Undeniable Series: Undeniable Part 17

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When he was full and ready, I straddled him and slowly took him inside my body. I trembled as he stretched me and let out a shuddering moan.

His hands went to my hips and his eyes flew open.

"Hey," I whispered.

"f.u.c.k," He said hoa.r.s.ely.

I bit my lip. "Do you want me to stop?"

"f.u.c.k no."

"I'm so, so sorry about last night," I whispered.



"We're good babe. Don't need to explain."



I clenched my s.e.x around his. "Gonna f.u.c.k you now."

He inhaled sharply. "Babe. Yeah."

Deuce stared down at Eva. Lying on her back, naked, sleeping beside him. He ran his hand from her neck to the dark curls between her thighs and back up again.

"Not lettin' you go this time darlin'," He whispered. "Chain you up, f.u.c.kin' drug you if I have too."

It was crazy and he knew it, he just didn't care anymore. He was sick of thinking about her all the time, wondering what she was doing and if she was thinking about him. He was sick of aching for her. He was sick of this f.u.c.king game they played, running into each other, f.u.c.king or fighting and then taking off. He wanted more. He needed more.

He pulled his Hors.e.m.e.n chain over his head and trying not to disturb her slid it over hers. She should have never had his old man's tag; she should have had his. She should have had him.

Then he pulled her close, tucked her head under his chin, tossed his leg over hers, and fell asleep.

When he woke up, she was gone. Again.


For three weeks, I had been home. For three weeks, I had been meeting with the club's lawyers and lawyers all over the city, none of whom could get anything done as quickly as I needed it done. For three weeks, I had been begging Chase to take a look at Frankie's case, to use the dirty connections I knew he had, that his family had, that they'd all used to worm their way into the positions of power they were in. For three weeks, Kami had been trying to threaten Chase into looking into Frankie's case. So for three weeks, I'd been going out of my mind.

My nerves were shot. Frankie was losing it. Every visit to Queensboro to see him left me reeling. His grip on reality had become non-existent; I had never seen him this bad before and I couldn't do a d.a.m.n thing without legal help. I needed Chase and I needed him badly.

The morning Kami called me informing me that Chase had finally agreed to meet with me I practically fell out of bed and nearly killed myself dodging Manhattan traffic getting to the 35th floor of Martello Tower, where the law offices of Henderson, Fredericks and Stonewall were housed.

"Mrs. Fox-Deluva?"

I stopped my anxious foot tapping to Janis's, Me and Bobby Mcgee and yanked my ear buds out. "Yeah?"

"Mr. Henderson will see you now."

I had only been inside Chase's office once before when he had first made partner and wanted to show it off. It was every bit as opulent and extravagant as his home was. The office itself was huge, plush carpeting, wall-to-wall bookshelves, a cozy seating area, a mini bar, and a private bathroom complete with a shower. His desk was dead center, solid oak, large and imposing with two leather wingbacks for clients.

When I walked in, Chase was standing by his mini bar pouring two tall of whiskey. He turned when I walked in and paused to smooth out non-existent wrinkles in his pinstriped suit that I knew cost more money then most people spend on cars.

"Eva," He drawled, gesturing to a wingback. "Please have a seat."

I narrowed my eyes. "Cut the s.h.i.+t Chase. Why the f.u.c.k did you make me wait so long?"

His brow rose. "I'm sorry; we're you in the waiting room long?"

Sheesh. He needed a good kick in the b.a.l.l.s.

"No Chase. You made me wait three weeks just to talk to you! What. The. f.u.c.k."

He smiled and I wrinkled up my nose. If a shark could smile, it would look just like Chase.

Chase gestured for me to take a seat. When I did, he handed me a gla.s.s of whiskey. I took it and gaped at him.

"You do realize it's nine in the morning, right? And this is an eight ounce gla.s.s of booze?"

He took a seat behind his desk. "Eva, you do not refer to Macallan single malt as booze. For seventy five thousand dollars a bottle I think it deserves some respect."

I wrinkled up my nose. "You paid seventy five thousand dollars for a bottle of booze?"

He raised an eyebrow. "I've paid more for better."

I raised both my eyebrows. ""

He smirked. "Yes, I can tell you're impressed as usual with the finer things in life."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever Chase. Frankie?"

He drummed his fingers on his desk. "I've already gone over Frankie's extremely large files with a fine toothed comb."

I perked up. "And? Can you help him?"

He smiled his wide bleached white smile and again I thought of sharks.

"I can," He said smoothly. "I'm fairly certain that with the aid of some business a.s.sociates of mine I can have him on the medication he's obviously needed for some time now. I believe the introduction to psychiatric drugs will not only improve his prison stay but also allow him to speak with law enforcement without trying to kill them. When his mental health has improved we can start looking into the charges against him."

"Oh my G.o.d," I breathed. "Thank you."

"Ah, ah, ah." He waved his index finger at me. "Here's where the booze comes in. I figured you would need it when I tell you how much my services will cost you."

"Money isn't an issue; you can have whatever you want."

His malicious smile spread to his eyes. "As you are well aware, I have more money than I can spend in ten lifetimes."

I narrowed my eyes. "What are you doing Chase?"

"Frankie attacked a guard last night, almost killed him," He continued, "Which is why I agreed to meet with you today."

Oh G.o.d.

Oh no.

Eva will f.u.c.k me eventually. Everyone has their price; I just haven't found hers yet.

"Chase," I whispered, feeling sick. "Please don't do- He held his hand up. "Frankie's in solitary Eva. In. The. Hole."

I bit my lip to keep from crying. Frankie would not survive the hole.

"G.o.d Eva, you poor thing. You must be feeling pretty desperate right about now and willing to do anything to save your psychopath of a husband."

I blinked and two tears slipped out. "Everyone has a price, right Chase?"

He grinned. Then he pointed to my abnormally tall gla.s.s of whiskey. "I figured you would need it."

"You're sick," I choked out. "You f.u.c.king planned this; you purposely waited until Frankie didn't have any more time."

Unperturbed, he took a sip of his drink and nodded. "I did."

"f.u.c.k you," I rasped. "I thought you were my friend."

He had the nerve to look offended. "We are friends Eva. In fact we are such good friends that I want to be the one to save the homicidal maniac you married."

"Why?" I demanded. "I'm biker trash, right? You've said it a million times. I come from dirty money and my family, the club, is a stain on society. So why are you so h.e.l.l bent on f.u.c.king me?"

He took another swallow of whiskey. "Since you were oblivious to my attempts at bedding you all throughout high school, during and after college, I thought maybe you were one of those women who responded to being put down. I was wrong. Nothing works with you. Unless you're with Frankie you've got a chast.i.ty belt on."

"You've been engaged to Kami since you guys were in diapers!"

His upper lip curled in disgust. "I know," He sneered. "And I would have told my father to go f.u.c.k himself when he'd ordered me to marry that vile woman if I hadn't had my eye on her closest, most beloved friend."

"Are you serious?" I whispered.

"Quite," He said. "You see when it came to who I was to marry I knew it would never be about anything other than politics and family ties; meaning I would be free to f.u.c.k whomever I wished. I realized my mistake too late. You aren't the sort of woman to have an affair with a married man, nor will you cheat on your husband."

I knew true rage then. Chase had backed me into a corner; he had made sure to cover every angle, leaving me no choice to make but the choice he wanted.

For the first time in my life, I wanted to kill someone.

"You're wrong Chase," I hissed. "On both counts. I have cheated on Frankie; in fact, I've been f.u.c.king a married man for twelve years now."

His eyebrows popped.

"So you see," I continued, "You're perception of me is seriously misconstrued. It's only you I do not want to f.u.c.k."

His jaw clenched. "What's it going to be Eva?" He bit out. "Will you be lowering yourself to f.u.c.k me or will Frankie be left to his own devices?"

I raised my seventy five thousand dollar gla.s.s of Whiskey. "f.u.c.k you, Chase."

While I drank, Chase pulled his cell phone from his suit pocket.

"It's Henderson," He said. "Get Deluva out of solitary now...Yes, I am aware of how violent he is...I'm also aware of how much I'm paying you...Then make sure he's out cold and restrained before removing him...I'm not interested in how many men it will take to sedate him, I'm only interested in it getting done and it getting done now...Good. Make sure he is taken directly to the med center and you are to call me when he's awake and somewhat in control of himself and I will send both a physician and a team of psychologist's to complete a full psychological profile. You and your staff are to concur with their findings, sign and date where it is required and await my next instructions."

I finished my whiskey and set the gla.s.s down hard.

"Very good," Chase continued, eyeing me. "Am I to a.s.sume said guard has been taken care of?"

I took a deep breath that did nothing to calm me. Although my belly had warmed from the whiskey and my body had loosened, my heart was firmly lodged in my throat. I might need the entire bottle. All seventy five thousand dollars of it.

As if he read my mind, Chase pushed his half empty gla.s.s across the desk.

"Wonderful," He said into the phone. "I will be in touch."

He hung up. Then pressed a b.u.t.ton on his desk phone.

"Yes, Mr. Henderson?" Came through the speaker.

"Cancel the rest of my day."

"Pardon? You have two meetings, one with Judge- "Cancel the rest of my day."

"But- "If you want to keep your job, cancel the rest of my day."

"Yes sir."

The intercom clicked off and Chase looked up at me. Shuddering, I turned away and chugged the rest of his whiskey.

"Eva," Chase said. "I don't need to tell you that this will not be a onetime occurrence, correct?"

"Isn't that what you just did?" I asked sarcastically.

He glared at me. "It's not going to work if you're going to view this as a ch.o.r.e."

"Oh," I sneered. "What should I view it as? A workout? A date?"

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