One Good Memory Part 4

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Maryl thought fast and patted Eva's shoulder as she got up. "Good morning, Linda. There's coffee, but I'm not proud of it."

Linda looked at her in confusion. "What's wrong with it?"

"Technically? Nothing: I thought I made it just like you showed me, but I must have forgotten something. It's not as good as yours." Maryl hated kissing a.s.s, but in order to preserve some peace for everyone else she made herself do it.

Linda reached over and turned the flame of the camp stove down just a bit. "You've got to simmer it. Give it time to develop some flavor."

Simmer it my a.s.s! "I'll try to remember that. Thanks." Maryl turned away immediately to keep from laughing in her face. The look of appreciation on Eva's face made her glad she had.

Anxious to be on her way as soon as possible, Maryl went to her tent and quietly straightened her things. She emptied her backpack into her sleeping bag and stuffed her towel back into it. She picked out what to wear and set it aside.

"Are you leaving already?" Wendy asked.

Maryl jumped at the sound of her voice. "Not yet. I'm just cleaning up my corner."

"Eva wants us to pick berries today up in the field where we parked the van. She promised us a cobbler for dessert tonight."

"That sounds good," Maryl said truthfully.

Wendy's eyes held a plea. "You could come with us."

Maryl felt bad for her. "Sorry. I feel like I've already made a commitment to my heart. Maybe tomorrow."


Maryl could tell from the relief in Wendy's eyes that she had just heard a promise to stay in camp the next day. She wanted to kick herself for not being more careful. What made it worse was that she genuinely liked her and didn't want to hurt her feelings. She couldn't think of one single thing that she could say to get out of it and make Wendy feel good at the same time.

Noreen rolled over and Maryl couldn't help but grin at her tousled expression. "Hey, you. How did you sleep?"

"Shoot me," Noreen grumbled. "I'm too d.a.m.n old for this."

"You're not old," Wendy objected.

Noreen groaned as she sat up. She licked her teeth as if tasting her mouth and looked calmly at Wendy. "And I'm not drunk. That just leaves stupid."

Wendy's laugh was like a silver wind chime in a tropical storm and it made Maryl happy just to hear it. "Do it again!"


"Laugh! Do it again. Please?"

Wendy tried to hide in her sleeping bag.

"Come on, Noreen. Help me!" Maryl went after her and began tickling, trying to coax that delightful sound from her again. Somehow it got all out of control and turned into a free for all.

They jerked to a stop at Kirsten's voice at the tent door. "What are you guys doing in there?"

Maryl felt like a child caught stealing cookies. "Nothing."

"May I come in?"

Noreen giggled. "What's the pa.s.s word?"

There was a long silence and then Kirsten said: "Sauerkraut."

"Wow!" Maryl breathed loudly. "Even I didn't know that. Come on in!"

Kirsten unzipped the tent flap and wiggled inside. "What's going on?"

Maryl tried to straighten her hair out so she wouldn't look so disheveled. "We were trying to make Wendy laugh. It's adorable. It makes you happy just hearing it."

Wendy buried her face in her knees and Noreen ruffled her hair. It only took the three of them a few minutes to make her laugh again. "See?" Maryl laughed. "Isn't that the cutest thing you ever heard?"

"You should laugh more often," Kirsten said encouragingly. "It suits you."

Now that the shenanigans were over, Maryl turned her hand to cleaning up the mess they had made. Most of their belongings were mixed up and together they sorted them out.

"Are you still planning on going for a walk?" Kirsten asked.

Cautious after her earlier faux pas, Maryl made sure not to leave an opening for uninvited company. "Yes. I understand you're going to pick berries for a cobbler. I can't wait to taste it."

Noreen frowned. "Wait a minute. What are you going to do for us?"

Maryl blinked. "Huh?"

Kirsten smiled wickedly. "She's right. We're going to be out in the sun with thorns and bugs for entertainment and you'll be goofing off. How is it fair that you should get to enjoy the fruits of our labor? What are you going to do for us that we should let you?"

Maryl looked with disbelief at the three women. "What do you want? Someone to do your"

Wendy squeaked. "She should have to sing for her supper."

"Oh, no," Maryl objected. "I am not singing. Forget it." Their smiles told her they were serious and she stuffed her things carelessly into her sleeping bag.

"You don't have to sing," Noreen comforted her. "Unless you want cobbler."

Maryl set her jaw firmly as they continued to tease her. When they saw she wasn't going to be any fun about it, they spilled out of the tent to inform the rest of the camp. Maryl pounded on her sleeping bag, but didn't feel any better. She resigned herself to not getting any of the special dessert and refused to leave the tent until breakfast was ready.

Maryl kicked rocks and used a stick to swat at the tall along the sh.o.r.e. When she reached the previous day's beach, she sat down to sulk. First had been her inadvertent commitment to stay in camp the next day, then the ribbing over what she would sing after dinner, followed by a 10 minute argument with Brooke over the size of the lunch she was taking. Considering that she had not eaten at camp the day before, she felt perfectly justified. They had more than enough food, but Brooke seemed to feel that Maryl was s.n.a.t.c.hing the food right out of her mouth. No one else seemed to have a problem with it so Maryl finally hefted her pack, turned her back on Brooke and left. The down side was that she now felt frustrated with life in general.

To top it off, Linda had smugly announced that she was too chicken to sing for them and Maryl felt obligated to prove her wrong. The only camp type songs she knew were k.u.mbaya and This Little Light of Mine, but d.a.m.ned if she was going to sing either of those. They could eat their stupid cobbler right in front of her-see if she cared!

When she felt a little better she took off her clothes. By some miracle she had not burned in the sun yesterday and she folded her clothes on top of the lunch in her pack. Settling the pack back on her shoulders she set off. It took another twenty minutes to reach the spot Robin had suggested. If the willow tree-it really did grow out of a split rock-hanging over the river had not been enough to point it out to her, Robin had apparently stopped on her way back to camp and used rocks to put an X on the sand.

The beach was just a strip of sand roughly 10 feet deep and 25 feet long. A wall of rock surrounded it and just downstream from it was what looked like a decent swimming hole. Maryl couldn't tell how deep it was, but it was a beautiful place. If she had not stopped out of an excess of caution the day before, she probably would have chosen this very spot to spend the day.

From the beach, the willow was magnificent. It seemed to lean towards her: wispy tendrils dipping into the river's current only to pull out and dip again. Maryl waded through the branches and into a cavern of cool stillness. It seemed like a good place to leave their lunch so Maryl pulled her towel free and left the pack in a dry spot. The day had not yet become hot and she waded back to the beach to stretch out on the sand and wait.

When she thought about the time she had spent with Robin, her clearest memories were of what Robin had said and done rather than the shape of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, the ripe fullness of her lips or the length of her legs. Granted, she hoped to get a little closer to that body today, but she looked forward to the feeling of transcending herself that she had felt in Robin's company. There was something compelling about the way she felt with Robin. She felt vital and free and inspired like never before.

It was hard to tell time with nothing to mark its pa.s.sing, but it seemed that she had waited for an hour or more and she began to feel foolish. Am I insane? What am I doing? Here I am, sitting naked in the middle of nowhere waiting for a woman I barely know to show up and make me feel good. Does that make any sense? How stupid do you have to be to put your hopes on a stranger? Even if all you hoped for was one more perfect day?

She probably changed her mind. She seemed to be excited about today, but maybe her family talked her out of it. I know Eva and the others would have done the same if I had told them what happened yesterday. I shouldn't have told her that I was with a support group. She probably thinks I'm crazy and she's likely right. Maybe I should go back to camp and help pick berries. At least then I wouldn't have to sing or look like a coward.

The X made out rocks seemed to mock her and she idly rearranged them. A big fat zero. That's what this day has been. Maybe if she comes back here tomorrow or the next day she'll see this and know that I waited for her and she'll feel bad. It's childish, I know, but if she thinks I'm crazy I've got nothing to lose.

Maryl felt disgusted with herself and she shook out her towel before wading across the river to retrieve her pack. There just didn't seem to be any point to waiting. As she ducked between the willow's branches, she thought she heard something and turned to look downstream. She had not been able to see very far from the beach and now that her perspective had changed she could see that Robin was less than a hundred yards away. Her heart lifted immediately and she stepped back into the sun and waved.

Robin was wearing her pack and dragging an inner tube through the water with something in it and it was slowing her down. Maryl wanted to run to her, but that felt foolish, too, so she waited. With each step Robin took, Maryl's mood lifted until she was almost laughing as Robin stopped in front of her.

"Sorry I took so long," Robin sighed. "I had to run an unexpected errand of mercy and then my great idea," she pointed at the inner tube, "turned out to mean slogging through the current and..."

"I'm just glad you're here," Maryl giggled. "I was giving up. I was going to leave and now you're here."

Robin very deliberately looked her over from head to toe and Maryl felt her skin tingling in response. "I thought I dreamed you," Robin said somberly. "I don't think I really believed that you would be here."

"You went to an awful lot of trouble for a dream," Maryl quipped.

"Some dreams are worth it." A heartbeat later Robin blushed as if she had just realized the implications of her words. She stepped quickly through the branches and tied the inner tube to the trunk. "I brought beer, water and plenty of ice."

Maryl leaned over to look as Robin flipped the top off the ice chest. "Maybe I should put our lunch in there."

"Good idea."

Maryl tossed sandwiches and fruit in the chest and took out a bottle of water before closing it. Robin was still wearing her pack and Maryl gestured at it with her eyes. "What have you got in there?"

Robin grinned. "Come on. You'll like this."

Maryl followed her across the river and knelt in the sand. Robin crouched with her pack between her knees and Maryl saw her eyes go to the circle of rocks.

"I could have sworn I left a hug for you."

Maryl realized how the O complemented the X and at the hopeful invitation in Robin's eyes, she slowly leaned over the pack and pressed their lips together. As kisses go it was chaste, but definitely promising and Maryl sat back on her heels with a smile. From the smile on Robin's face she knew that it was just a beginning.

Robin unzipped the pack and pulled out a blanket. She stood and shook it out to lie on the sand and Maryl helped to secure the corners with rocks. Robin moved the pack onto it and they both sat. "I kept thinking about the things you claimed to miss. I couldn't manage a bed so I brought this."

Maryl laughed out loud as a blow up air mattress was taken from the pack.

"I know it's not much," Robin admitted, "but it was the best I could do on short notice."

"You're so sweet." Maryl's heart melted.

"There's more." Robin reached back into the pack and pulled out a paper sack. "This is why I took so long."

Maryl peeked inside and then upended the bag onto the blanket. Razors, shaving gel, soap, shampoo and a body scrubber tumbled out.

"I made a run down to that little mini mart/bait shop at the bottle of the hill. They didn't carry books and the magazines were limited to Field & Stream and Penthouse. Sorry. If you're really desperate I could tell you stories."

Maryl was dumbfounded. It had to be a 45-minute drive down to the store over bad road. This wasn't just a spur of the moment gift. Robin had gone to a great deal of effort to do something nice for her. It wasn't the money she had spent that affected Maryl so deeply. There was only about 10 dollars worth of merchandise on the blanket. She tried to remember the last time someone had done something so considerate. "I don't know what to say."

Robin shrugged. "You don't have to say anything. I wanted to do something to thank you for yesterday. It's been a long...long time since I felt so happy and free. I just wanted to give something back to you for that."

"But, you already gave me more than I gave you. You rescued my clothes and fed me and made me feel safe. It was a perfect day because of you." Maryl waved at the jumble of travel-size hygiene products. "This is too much."

"I only spent about twelve dollars."

"That's not what I mean, Robin. It's not the money. It's the time and thought you put into it. I'm flattered and I thank you for it, but it wasn't necessary."

"That's what made it fun. Look," Robin said earnestly. "I did it because I wanted to. Not because I thought I had to or that you expected it. Let's not make it into a big thing. Just enjoy it. If it's going to make you uncomfortable, I'll put it back in my pack and we'll forget it."

Maryl picked up the body scrubber and rubbed it between her hands. "I don't want to forget it, but now I feel indebted."

"d.a.m.n," Robin sighed. She rubbed her face with both hands before looking into Maryl's eyes. "My motives were not entirely...pure."

"What do you mean?"

Robin looked embarra.s.sed and put one hand over her eyes while she spoke. "There's something incredibly erotic about watching a woman bathing and shaving her legs. I only went to all the trouble in hopes that I could watch and now you know what a pervert I am."

Robin's admission wiped away all of Maryl's discomfort and replaced it with s.e.xual excitement. The certainty that they would make love before the day was over settled on her like the warmth of the sun. "In that case, I accept." She picked up the shampoo and headed for the river. She stopped ankle deep in the water and daringly turned to look over her shoulder. "If you're going to be a voyeur, you might as well have a front row seat. You can be my shower caddy."

Maryl watched long enough to see Robin frantically gathering everything else into her hands and then waded into deeper water. She dunked and wet her hair thoroughly. Putting a generous amount of shampoo in her hand, she handed the small bottle to Robin and began to lather her hair. Maryl closed her eyes and tried to pretend she was alone. She knew that she was acting out a fantasy for Robin and she wanted it to be worth the long drive she had made. She could feel Robin's eyes on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s as she vigorously scrubbed her scalp and it made her warm.

After rinsing her hair, Maryl took the hand soap and body scrubber from Robin's hands and washed her face before moving to shallower water. She rubbed the soap liberally on the scrubber and set the bar on a rock. Ignoring Robin's presence as she walked around in front of her to watch, Maryl started with her arms and hands. She tried not to think about what she was doing and let her body move through its daily cleansing ritual. It was hard to ignore the fact that her every move was being watched. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s seemed especially sensitive to the rough surface and she took her time, pleased to see that Robin's gaze was spellbound.

Maryl just didn't have the audacity to finger her own genitals for someone else's benefit in broad daylight: at least, not on a second date. She did what was necessary and moved on to her legs, hoping that Robin wouldn't feel cheated. When she had scrubbed everything she could reach, she held the scrubber out. "Would you do my back?"

Robin all but threw the razors and shaving gel onto the rock and took it from her hand. Maryl lifted her hair out of the way and gave her access. She closed her eyes in order to magnify the sensations Robin's touch evoked. The longer it went on, the more she wanted. She was breathing heavily through her mouth when Robin finished. Her heart rate was still steady, but it was beating much more forcefully than usual.

Maryl staggered forward and dove beneath the surface to rinse off. The current carried her further than she wanted to go and she turned to swim back upstream. Wringing her hair out, she walked past Robin and her soapy hands. Making room on the rock to sit, she picked up the shaving gel and reached for Robin's hand.

Robin dropped to her knees and swished her hands in the water. Maryl squirted gel into her palm and let Robin lift her foot to place it between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. She took a deep breath as Robin's hands began turning the gel into lather on her calf. When Robin stopped at her knee, Maryl guided her hands to mid-thigh with a smile.

Her own hands were shaking as she picked up the razor and Robin took it from her fingers. "Let me."

Maryl let her head fall back and shook her hair to let it dry as the razor was cautiously drawn over her skin. Robin's touch was gentle and meticulous, but Maryl could feel her heartbeat under the sole of her foot and she had to wonder how Robin could keep her hands so steady while her heart was racing so. The gel left behind a soapy film and Robin's hand searched over it diligently for any stray hairs. When she was satisfied, she lowered Maryl's foot into the water and rinsed the film away.

"Did I knick you anywhere?"

Maryl shook her head and lifted her other foot to place it over Robin's heart. Robin pushed into it a little and picked up the gel. Maryl watched her hands at work and tried to imagine what they would feel like when they touched her most tender places. It was all she could do to keep from sliding down into Robin's lap and finding out right then.

Robin continued as though content to do nothing else all day. Maryl watched her closely as she lifted her free foot up to rest in the curls between Robin's legs. Her hands stilled and her eyes closed as Maryl smiled knowingly.

"I'm almost done," Robin whispered.

"Okay." Maryl obediently lowered her foot and held her growing desire in check. Robin's hands went about their task and she was rinsing her leg in short order. Maryl eased into the water and into Robin's hungry kiss. It took a moment for their mouths to learn each other and then everything was right in the world.

Robin was the one to pull back and lead her out of the water. They fell to the blanket and their bodies intertwined as hands began to roam. Maryl lost track of who was doing what to whom. It all felt so good that it didn't matter.

At some point it changed and Maryl was hovering on the edge. Robin wasn't quite where Maryl needed her to be, but then Maryl reached down and guided her fingers. "There," she urged.

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