept little, and talked even less.

It didnt matter. She knew what he was thinking, and it annoyed her. He had it all planned and truly believed it would turn out his way. She might presently require his protection, but that didnt include marriage.

Besides, how many times did she have to tell him that she would marry only for love? He was thick-headed and much too reasonable, about which she had reminded him often enough. The man just wouldnt listen. He could be so frustrating. But he could also be kind and loving.

She sighed as they stopped once more to give the horses a rest. Her backside and thighs were sore and she was hungry.

A brief stop, Artair commanded. I want to reach home by nightfall.

Zia dismounted, and while her mare drank from the stream, she grabbed a couple of apples from the sack that hung from her saddle. Before biting into one of them, she took off her sandals and dunked her feet in the cool water.

It felt so refres.h.i.+ng that she sighed aloud.

Feels that good, does it?

She smiled, turning to face Artair, and threw him an apple. Join me.

He obliged, shedding his sandals and walking into the stream. He smiled broadly. It does feel good, and even better, tonight you will sleep in a comfortable bed.

And whose bed will that be? She raised her brow in question as she took a last bite of the juicy apple.

He hesitated, then said, I must a.s.sume that my family has received news of our marriage, and if not, they would hear of it soon enough, so it would be sensible for us to arrive home as husband and wife.

She shrugged. Ill continue the pretense until it is no longer necessary.

He tossed the finished apple aside. And then?

Ill decide when the time comes.

He stared at her while he called out orders to his men, then said to her, We leave now.

Zia splashed out of the stream and walked past him.

He grabbed hold of her arm. Be sensible about this, Zia.

She laughed. Actually, I am.

She hurried into her sandals and mounted her horse, and they were soon on the road again. Artair resumed their swift pace, and she had no doubt their arrival home would be as he predicted.

Dusk covered the land as they pa.s.sed through the village and approached the keep. Those who were out and about called out greetings and congratulations to Artair. Zia could see that news of their union had reached the people of Caithness, so she knew the pretense of their marriage was necessary. She would do her part, but for how long? She decided not to put a time limit on it. She would know, would feel it when the time was right. Until then she would look after Cavans expectant wife while seeing"she chuckled"just how sensible Artair could be.

Every part of her body ached as she climbed the few steps to the keep. What she truly wanted was food, bath, and bed, in that order, but there was his family to meet and Honora to look after, if necessary. She would do what she had to, as she always did.

A yawn escaped her just as they reached the door.

Artairs arm went around her. Tired? he asked.

No, she said, dropping her head on his shoulder. Im exhausted.

The door abruptly swung open and a man with similar features to Artair"not as handsome, but with a charming smile"regarded them.

We heard your approach, he said. I was just coming to welcome you home.

Zia, Artair said, my brother Lachlan.

Lachlan smiled and reached out to s.n.a.t.c.h Zia from Artairs grasp. He wrapped his arm around her. Come meet the family, sister, he said cheerfully, and walked her into the great hall.

Boisterous cheers rang out, and she almost sighed in resignation. She always enjoyed celebrations, but not when exhausted. The hall was filled with people waving raised tankards in the air and calling out congratulations. Tables were covered with platters of scrumptious looking food that she wouldnt mind digging into, and wine and ale were flowing freely.

Artair slipped her out of Lachlans grasp, though his brother protested.

Wait a moment, I wanted to introduce my"

My wife, Artair said. Get your own. And with a grin he guided her through a welcoming crowd. He leaned over before they reached a large table in front of the hearth and said to her, Ill let them know youre tired and"

No, she said quickly. They wished to show and share their joy for you. I will not deprive them of that; besides, Im starving and the food looks delicious.

Thank you, he said, squeezing her close up against his side, the many onlookers smiling wide at the loving show of affection.

Zia immediately knew who Cavan was. Taller than Artair, broader and ruggedly handsome, he had a confident stance and a warm smile. His arm was around a very beautiful, pregnant woman whose smile matched his own.

Before the loving couple could greet Zia, a woman stepped in front of them, beaming. Though sadness lurked in her lovely green eyes, she stood with grace and beauty that age had not marred.

She spread her arms wide, tears glinting in her eyes, and Zia stepped aside so Artair could greet his mother with a hug.

I am so happy for you, Addie Sinclare said, her arms tight around her son. When she finally loosened her grip, she looked past him to Zia. Another beautiful daughter. How lucky I am.

Zia went to her and gave her a hug. Im happy to meet you. Artair has told me much about you.

Addie turned to Artair and teasingly said, What gossip do you spread about me?

The truth, Artair replied with a smile. That you are a loving and wonderful mother.

A tear spilled from Addies eye. She brushed it away and looked at Zia again. Artair is a good man. I am proud of him. He will make you a good husband.

Zia squeezed Addies hand. I know. A man who respects and treats his mother well will do the same for his wife.

Addie nodded. You were taught well.

As you taught your son, Zia said, and kissing the womans cheek, she whispered, Thank you.

Addie wiped another tear from her cheek. Meet my oldest son Cavan and his wife Honora.

Introductions were made, hugs and kisses exchanged, and finally Zia was able to sit and enjoy the feast that had been prepared for them, while getting to know Artairs family.

I am glad Artair wed a healer, and one whose skills precede her, Cavan said. He and Honora sat across the table from Artair and Zia. My wife hasnt been feeling well of late, he added, and his arm went protectively around Honora.

Give Zia time to rest, she protested. She must be exhausted after her long journey.

Husbands usually worry needlessly, Zia said, noting that Honoras cheeks were ripe with color, her violet eyes sparkled, and her lips were flushed pink. She looked healthy, which was a good start.

You but appease me, Cavan said with concern.

Artair laughed and shook his head. If its one thing Zia doesnt do, it is appease.

Zia leaned into the crook of her believed-to-be husbands shoulder. Hes right about that.

I think Im going to like you, Cavan said with a firm nod.

You looked to be someone I could get along with, Zia replied with her own firm nod.

Honora laughed. You will fit well with the Sinclare clan.

The festivities continued, food and drink devoured at a steady pace, with accompanying shared laughter and smiles. The celebration did not dwindle for several hours.

It was Addie, to Zias relief, who suggested that the new bride needed rest.

Bless you, Zia said with an uncontained yawn followed by a generous smile when she heard Addie order a bath prepared for her. You know my thoughts. How wonderful.

Addie stood. Ill help you.

Zia shook her head as she dislodged herself from Artair. No need. I can see to it myself. You stay with your sons. She gave Artair a peck on the cheek and followed the young la.s.s who had been directed to help her.

She was relieved that no one had insisted and followed her. She wasnt accustomed to so much attention, and preferred the peacefulness of solitude. It gave her time to think or simply empty her mind and relax. At the moment, her body and mind screamed for rest.

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