The Right Woman Part 16

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"You find out anything on my guys?"

"Haven't gotten to them yet so I'll probably wait until I'm through before taking action."

"That's probably best." Russ stood. "I'm going home to take a shower and sleep for a couple of hours, then I'll get back on Bishop. Joel's watching him now. Have you checked on the Wallace girl?"

"Yes. Everything's quiet there. Will's questioning Freddie Frye to find out if he supplied the party. Other than that, it's quiet, and that has me worried. Something's going to happen and I hope we're ready."

Russ's hand went to his mouth and Daniel realized the proverbial toothpick was missing.

Daniel raised an eyebrow. "Lose your security blanket?"

"About four o'clock this morning I jerked awake and almost swallowed the d.a.m.n thing, so I threw it away. I could sure use a cigarette."

Daniel smiled and handed him a pencil. "Chew on that until you find another."

Russ took it, grinning. "Are you saying my toothpick-chewing is less offensive than smoking?"

"You got it. And when you ask Faith out, don't have a toothpick or a cigarette in your mouth."

Russ's grin widened. "Haven't you noticed that when I have something in my mouth I don't talk as much."

"Good point."

Russ twisted the pencil. "So you think I have a better chance with Faith than with Sarah?"

Daniel stared at him. "Definitely. Sarah is off-limits."

"To everyone but you."

"Don't start," he said, knowing Russ was only trying to get a rise out of him. "I'm not in a mood to get into it with you."

"h.e.l.l, Daniel, arguing with you is the best part of my day." Russ moved toward the door. "I'll catch you later."

Daniel went back to his search.

SARAH'S MORNING went smoothly. She talked to Brooke and the police had her looking at more mug shots, but she seemed in good spirits. Her parents were taking turns staying with her and that gave the girl an added sense of security. Love had amazing powers, as Sarah was discovering herself. She'd felt alone most of her life, but now at this dark time she felt truly loved by her family. And fear could not defeat that. Nor could it defeat her appreciation of Daniel.

The day seemed endless. She played cards with Chad and thought about Daniel. She kept glancing at the clock, counting the hours until he was back. For years she'd ignored her feminine side; her looks and her att.i.tude were all tempered by what had happened to her. At last she was finding her way back to the woman in her...all because of one special man. If she closed her eyes, she could still feel his lips on hers-tender yet strong, tempting an eager, natural response from her.

When he'd stopped, she was hurt at first, but she knew he was right. This time she was going to take it slow and enjoy the crescendo before the climax, so to speak. She'd savor all these new feelings until she was ready to express them. Now she couldn't wait for Daniel's return.

"Ms. Welch?"

"Hmm?" Chad's voice finally reached her.

"I'm waiting for you to draw a card."

She laid her cards down. "I'm sorry. My mind's not on the game."

"Yeah. It's not much fun with two playing." He gathered the cards and shuffled them. "You're a counselor, right?"


"Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure." She curled her feet beneath her.

"I'm dating this girl and she's getting possessive. She doesn't like me going out with the guys and sometimes I need that kind of break. When I'm not working, she wants me with her. I was thinking I was in love, but now I'm not so sure."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want to live the rest of my life like that."

"Like how?"

"If I play basketball or go bowling with the guys, she cuts off s.e.x for two or three days or until I apologize profusely."

"This girl is manipulating you to get what she wants. She's probably insecure about your feelings and the more time you spend with her, the more secure she feels. You need to talk to her honestly, tell her how you feel and why you need some guy time."

Chad fiddled with the cards. "I'm not good at talking."

"Oh, dear," she sighed.

"How do you know if you really love someone?"

"I'd be the smartest person on earth if I could answer that."

"But you have an idea," he persisted.

She gazed toward the door. "Well, when you want to be with that person more than anyone. When you think about them all the time and can't wait to see them. And when you're with them, you're happier, content and feel a sense of belonging."

Chad stared at her.


"You sound as if you're in love."

She s.h.i.+fted nervously as what she'd said seeped into her heart. Did she love Daniel? It was only last when she'd told him to stay out of her life. Now she was feeling so differently. How could that have happened in so short a span of time? Because she didn't want Daniel out of her life-she just didn't want to deal with her feelings for him.

When she didn't answer, Chad asked, "Is there something between you and Daniel?"

Her eyes narrowed. "Why do you ask?"

"Daniel doesn't handle protective custody personally, so for him to be doing this I figure you're pretty special to him. And I've seen the way he looks at you."

"How's that?"


She laughed. "I don't think that's how he looks at me."

"Then you're not watching."

She felt she needed to explain to Chad before his imagination ran away with him. "Daniel has been with me ever since they arrested Boyd and got me out of that awful place. He was there for the trial and the appeal, and I've probably leaned on him more than I should have."

Chad nodded. "Daniel's that kind of guy."

"We were talking about you and your girlfriend," she reminded him, needing to switch channels, not quite ready to share her feelings with anyone but Daniel.

"I think I've got it figured out."

"You have?" she asked in surprise.

"Yeah. The s.e.x is great." He shuffled the cards again. "You can't build a relations.h.i.+p on that, though, and I sure don't look at her the way Daniel looks at you."

"Okay, Chad," she said with a secret smile. "Let's play cards before we get in too deep."

DANIEL READ THROUGH the files until his eyes burned and his back hurt, but he kept going. His only breaks were to call Chad several times. It seemed as if he and Sarah were getting along fine. That's how Sarah was; she was a great listener.

Late afternoon Will came charging in. "Freddie said a man called Bear has been doing a lot of the college parties lately."

"No name?"

Will shook his head. "Freddie said Bear was a s.a.d.i.s.tic b.a.s.t.a.r.d and he stays away from him. I think he's telling the truth. He doesn't know his real name."

"But he knows his face. Get him to go through some mug shots."

"After that I'll have to let him go. He didn't have any drugs on him when we arrested him."

"That's fine with me," Daniel said. "Keep an eye on him after you release him just in case he's stupid enough to be lying to us."

"You bet."

BY SIX O'CLOCK Daniel had a list of people to talk to in the morning. Several of the cops had money problems, but no one had a clear connection to Boyd except Jack's wife. There was no smoking gun and his head pounded with frustration. He still had nothing.

He closed everything for the day and headed for the motel. He wanted to go to his place and shower and change, but decided to do that in the morning. The need to see Sarah was strong and he ignored everything else.

He picked up dinner and parked away from the room. He strolled toward the door, dinner in one hand, his eyes searching for anything out of the ordinary. One couple was leaving, another was driving up, the traffic hummed in the background. Everything else was quiet.

At the door, he stopped dead. Taped to the surface was a single white sheet of paper and scrawled in big letters was, Sarah baby. You're next.

Fear jolted through him and the bag dropped from his hand as he immediately drew his gun. He pounded on the door with his fist. "G.o.ddammit, Chad, open up."

The door swung open and Daniel burst in. Sarah stood there wide-eyed. She was okay. He released a painful breath and pointed at the door. "Grab your things. We have to go. They know we're here."

Chad stared at the door. "What the h.e.l.l?"

"Don't touch it," Daniel shouted as Chad's hand went to it. "Call Russ and get the lab over here." He turned to Sarah. "Hurry. We have to get out of here."

Sarah's eyes were glued to the door. While she and Chad had been playing cards, the killer had been not twelve feet away. Her blood ran cold at the chilling thought and for a moment she couldn't move. Not again. Not again.

"Sarah, hurry," Daniel repeated in an urgent tone.

She swallowed hard and ran to the bedroom.

"Did you hear anything?" Daniel asked Chad, a bite to his words.

"Not a sound."

"Did you talk to anyone?"

"No, sir. I haven't even talked to my mom or my girlfriend."

"They found her, some way, somehow."

"It wasn't me, sir. I was very careful."

"I know, Chad. Someone had a way to find us."


"I'm not sure, but I will find out."

Sarah came back with her bag and Daniel followed her outside. "Cover our backs, then stay here and wait for Russ," he called to Chad. "I'll be in touch."

Within seconds they were in the car and driving through the night. "It's going to be okay," he told her.

"No, it isn't." Her voice wobbled, not sure if her life was ever going to be the same again. "Not until the killer is caught."

"Did you hear anything?"

"It's been quiet all day."

"How in the h.e.l.l did they find out where you were? Someone had to have tailed me or..." He made a sharp turn.

She braced herself as the car picked up speed. "Daniel, where are we going?"

"To the police station."

She didn't ask anymore questions because she could sense this wasn't the time for that. He was deep in thought.

They drove into a garage with several more cars and a couple of police cars. Daniel rolled down a window. "Carlos," he shouted.

A Hispanic man appeared from a small room, wiping his hands on a grease rag. "What the h.e.l.l do you want, Daniel? I'm ready to go home."

Daniel got out and talked to the man, then he opened her door. "Let's wait in here until he finishes."

Sarah stepped out and her legs buckled. Daniel caught her. "Are you okay?"

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