Under The Highlander's Spell Part 20

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Dont worry. I wont budge.

Artair woke for the third time with Zias head plastered on his shoulder. Her arm was thrown across his chest, her leg hooked over his, and her knee resting much too close to his groin. Hed moved her twice already, and she was back again. And she had been concerned about him encroaching on her side, he thought with amus.e.m.e.nt.

He would have left her where she lay, except that she was so warm, smelled so sweet, and felt so good that it would be tempting fate. Actually, the temptation would be too much for him.

Reluctantly, he eased her off him, but this time she blinked a few times and groggily said, Stay on your side.

Before he could inform her just how wrong she was, she turned on her side and promptly fell back into sleep. In seconds she was snoring, that soft purr he was getting so very used to.

He wanted to snuggle up against her, wrap his arms around her, bury his face in her neck and nibble at her soft flesh. Instead he turned on his side, away from her, and after laying there for what seemed an eternity, fell asleep.

Zia woke with a yawn and a stretch and recalled that she was in Artairs bed. Looking around, she saw that not only was he gone, but that she was on his side. She lay there thinking back on the night and wondered if she had been the one who had not kept to her side of the bed. If so, as it appeared, Artair had remained a gentleman nonetheless, which spoke much for his character. Or was it his never-ending logic?

She bounced up in bed. He was a good man, but one question continued to nag her. What of pa.s.sion? Didnt he ever surrender to it? So far as she could tell, he always kept tight rein on himself. What would happen if he let loose? She realized she would like to find out.

With much to do, she was out of bed and dressed in no time, slipping into her common attire of plain skirt and blouse and worn sandals. She didnt have to concern herself with her short hair since a run of a comb or her fingers through it usually had it looking presentable.

She hurried out the door, her thoughts crowded with all she had to do. There was Honora to see to, and the keep garden to look over; she hoped it had a bevy of useful herbs. She also had to find a place where she could work, to explore the woods, and much more.

When she entered the great hall, only Addie and Honora sat at the table. With a smile, she joined them.

I slept much too late, she said, glancing around the empty room.

Nonsense, Addie said. You were exhausted. You had a right to sleep all day if you wanted to.

Oh my no, Zia protested. I have much too much to do.

Honora, with her hand resting on her protruding stomach, said, Artair says you are to enjoy the day. Tomorrow is soon enough to work.

Artair is not" Zia almost bit her lip, realizing shed been about to say that Artair wasnt her husband and had no right to dictate to her. She grinned. "to worry about me.

He will anyway, his mother said, nodding. Its his way. He believes he knows best, and he usually does.

Zia didnt intend to argue the point, mostly because she had discovered it was the truth. Artair was usually right, d.a.m.n it. Yes, Artair is considerate, but he need not worry about me. Im fine and wish to resume my work immediately. She turned to Honora. Id like to talk with you about how youre feeling and the coming birth.

That can wait until tomorrow, Addie a.s.sured her. Take time for yourself today.

I am. Im doing what I love. Zia grabbed a piece of bread from the platter and stood. Show me around, Honora?

Honora looked to Addie, who responded with a congenial shrug. If thats what Zia wants then by all means show her around.

Perhaps we can talk later, Zia said to Addie.

Id like that.

Good. Then I can have a look at that cut on your hand.

Addie glanced down at the red abrasion. Its nothing.

But it could turn poisonous if not treated properly.

Take care of Addie first, Honora said, clearly upset as she struggled to stand.

Zia had reached out to help her when strong arms reached past her and took hold of Honora.

Whats wrong with my mother and why is my wife upset? Cavan demanded, his arm going around Honora.

Honora rushed to answer, only worsening the situation. Mothers hand is filling with poison.

What? came the startled cry behind her.

Zia cringed, hearing Artairs voice, and swore silently for losing control of the conversation.

Stop! she said, holding her hand up.

Got yourself in trouble already? Artair asked with a laugh, and slipped his arm around her waist.

Zia had to smile. Sides had been drawn. Artair was protecting her, as Cavan protected his wife, while Addie remained neutral.

Theres nothing wrong, she said, attempting to explain. Im doing what I always do"

Getting into trouble, Artair teased.

She elbowed him in the gut. Hush up.

Cavan raised a pointed finger at Zia, and Honora grabbed hold of it. Cavan will take a walk with me while you tend to mother.

Good idea, Artair said.

Zia saw the two brothers exchange a look, and without another word, Cavan and Honora left the room.

She turned around with a flourish to Artair, and out of the corner of her eye saw Addie slip out of the room. I can look after myself.

Artair scratched his head. Which is why Ive already rescued you two times?

This is a misunderstanding, and its your fault, she said.

Me? he asked with shocked laughter. I wasnt even here.

No, but you left orders for me to"

Enjoy the day, which is far from an order, he said. Ive watched you work yourself exhausted, and then I forced you to endure a rough pace to return home. I felt you deserved time to rest and recoup before you again spend all your time helping others. I was concerned for you and only you.

Zia sighed with a smile. How wonderfully romantic.

He took hold of her hand and kissed the back of it. I can be romantic.

You know what follows romance? she asked, stepping closer to him.

He kept hold of her hand and lowered his face near to hers. Tell me.


Then pa.s.sion follows, he whispered in her ear.

Is that an invitation? she asked.

I think we should discuss this in depth later tonight.

Discuss which, love or pa.s.sion?

Lachlan interrupted any further talk between them when he rushed into the hall yelling, Honora has fainted.

Chapter 19.

Artair stood while Cavan paced outside his closed bedchamber door. He understood that his brother was more worried than angry, though moments before, that could have been debated. When Zia told Cavan to leave the room while she looked after his wife, he bluntly told her no. Artair had to give Zia credit for dealing patiently and calmly with Cavan, until he gave her one too many orders, and then she ordered him out of the room.

Thats when he had gotten involved, convincing his brother that it was better to let Zia work and better that Honora wasnt further upset by the squabbling. Cavan had reluctantly vacated the room after informing Zia hed stay right outside the door, waiting for news, which she was to deliver in due time or hed return"and this time not budge from his wifes side.

Hence, the endless pacing, scowl lines, and concerned creases on his brothers face.

Cavan stopped abruptly. That wife of yours has a strong personality.

I like to think of it as pa.s.sion.

Then youre asking for trouble, Cavan said, and resumed his pacing.

Artair defended Zia not merely because it was expected of him as her supposed husband, but because he had seen for himself the depths of her commitment to her healing work, and he admired her for it.

Zias pa.s.sion is what makes her the remarkable healer that she is, he explained. Her only thought when she heals is for the person she is healing. Right at this moment, she is concerned only about Honora and what she must do to help her, even if it means offending the laird of Clan Sinclare.

Cavan stopped pacing. I guess I needed reminding of who this was about. Your wife does what she knows best, and for that I am grateful, though her outspoken nature will take some getting used to.

Artair had to laugh, and he then realized that he had laughed and grinned more since he met Zia than he ever had, and he was pleased that she brought such consistent pleasure to his life.

She grows on you after a while, he a.s.sured his brother.

Its certainly obvious how much she has grown on you.

Its disgustingly obvious, Lachlan agreed, appearing from around the stairs and walking toward them. Love is written over every inch of him. What did you do? Fall hard like a complete and utter fool when you first met her?

Artair was struck silent. All hed heard was the word love, and it continued to reverberate in his head like a tower bell that refused to stop tolling. He had thought it a practical decision to wed Zia, but could the decision truly be perpetuated by love?

Lachlan smacked him on the back. Im right; the poor fool is dumbstruck by love and doesnt even know it"much like you, Cavan.

Just you wait. Im going to enjoy watching the bittersweet agony of you falling in love, Cavan said with a sneer.

Artair finally found his voice and joined in the teasing. I agree with Cavan and look forward to the same for you.

Too bad youll both be disappointed, Lachlan said with smug confidence. I intend to be wise when it comes time to choose a wife.

Lachlan went on to explain how he would not suffer any pains or pangs of chasing after a woman. He would make it known he was interested in acquiring a wife, and would then choose between the viable candidates and it would be done"hed have himself a dutiful wife.

Artair and Cavan laughed so hard it brought their mother to the door.

What seems to be so amusing? Addie demanded.

Cavan and Artair couldnt contain their laughter enough to explain, so they both pointed to Lachlan, who reiterated to her what he had told them.

Addie burst out laughing herself, before shutting the door in their faces. A minute or so later peals of laughter echoed from inside the room, which only caused Artair and Cavan to laugh harder and Lachlan to walk away in disgust.

After the two brothers laughter subsided, the door to the bedchamber opened once again and Addie summoned them inside.

Cavan went directly to his wife, who sat in a chair by the window. Youre feeling better?

Much better after speaking with Zia, she confirmed.

Relief brought a huge smile to Cavans face. No more fainting, then?

Zia a.s.sures me there will be none if I follow her instructions, Honora said.

Cavan looked at Zia. Well do whatever you say.

She grinned. It is Honora who will need to follow the prescribed diet.

Cavan turned an anxious look on his mother.

Im already prepared to see that she eats as Zia has suggested, Addie said. Which is why Im going to get her a little something to eat right now. And, Artair, she added, turning in his direction. You need to find a nice cottage where your wife can work. Im sure many in the clan are going to seek her healing skills.

That would be nice, Zia said. I could use a place where I can prepare my brews, mix potions, and blend salves while seeing to ailments.

Timmins cottage, Cavan said to his brother. You know the one. Its been empty for a few months.

Thats at the far end of the village. Id prefer my wife closer to the keep. He slipped his arm around Zias waist. It was something he found himself doing often and without thinking. It was as if he felt empty without her in his arms, like a part of him was missing. Whatever it was, he knew he felt whole when he felt her there, pressed close to him.

Theres Biddies cottage, Addie suggested. Its more in the middle of the village, though it is small. Good enough for one, as Biddie said many a time throughout the years. I believe she would be pleased that her home became a place of healing.

Artair nodded, familiar with the place and the woman who had pa.s.sed three months now. Ill take Zia there and see if it will suit her.

Zia leaned her head back to look up at Artair. Let me see to your mothers hand first, and then we can go.


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