Avoiding: Avoiding Intimacy Part 3

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John muttered, "You have only a few years in which to live really, perfectly, and fully...time is jealous of you."

"Always quoting Wilde," Adam said with a shake of his head.

This seemed pretty common between them, and for some reason, it got Adam to move the car.

"Always," John agreed. "The man knew what he was talking about."

"He was a philandering, flamboyant extremist who saw the world through rose-colored lenses of beauty," Adam quipped testily.

"Perhaps you should live no other way," John said with a smirk as Adam pulled in front of the valet.

"Wasn't he gay?" Chyna asked.

Both guys started laughing at once. Chyna missed the joke.

"Yeah, he was," John said.

Was she misreading the situation entire? Was John gay?

Chyna looked over her shoulder, turning around in the car to peek at John, who was still chuckling at her. Nope. No way. Not with that look. She could pick out desire like she had a f.u.c.king radar.

Adam handed the keys to the guy at the entrance and took a slip from him. The trio walked into the restaurant, and they were instantly ushered to a table. Chyna took off her long black pea coat and handed it to someone to hang for her. Both boys seemed to appreciate her figure, clad in a short V-cut sweater dress that hugged her curves like a glove. She couldn't have picked a much better outfit for the occasion.

"You look great," Adam said, kissing her cheek and running his hand across the small of her back before sitting.

"Thanks," she said, seating herself across from him.

John pulled out a chair and sat down between them.

"I wish I'd known you had the weekend off," Adam said, turning to his brother. "I would have taken some time off, too."

"They were impressed with my latest find, so they gave me the time. Wasn't expecting it to happen."

"I don't know why you don't take all those clients of yours and start your own company. You're too good to be where you are," Adam told him.

"I'm doing perfectly fine, and anyway, the Global International name is well-known."

"Wait, Global!" Chyna gasped.

"See," John said, gesturing to Chyna.

"My mother worked through Global for a while when they were negotiating the Corsa fas.h.i.+on line," she explained.

Global International was a huge conglomerate that demanded and received results. Her mother had worked with a partner, of course, but it was rumored that all of the representatives were incredible.

"My point exactly. Anyone who is anyone comes through Global. I'm good right where I am."

"Who knew a Harvard MBA would get you there?" Adam said with clear admiration in his voice.

Chyna's ears perked up. Harvard? Was this guy for real? Her dad was a Harvard alum.

"G.o.d, you sound like Mom," John said, running a hand back through his hair.

"Someone's gotta do it. You hardly see her."

"I hardly see anyone," John said, just as the waiter arrived.

They all ordered drinks, and Chyna couldn't wait to get her hands on her martini.

"Do you want me to be like Mom and tell you that you could have gone to Harvard too if you hadn't followed in Dad's footsteps to b.u.m-f.u.c.k-nowhere liberal arts college?" John teased.

Chyna blushed for her boyfriend. She knew he was smart, and he probably could have a better job than where he worked at a small, private architectural company.

Adam just shrugged, unaffected on the outside. She wondered if he was seething on the inside. She would be.

"I still could, but then I'd have to take your claim as the perfect son. I'd hate to do that to you."

John laughed good-naturedly. "Touche. King's to you, Fernand."

Adam laughed even harder, but Chyna didn't have any clue what they were talking about. Who was Fernand?

They clearly spoke their own language. She didn't have any siblings and couldn't comprehend a connection like that. The closest thing she had found was with Alexa. Chyna wished she was here. Alexa was the smart one, even if she was terrible with relations.h.i.+ps. She could clue her in on what the f.u.c.k they were talking about. Chyna chewed on her lip and prayed for her martini to arrive quickly.

"Do you like movies, Chyna?" John asked just as the drinks arrived.

She sucked down a large gulp before answering. "I go to premieres sometimes."

John quirked a smile at Adam. "Where did you find her?" He stuck his thumb out at Chyna.

Had she done something wrong?

"You'd never believe me if I told you," Adam said.

"Try me."

Adam shrugged, leaning one elbow on the table. He took a drink of his beer before answering. "She was drugged in a bar, and I kept some jerk from taking her home," Adam told him. "Her friend showed me to her car, and we made sure she was alright. Everything else is history."

He winked at her from across the table, and Chyna smiled. She liked the story. It was romantic in its own way.

"Our little knight in s.h.i.+ning armor. What's your thing with saving chicks like that? Didn't that happen with Christina, too?" John asked.

Um...who was Christina?

"Yeah, it did," Adam replied, and then took another sip of his beer.

"Who's Christina?" Chyna piped up, raising her eyebrows.

"My ex-girlfriend," Adam responded slowly, looking at John, who was hiding a smile behind his own pint.

Chyna did not like that at all.

"And, the same thing happened to her?" she asked.

How come she didn't know this? Seemed like a pretty big misstep especially considering how they had met.

"Uh...yeah. Well, not the same thing. I didn't save her. I just took her home when I saw her getting sloppy. " Adam was practically squirming.

Chyna would have liked it if she'd had any clue about this Christina before this moment.

"That's strange. When did you guys break up?" she asked, honestly curious.

"Chyna..." Adam said, reaching for her hand.

She let him take it, allowing him to console her. She wasn't really mad, but he was so cute when he looked concerned.

"It doesn't matter. It was couple of months before I met you," he continued.

"That's pretty soon," she observed. "Why did you break up?"

"Can we talk about this later?" Adam asked, glancing uncomfortably at John and the rest of the restaurant.

"It's not a big deal," she said with a shrug, trying to keep her cool. She didn't get the whole ex thing, and she was trying to understand it. She wasn't a rebound. She knew that at least.

"Fine," he agreed reluctantly. "She moved to D.C., for a job as a lobbyist and didn't want a long-distance relations.h.i.+p. It was mutual. Long distance doesn't work."

"Huh," Chyna muttered, trying to take another drink and then realizing she had finished the whole thing.

Yeah, long distance sucked, but she didn't think it was completely out of the realm of possibility. She had never considered it, but Alexa was making it work. It felt like a cop-out excuse.

"I'm going to get another," she muttered, standing abruptly. "Do either of you need anything?"

John shook his head, and Adam just sighed. She took that as a no and walked to the bar. She knew that she could have flagged down a waiter, but she wanted to process.

Chyna waited for the bartender to notice her. It didn't take long. She had another martini in hand as quick as the bartender could shake it. She wasn't even sure why she was worried. This wasn't like her. He wasn't with Christina now, and that was all that mattered. But, her Italian roots were rearing their ugly jealous head at the most inopportune time. She just felt too unsettled with having just found out about the situation, and she couldn't regain her calm. So, she did what she always did. She drank.

With her back to the table, she didn't see Adam come up behind her, but she felt his strong, capable arms wrap around her waist, pulling her against him.

"What's gotten into you?" he murmured softly against her skin, kissing her bare neck.

"I don't like not knowing things," she told him, melting easily into his touch.

"Christina doesn't matter to me, Chyna. That's why it never came up. I'm not hiding things from you," he said turning her around.

G.o.d, he was so f.u.c.king sincere. How could you not believe that face?

He leaned down and brushed his nose against hers. "You look beautiful."

"Don't try and sweet talk me," she said, brus.h.i.+ng back against his nose. "I'm too susceptible."

He chuckled, kissing her pouty lips. "Come back to the table. I'm starving."

"Caveman," she responded, slapping his arm lightly.

"Don't make me throw you over my shoulder."

"Oh, please do," she said, wiggling her eyebrows.

Adam laughed again, shaking his head at her. "Come on. I don't get to see my brother too much. I think you'll like him."

If he only knew.



After nearly an hour of detailed work on her hair and makeup, the artists working on her finally left. She stood in the office with that big f.u.c.king desk in nothing but sparkly nude pasties and a seamless nude thong. She felt completely exposed, and she loved every minute of it. The makeup artists had brushed a fine glittery powder across her entire body, and it felt silky smooth to the touch. Her long black hair was hanging down her back, framing her face in big swooping supermodel curls. The makeup was totally natural, but it made her innate beauty s.h.i.+ne. It was a look only a true expert could have extracted out of various bottles, tubes, and containers. All that remained was what hung inside the black garment bag.

Giselle sauntered into the room.

"What are you doing here?" Chyna asked her. She was sure that Giselle would have been trying to help Marco run the show.

"Marco," she told her, walking to the black bag. Chyna rolled her eyes needing no further explanation.

"Where are my a.s.sistants? I can't get into my dress alone," Chyna asked.

"I am your a.s.sistant."

Chyna's mouth fell open. Giselle was so proud. She only worked for Marco specifically. That d.a.m.n man!

"Well, get your a.s.s over here!" Giselle snapped her fingers twice.

Chyna hurried over to her. Why would Marco have Giselle help her into the dress? It wasn't his style. As Chyna was about to ask, Giselle unzipped the bag, and Chyna's mouth dropped open. That was not her dress. Her dress was long with flowing shades of purple sequins that draped artfully across her body in a pattern resembling waves cras.h.i.+ng in the ocean. It was a one-of-a-kind designed just for her by Marco himself. It was crafted specifically for her body. She had practiced in it and completed a full photo shoot in the dress. She had never seen this one.

"I hope Marco knows what he's doing," Giselle whispered.

It was the first time Chyna had ever heard her doubt him.

Fifteen minutes later, when Chyna was secure in Marco's new creation, she made it to the backstage area. Her dress was pinned and hidden beneath a long white robe that was embroidered with her monogram beneath Marco's logo. Brigitte, Giovanna, and Ravenna flitted around her, anxious to begin the show. She couldn't even address them. She was too nervous. She had never been afraid of anything, but she had never been put into a dress like this with no forewarning and no practice for a production that was imperative to her career.

Marco's introductory words rang through the speakers. It was immediately followed by a thunder of applause. He was a raw talent with a booming voice that was as soothing, seductive, and stimulating as a Siren. He was in his natural element, charming an audience. She could see him in her mind's eye, gorgeous and tall. Intoxicating with a smile, he could cast a spell with those dark, dreamy eyes.

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