The Right Woman Part 15

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"A simple, happy life," he remarked.

"Yes. I guess that's why I feel the need to hold on to Gran's house. I'm trying to find that happy family and that is so unrealistic."

"But it's what you needed at the time."

"Maybe," she admitted, brus.h.i.+ng a speck of dust from her jeans. "I can't afford to keep it much longer. Serena says I need to sell and move into something smaller, but I've been so undecided, so torn."

"Because you don't want to disappoint your grandmother?"

"Yes," she admitted again, and that forlorn voice got him. She was like a little girl lost, desperately trying to find her way home.

"Sarah, you do realize that if you sell the house, your grandmother will still love you."

"I realized that for the first time last night when she offered to come with me." She blinked back a tear.

They stared at each other. He tried to hide what was in his eyes, his heart, but he knew he'd failed.

Sarah lost herself in the warmth of his brown eyes. She'd never noticed that he had the most beautiful eyes-like dark chocolate-warm, inviting and irresistible. She saw something else, too. Daniel cared about her...and it didn't bother her. She rather liked it.

"Dan-" His name was cut off by a b.u.mping at the door. Before she could catch her breath, Daniel was on his feet, gun in his hand.

"Go to the bedroom," he said in an urgent whisper. "Close the door and get your gun."

She rushed to do as she was told even though she was trembling uncontrollably. Picking up the gun, she tried to remember how Daniel had said to use it, but her mind was short-circuited by the adrenaline pumping through her veins. She peered through the slightly open door and saw Daniel pull the curtain back to look outside. He lowered his gun and she knew everything was okay.

She released a taut breath, laid her gun down and went back into the other room.

Daniel shoved his gun into his holster. "It was the people next door. Must have been out partying and drinking because they couldn't find their room."

She stood there staring at him and she had the same urge she had earlier, but this time, without a second thought, she acted on it.

She walked to him and slipped her arms around his waist. He stiffened and she whispered, "Hold me."

His arms tightened and she rested her head on his chest, listening to the staccato rhythm of his heart. In his arms she felt safe, secure and a lot of other things. She'd never met anyone like him before-willing to give so much of himself without asking anything in return. She'd been so confused about Daniel and their relations.h.i.+p. No. It wasn't that she was confused-she just hadn't wanted to admit that she felt anything for him. But when she'd looked into his eyes a moment ago and seen how deeply he felt for her, she couldn't deny any longer how he made her feel. Her arms crept up around his neck as she gave full rein to everything in her.

"It's okay, Sarah." His voice was hoa.r.s.e.

She stood on tiptoes and kissed the throbbing pulse in his neck, feeling his tension, his shock, and it drove her on. Her lips trailed to his ear, across his cheek, then to his mouth. At the first tentative brush, he groaned and covered her lips with an explosion of senses. Her hands cradled his head and the kiss deepened, both giving, both taking, and Sarah let all that fire flow through her-Daniel's fire, warming the coldest part of her.

She pressed against him, needing to feel that closeness, that masculine body. The action didn't shock or repulse her and all she could think was that she wanted more.

Daniel's fantasies didn't measure up to the touch of Sarah's lips, her voluntary touch. He was drowning, going down so fast that he couldn't think-all he could do was feel and the feeling was everything he wanted it to be and more. He'd waited forever for a response from her and it had nothing to do with protection. It was all emotion and pa.s.sion.

You're too emotionally involved.

From out of nowhere Bill's words squeezed through the pa.s.sion and the cop in him quickly surfaced. He broke the kiss and stepped away, holding both hands up.

"I can't do this," he said, his voice husky.

Her lips were moist from his and her blue eyes were almost purple from desire, which turned to humiliation at his obvious rejection.

"You're in my protection," he hastened to explain. "I can't take advantage of you."

She tucked her hair behind her ear. "I kissed you," she reminded him.

He closed his eyes briefly to shut out her words and her beautiful face. "I know and that makes this even harder. Please don't take this as a rejection. It isn't, but I have to keep my head clear-for you and your safety. So please go to bed and close the door." Lock it. Bolt it. Put a chair under the doork.n.o.b.

Sarah turned and walked into the bedroom, closing the door behind her. Since her life was in danger, they couldn't get distracted by something so basic. She understood that. There would be time later to enjoy each other. Two days ago if a man looked at her, it upset her. If a man touched her, it paralyzed her. Now it excited her and she knew it was because the man was Daniel.

She sat on the bed and smiled. Finally she could see everything so clearly. For years she'd been yearning for love and with Greg she'd thought she'd found it. Then Greg had been killed and her nightmare began. She hadn't wanted to ever feel love again-that's why she had so many conflicting emotions about Gran and Celia. But they loved her and she could now accept their love wholeheartedly without resentment. That realization broke the lock from around her heart and she also could see Daniel more clearly. What she'd seen in his eyes over the years was a lot more than concern-that's what had really irritated her. She wasn't ready to accept anything on a personal level from him. She touched her lips. Now she was. Her smile broadened and she lay down, cheris.h.i.+ng this newfound freedom.

Daniel fell onto the sofa and buried his face in his hands, restraining himself from following her. His ethics kept him rooted to the spot. The needs of the man in him kept him bound in turmoil.

Fear, desire and pa.s.sion were closely entwined. He'd thought that many times in his career, but tonight for the first time he'd dealt with it in a way he never had before-personally. When they kissed again, he didn't want fear involved in any way. He wanted it all from the heart and he wanted all of Sarah.

As the darkness spread outside, he wasn't sure exactly when that would be. He stretched out on the sofa and soon ran through his mind like a repet.i.tive word in a nursery rhyme.

Soon. Soon. Soon.


EARLY THE NEXT morning Daniel peered into Sarah's room and saw that she was sound asleep. Her red hair was splayed across the pillow and she looked lost in peaceful dreams. That's what he wanted for her-to find peace and happiness and that home she wanted. Maybe, just maybe, he was beginning to believe that he could be a part of it.

A knock at the door spun him around and he whispered outside the panel, "Who is it?"


Daniel undid the lock and let Chad in. He had a large bag of groceries.

"Did you get something she likes?"

"Yes, sir. Lots of fruit and yogurt?"

Daniel slipped into his jacket. "Good. Like yesterday, just let her sleep and open this door to no one."

"Yes, sir."

"I'll call later."

Daniel immediately drove to the police station and started the background check of each officer, sorting through their personal files. He learned more about the people he worked with than he'd ever imagined. He thought he knew them, but he didn't. Kevin had been married three times and paid child support for three kids to three different women. Lee's wife had been arrested for shoplifting years ago and Jack's wife had actually worked in one of Boyd's strip clubs as a waitress before Jack married her. That got his attention. Daniel didn't understand why none of this had been brought out five years ago. Evidently Internal Affairs didn't think it was relevant, or they'd checked it out and found nothing. This time, though, Daniel had to dig a little deeper.

Will knocked on the door and came in. "We got Freddie," he said.

"Really?" Daniel raised an eyebrow. "That didn't take you long. Where did you find him?"

"That sleazy bar he always hangs out in. Bartender said he's been there every day. Don't understand why Jack and Tom couldn't find him."

"He probably hid from them."

"Maybe," Will conceded. "He tried to get away from us and I had to run six d.a.m.n blocks to catch him."

"Have you questioned him?"

"Yes, and he said he doesn't sell drugs anymore."

"Yeah, right," Daniel replied. "Keep pressuring him. Freddie doesn't take pressure well."


Before Will could finish, Tom came in. "Heard you found Freddie." He spoke to Will.

"Sure did. He was holed up in that same old bar he frequents. Don't know how you missed him."

"G.o.ddammit," Tom exploded. "We checked there three times."

"You didn't check very well," Will shot back.

The tension became tangible and Daniel spoke up. "Keep the att.i.tudes under control. I want information out of Freddie now."

"Yes, sir," Will said and left.

Tom looked at Daniel. "I'm sorry. He wasn't there when we checked."

Daniel's eyes didn't waver from Tom's. "I'm taking your word on that, but if there's some reason you and Jack can't work together productively then I need to know."

"It's my fault, Daniel," Jack said from the doorway. "We spent a lot of yesterday tailing my wife. I think she's seeing another man."

"Dammit, Jack. We have a rapist and murderer out there and you've got you head in the clouds. I could relieve you of your duties for this."

"Please, Daniel. It won't happen again."

Daniel sighed. "It had better not. Now get back to work before I change my mind."

Jack walked out.

"Tom," Daniel called before he could follow. "Stop covering up for Jack-that's not like you."


"Just get to work-and I mean police work. Do I make myself clear?"


His whole department was falling apart and he felt this was only the beginning of the upheaval that was to come.

Russ came into the room looking a little worse for wear. His s.h.i.+rt and jacket were wrinkled more than usual and he had a growth of beard, which was a mixture of red and brown.

"You look like h.e.l.l," Daniel said.

Russ dropped a folder in front of him. "You would, too, if you hadn't been to bed." He pointed to the folder. "Run your baby browns over that."

Daniel quickly read through the contents. "Well, I'll be a son of a b.i.t.c.h."

"Interesting isn't it?" Russ nodded. "It took some digging, but I found Boyd still owns some clubs in several alias names. b.a.s.t.a.r.d hardly ever uses his own d.a.m.n name."

"We discovered that five years ago," Daniel told him. "But I thought all his holdings were seized by the feds."

"He's a slick b.a.s.t.a.r.d. He managed to hide a lot of money and property. I went over that list of aliases you gave me and searched until my eyes were bloodshot, and lo and behold, this is what turned up. Boyd transferred owners.h.i.+p of one club to Arnie Bishop after the first rape and murder and another club after the second one."

"And for what in exchange I wonder."

"That's the big question. I watched Arnie's sorry a.s.s last night hoping he'd meet someone who'd give me that clue. He sat at one of the clubs until after midnight talking to the bouncer, who we also have a tail on. He then went home to his mansion and I mean mansion-swimming pool, tennis court, gated privacy fence with a guard. He lives there with his twenty-three-year-old wife. He's fifty-six. Charming, hmm?"

"Yeah." Daniel closed the folder. "Bishop's in this up to his eyeb.a.l.l.s."

Russ flopped into a chair and propped his feet on the desk. Daniel stared at the bottom of Russ's shoes.

"Do you know there's a hole in the sole of your right shoe?"

"Yep. Keeps me awake on these twenty-four-hour s.h.i.+fts."

Daniel shook his head. Getting to know Russ was downright scary, with a little humor thrown in for relief. Russ was exactly what you saw, though-a hardworking cop getting the job done any way he could, regardless of other people's feelings.

"Doesn't it bother you?"

"Not as much as what Boyd and Bishop are trying to get away with. Have you come up with anything?"

Daniel knew he could trust Russ. He was unsure of a lot of things, but he was positive about that. "What do you know about Jack's wife?"

Russ shrugged. "Not much. Very good-looking, was a waitress I believe."

"A waitress at Bare Babes."

"G.o.ddammit." Russ swung his feet to the floor. "Jack never mentioned anything like that and I used to have a drink with him every now and then when he was dating her. Evidently you didn't know about this, either."

"No. He never said a word during all the raids, during all of our investigations of Boyd."

"How're you going to handle it?"

"Very carefully." He didn't mention anything about Jack's breach of duties. He'd have to tell the lieutenant first.

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