Married To The Boss Part 16

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His squeeze nearly took her breath away.

Then he was lowering her to the mattress, and his hands were busy tugging away her clothes. Against her naked midriff he whispered, "This time I'll do it right, Dana. And we can both be overwhelmed."


Because she'd been so nervous, R.J. kept the light low, using only the bedside lamp. But it was enough. Soft light spilled over her nude body as she lay stretched out on his bed, highlighting the tilt of one full breast, the roundness of her thigh, the slight curve of her belly. Her skin was dewy, flushed a rosy pink all the way down to her restlessly stirring feet, and she was his.

He carefully circled one straining nipple with his tongue and heard the s.e.xy, arousing groan Dana gave in return.

He'd been making love to her for an hour, and he wasn't at all ready to stop. He had a firm grip on his control this time, and he could easily have pleasured her, tasted her, touched her all night.

But judging by her increasingly frantic movements, the flushed heat of her skin and the silky wetness between her thighs, Dana couldn't take much more.

He hoped not. He wanted her to remember this night forever, and to know it was so special because of her, because of the incredibly feminine, s.e.xy woman she was.

When she started to protest his lack of haste, he sucked her nipple deep into his mouth. Her hands gripped his hair so hard he winced, then switched to the other breast.

"R.J.," she groaned, "please."

His fingers had been teasing her belly, but now he dipped them lower, gliding through her soft curls to the swollen female flesh beneath. She was hot, enticing. She was his. Dana. He pushed one finger into her, trying to determine exactly how ready she might be, and was surprised when she nearly climaxed, her hips jerking upward, her head arching back.

He lifted his head from her breast to look at her. "Beautiful," he breathed, and suddenly he wanted to watch her come, right now, with no more teasing.

He worked a second finger in next to the first, his mind going numb at the tightness, at the way she tensed around him, then he used his thumb to gently stroke her, finding a soft, deep rhythm. Dana strained against him, her eyes squeezed shut, her teeth clenched. Her reactions were real, with nothing held back, and he reveled in them.

"That's it, babe..."

He loved the sounds she made, without reserve or embarra.s.sment, the sounds of a woman caught up in pleasure too intense to bear. He licked the nipple closest to him, watched her chest heave, and then she gave a low scream of pleasure.

He nearly came with her, it was such a turn-on watching his Dana in this way. He couldn't get over it, how innately sensual she was, yet he'd never known. She quivered, caught in the throes of her release for a long minute, before her body slowly began to go limp, relaxing against the mattress.

R.J. watched her through a nearly blinding haze of need. As soon as she'd quieted, he pulled himself over her and spread her legs wide. Again, he was struck by the realization that this was Dana, his quiet secretary, his loyal friend. His wife. It was as if her body had been made just for him. He couldn't imagine a woman any more appealing.

He lifted her knees to his shoulders, caught her b.u.t.tocks in his hands and slowly pressed deep, groaning as he felt her silky, snug flesh surround him. "Dana."

Though she'd been utterly limp beneath him moments before, now she wrapped her hands around his upper arms and lifted her hips to meet his thrusts, giving a low moan each time.

"Am I hurting you?" he rasped, on the edge, but determined to make this as good for her as possible.

"No, no... please, don't stop."

Her breathless plea burned him. He lowered his chest to hers and kissed her, his tongue in her mouth, he was as deep inside her body as he could get.

She came with him this time, and R.J., who'd once planned to sleep alone, to maintain his privacy and his distance, locked her close to his chest as he drifted into sleep. Twice during the night she stirred, and each time he wanted her again as if the first time had never happened. She had to be tired, but not once did she complain. When she awoke to his hand stroking her breast, she reached for him and kissed him deeply.

When she rolled onto him during the night, R.J. used the moment to link their bodies and brought her fully awake by rocking into her. She bit his shoulder, then quietly succ.u.mbed to the pleasure.

Morning came too soon, but the sight of Dana sprawled in his bed, one of her slender thighs thrown over his hip, her pale hair spread out over his chest, did much to revive him. He smiled as he realized how insatiable he'd been, then smiled wider remembering how she'd reciprocated in full.

But she had to be sore, and he didn't want to be accused of being greedy, so he contented himself by stroking her awake, luxuriating in her silky skin and the fact that it was his to touch. The thought was oddly comforting.

He ran his hand down her back and over her firmly rounded behind, pus.h.i.+ng the covers away as he did so. Dana stretched with a groan-then went abruptly still.

This was Dana's first morning after, he realized, and she looked startled, confused. As he thought about how wild she'd been through the night, he could understand why and couldn't resist teasing her a bit. "It's too late for modesty now, baby. I've already looked you over head to toe."

"R.J." She levered herself up and stared down at him as if she were totally surprised to be in his bed. Her slumberous eyes looked deep and dark in her confusion.

Then the blush came and she quickly sat up, jerking the covers to her chin. That left him completely naked, and she indulged in some shocked staring before belatedly turning her head. R.J. stroked her hair. "It's lucky for you I have to get ready for work, or I'd remind you of how useless that blush is."

He sat up and kissed one shoulder where the sheet drooped. Dana glanced back at him, and he saw the boldness come into her eyes before she said, "If we wouldn't be late, I'd show you that no reminder is necessary."

The grin came slowly, followed by a laugh. d.a.m.n, but he liked waking up this way. He cupped the back of her head and pulled her toward him for a hard kiss. "You can sleep in, remember? As of today, you're a free woman."

He stood beside the bed and ran a hand through his sleep-rumpled hair. It was a second before he realized Dana was rigid.

In precise tones, she asked, "What are you talking about?"

Uh-oh. He took in her cold expression and the tight grip she had on the sheet at her throat and gave an inward wince. Last night, he hadn't explained completely. Not after they'd gotten sidetracked with s.e.x.

He decided to brazen it out, and with that plan, he sauntered to his dresser to pull out shorts and socks. Dana's gaze moved over his naked body in open fascination, but her frown didn't lessen one bit.

Another blow to his ego, he thought with wry humor.

"I told you, Dana. It's no good you working in the office with me. Do you honestly think either of us will be able to keep our minds on work?"

Her eyes narrowed. "You said that was because you wanted me. Well, you've... had me."

He chuckled at her naivete". "And you think that's an end to it? Honey, all you've done is whet my appet.i.te. Now that I know what I've been missing, I wouldn't get a d.a.m.n thing done with you sashaying around."

She shot off the bed as if someone had lit a rocket under her. "I do not sashay!"

R.J. lifted one brow. "Well, I've got news for you. Whatever it is you do, it turns me on, so we're not going to find a compromise here." He went to his closet to pull out a suit "Besides, before I came home yesterday I contacted personnel and told them to send up some applicants today. I'm going to be interviewing for a new secretary during my lunch."

There was a lethal depth to her quiet words. "You did what?"

"Megan gave me a few suggestions of employees due for a promotion. I've arranged to meet with them today."

He could feel the explosive tension emanating from her, but he had no idea how to diffuse it. He felt helpless, and that made his temper erupt. "Be reasonable, Dana. What happened yesterday can't happen again. I haven't worked this hard to be a d.a.m.n good president just to throw it away because I have the hots for you. Too many people rely on me, and by G.o.d, I will not let them down."

She lifted her head like a queen and started toward the connecting door. "Fine. But you have absolutely no idea what qualities are necessary to handle your daily schedule. That's always been my job, so I'll pick the replacement."


She whirled on him like a small tornado. "Don't you dare argue with me about this! I know the job, I'll find someone suitable for it. Period. And you can just deal with a little s.e.xual frustration until I do." She stomped into her room and slammed the door behind her.

R.J. stood there, naked, confused, a little admiring. Dana had one h.e.l.l of a temper when she let it loose. His ears were still rattling after the way she'd slammed the door. Another slow, perverse grin started. He was discovering new depths to her every day.

It made sense to let her choose her replacement; she did know the job requirements far better than he did. And now that he knew she was his at home, he could rein in his l.u.s.t-he hoped.

Grinning, he went to the door and pulled it open and found Dana standing in the middle of the floor buck naked. She squealed and jerked a pillow from her bed to hold in front of her. "R.J.!"

Her modesty amused him, especially after how wild she'd been last night. "Hurry it along, honey. We never did eat last night, and I'm starved. We can breakfast along the way."

Her nose went into the air. "You go along without me. I have things to do this morning."

He scowled. "Like what?"

Keeping the pillow tight in front of her, she turned and headed into the bathroom, affording him a delectable view of her slender back and long legs.

"Like finding a new job, of course."

The bathroom door closed on his curse. Stubborn, obstinate, contrary-s.e.xy. Why couldn't she just stay home and let him take care of her? And just who the h.e.l.l did she think she was going to go to work for, anyway?

R.J. pictured another man ogling her the way he had, thinking the thoughts he'd thought, and he wanted to strangle the man without even knowing who he was.

He arrived at work that day in a bitter mood, and it only got worse as the day wore on.

Megan watched R.J. brooding, and knew he wasn't hearing a single word she said. The moment she'd arrived, Dana had shown her into his office-an unnecessary formality, to be sure-then firmly shut the door. It wasn't often that door was kept closed, not the way R.J. and Dana had always worked together with an almost uncanny synchronization.

Megan lowered her gaze so R.J. couldn't read the speculation there and asked, "Trouble in paradise?"

He glanced at her sharply. "What was that?"

"You're hiring a new secretary, which I'm beginning to gather wasn't Dana's idea, and she's got you closed in here like a mummy. What's going on?"

"Nothing I can't handle."

Megan looked at her oldest son fondly. "I couldn't have asked for a better firstborn than you, R.J., but sometimes you can be very shortsighted."

He fiddled with a pencil on his desk, then threw it aside. "I'm not your firstborn. I'm your first stray."

Megan stiffened. "Don't you dare insult me that way, R. J. Maitland! No, I didn't give birth to you, but by G.o.d you're mine."

Whenever she lost her temper, it always amused her children, and R.J. was no different. His mouth quirked for just a moment before he repressed the grin. "You've never shown a difference, but that doesn't mean there isn't one, If my father hadn't been so worthless and self-indulgent, you'd be my aunt, as you should be."

"True." Megan stood and paced to the window, then added, "And I remember to give thanks often for the fact you were brought to me. Regardless of the circ.u.mstances, R.J., you're my son now."

He, too, stood, and put his hands on her shoulders. "Yes."

He kissed her cheek, but Megan knew he was still buried deep in the guilt of his father, in the knowledge that he'd been "taken in." R.J. had been born with an unusual amount of pride and self-determination. Nothing she could do or say would ever diminish it until he realized that he was fully his own man, with only the parts of his father that he chose to accept.

Megan turned to him, all business now. "I'd like you to call Dana in."

"Why?" He looked disgruntled at the thought of seeing her, but he was already headed to his intercom. "Dana, if you could join us, please?"

Her voice was cool when she replied, "Yes, sir, I'll be right there."

R.J. ground his teeth.

Shaking her head at the foolishness of young love, Megan waited for Dana. She came into the room within ten seconds, but she didn't look at R.J. She merely waited.

Two such proud, stubborn people. Megan wondered when R.J. would finally realize that Dana loved him. And when Dana would finally tell him. She saw a long, b.u.mpy road ahead of them, but she'd made it a practice not to interfere in her children's lives.

"We've had two more women check out of the clinic."


cursed. Dana rubbed her brow.

"Dana, you've done an excellent job of showcasing R.J.'s more redeemable qualities, but the matter of the baby still exists. Until we find the father or mother, the clinic is going to be under suspicion. I'm not overly worried about that, but I've decided to call Jake home."


turned to her sharply. "Do you know how to reach him?"

"He always leaves me a contact number in case of an emergency." She tried to say it with more confidence than she felt She had no idea what her younger son was involved in. They all teased him about being a spy, but sometimes Megan wondered if there was some truth to the taunt. "Since your marriage, much of the fire has been aimed at him. He has a right to be here to defend himself, and of course, though I wouldn't say it to anyone else, there is the possibility that he's the father."

Dana glanced at R.J. "Miss Mark.u.m asked to do an interview with R.J., but he refused. I think that's why she's turned up the heat again."

Megan drew a breath. "Well, you just go on refusing, R.J. That woman will only get what we choose to give her, and she'll learn the Maitlands can't be bullied."


put his arm around his mother and said, "Be sure to let me know how Jake feels about being accused of fathering a baby by fifty different women."

"You can ask him yourself," she said with a smile. "If I have my way, he'll be here for Thanksgiving. It'll be nice to have the whole family together and it'll give Connor the chance to meet Jake."


stiffened, as Megan had known he would. But she couldn't explain about Connor, not yet

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