Black Bellied Husband's Indulgence: His Wife is not Allowed to Hide Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: The Master Does Not Like Noise

The sudden noise made Song Wenxin frightened for a moment.

"Miss Song, I'm here to deliver your clothes." The maid's voice sounded from outside.

"Come in!" Song Wenxin quickly recovered her line of sight and stood still.

The maid pushed the door open, her hands holding a pile of clothes.

After putting the clothes in place, the maid turned around to leave.

However, Song Wenxin stopped her.

"Wait a minute!"

The maid stopped and turned to look at her: "Miss Song, is there anything else I can do for you?"

"In fact, it's nothing. It's just that, isn't it too quiet here?" Song Wenxin looked around. Perhaps she was used to having a lively home, that's why suddenly coming here made her feel somewhat uncomfortable.

"The master does not like noise."

"Can't the lighting be a little brighter? It feels a little too dark!" Song Wenxin nodded and then looked at the lights above.

It's too dark for her and she can't seem to get used to it!

"The master does not like too much brightness." The maid replied.

"… …"  Song Wenxin remained silent. However, she really wanted to reply 'Your master is really troublesome…'

"Miss Song, if there's nothing else, I would leave first, master does not like…"

"Ok, you don't have to tell me what Jiang Beihan likes. Where is he now?" Song Wenxin finally could not bear listening to her. She did not want to hear the maid tell her what their master likes and dislikes. It seems like there is nothing in this world that he likes.

"He should be in the study," the maid answered.

Song Wenxin nodded, "Ok, you may go!"

"Yes," the servant nodded. She turned to leave and closed the door quietly.

Song Wenxin sighed and said to herself: "That Jiang Beihan is really a weirdo."

 'The more money a person have, the stranger they become'. This sentence really is not a lie.

For example, Jiang Beihan is extremely rich, however, his temper is also extremely weird!

After showering, Song Wenxin put on the nightgown brought by the maid, dried her hair and then went out of the bathroom.

She had wanted to check the time but found that there is no clock in the bedroom.

It was very quiet here. It was very quiet that it made Song Wenxin feel very uncomfortable.

There's not even a television in the bedroom that can be used to pa.s.s the time.

She only found a pen and a paper in the bedroom that she can use to pa.s.s the time after looking for a long time.

She sat down on the carpet beside the sofa, placed the pen and the paper on the coffee table and started drawing.

Song Wenxin is taking up fas.h.i.+on design. She still has some unfinished school a.s.signments so she immediately started drawing a design after sitting down.

However, she haven't even made two designs and then put down the pen and gave up.

It was really too quiet her and it was really making her feel uncomfortable.

However, that wasn't really the problem. It was too quiet that it makes her a bit scared.

She admits that this is the side effect of watching too much horror movies!

Being surrounded by the quiet atmosphere, Song Wenxin's scalp can't help but feel numb.


Jiang Beihan is looking at the information sent by his a.s.sistant about the Shen family.  When he turned to the page containing Shen Jiayu's information, his fingers slightly tightened.

His line of sight was fixed on Shen Jiayu's relations.h.i.+p to Song Wenxin.


His black eyes flashed with a complex look.

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You're reading Black Bellied Husband's Indulgence: His Wife is not Allowed to Hide by Author(s): 望月存雅. This novel has been translated and updated at and has already 3844 views. And it would be great if you choose to read and follow your favorite novel on our website. We promise you that we'll bring you the latest novels, a novel list updates everyday and free. is a very smart website for reading novels online, friendly on mobile. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or just simply leave your comment so we'll know how to make you happy.