Prince Vampire Part 6

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"And I am happy to accommodate that need." Aureliann stood up and wriggled onto his lap so she was facing him. He waved his hand and a condom appeared.

"I thought you did not want to use your powers? That you wanted to remain as normal as possible."

"f.u.c.k that." Valdemar struggled to get the rubber over his wet c.o.c.k.

"No, f.u.c.k me," she whispered against his lips.

Valdemar almost ripped a hole in the thin latex at her words. He could feel the slick wetness of her p.u.s.s.y on his thighs and all he could think of was being inside her once more.

"I don't think I will ever get enough of you, lovely."

"Sounds good to me." Aureliann lowered herself down over his covered p.e.n.i.s. "O-oh-ohh."

"I love the way you love me." Valdemar's mouth met hers and they kissed hungrily. Aureliann rocked herself up and down on his body, her hands curled up in his loose hair. His hands were on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, kneading the flesh he loved. He could feel her body go faster, tensing in its need to release all the pent-up energy inside.

Aureliann cried out as she came, her head falling to Valdemar's shoulder. Her teeth lightly nipped his skin.

It was then that Valdemar gave himself permission to explode inside her. The waves of pleasure racked his body as her v.a.g.i.n.a took hold of his c.o.c.k and milked him dry.

"Whoa, I got a little crazy there." Aureliann remained against his chest, panting, his hair on her shoulders like the warmest blanket.

"I liked it."

"What now?"

At that moment in his life Valdemar had never felt more powerful. He knew his immortality was gone but he couldn't care less. He had his true love at his side and he was eager to see where life took them. He gently stroked back the hair from her face. The tiny puncture marks on her throat made him wince in guilt thinking of the pain he must have inflicted on her.

"I'm sorry." Valdemar's fingers moved over the wound.

"Truly, it did not hurt, my lord."

She is so beautiful. I almost forget to breathe when I look at her.

"We go to Serawych." Valdemar longed to show her the world that he had come from and hoped she would be happy in.

"Right," Aureliann murmured in concern.

"Don't look so scared, lovely. This will work." With her by his side Valdemar felt he could do anything.

"Oh sure. I'm going to a country I have no idea where it is with a vampire prince who is fighting his evil cousin for the crown. What's to be scared of?"

And yet he knew despite her bravado that Aureliann was scared. Not of him but the world that awaited her. That was sensible. Yet Valdemar knew she would not admit it. That she was going with him indicated the depth of love Aureliann had for him. He longed to hear her say the words but he knew it would take time.

This had happened so suddenly that Valdemar had to accept she was going to hold some feelings inside until she was certain of her surroundings. Yet unknowingly Aureliann had already told him she loved him with every touch and every look.

"Thomas will love you." His c.o.c.k was still ensconced in her body and she was in no hurry for it to leave. He could feel it already hardening in response to the soft flesh of her b.u.t.t on his thighs.


"He always said I needed a strong woman who would not fall at my feet." He saw the sudden rush of pink to her face and remembered once more how she knelt before him and sucked on his c.o.c.k, making him wild with pa.s.sion. "Before was different, lovely. You give to me willingly and I am honored." And I want you again.

Valdemar knew by the way she was wiggling on his lap and the wetness on his thighs he was not the only one in need. His arms tightened around her. "I love that you speak your mind, that you care deeply and love pa.s.sionately. We must leave for Serawych as soon as possible."

"Not yet."

"What?" Valdemar longed to slide inside her once more. Was Aureliann denying him that pleasure?

She pushed her hands against his chest. "I can't just leave yet. I have things to do here first."

"Like what? Do you have ties?" As soon as Valdemar said the words he regretted them for he saw the sadness in her eyes and was immediately angry at what he said. He knew she had no family. Valdemar hugged her close to his body and she leaned against him for comfort.

"I have to quit my job, close up the house or rent it out."

"Sell it." Aureliann would want for nothing. He would see to that.

"I may need it."

It was selfish and arrogantly male of him but Valdemar wanted to be the only thing she needed. "What do you feel for me, lovely?"

"I really don't know. I have an intense pa.s.sion for you but I don't know if it's love." Aureliann sighed as her hands curled into the long length of his hair. "I also want to hate you for making me so weak and needy."

"And yet you love me." He could hear it in the frustrated tone of her voice.

"I'm not sure what I feel."

"If I left without you would you follow?"

"Yes." The words were out of her mouth instantly, no thought required. "But only because I have a feeling you will get in trouble without me."

That made Valdemar smile. He had a feeling he was going to get into more trouble with her but that didn't matter. He wanted whatever moments he could with this woman. My woman. My love.

"So this has nothing to do with love?"

It had everything to do with love. "I'm not like you. I can't just say-" she hesitated. Why can't I say it? It's what I feel. I have to stop being a coward.

"I know but you will." Valdemar looked certain of that fact.

"No pressure- Hey!" Aureliann clutched at him as he rose to his feet. He was already hard inside her and she wanted him again. From no s.e.x to great s.e.x. It was the best way to go as she was more alive then she had ever been. "Again?" Yes please. She wrapped her legs around him and was happy to go wherever he wanted.

"I don't think I will ever get enough of you," Valdemar carried her to the dining room table and laid her down. He pulled out from her body.

Aureliann's legs were spread wide apart and she was totally exposed to this man and she did not care. He made her feel safe and loved. There was nothing to fear from him and only great love to be gained. She watched as one condom was removed and a fresh one applied. I could get used to magic.

Valdemar lifted her legs up over his shoulders as his mouth descended toward her p.u.s.s.y.

Aureliann's head jerked up, her eyes open wide with surprise. "What are you doing?"

"Giving back what I got." Valdemar sucked down on her c.l.i.t.

Her head dropped back on the table with a crash as Valdemar's tongue dragged backward and forward from her c.l.i.t to her a.n.u.s. It was the most amazing feeling. Aureliann's whole body shook and she started to cry.

Valdemar stopped instantly. "What's wrong? Did I hurt you, lovely?"

The worried look on his face was sweet. That he cared so much about her was such a powerful thing.

"No," she muttered, surprised she was crying as Aureliann rarely ever did. "You make me happy."

"So you cry?"

It was a typical male response that made her laugh. "Yes, now please come inside me."

He looked disappointed. "But I haven't finished."

"You can later." In fact she would be more than happy for him to. "I need you." Her eyes locked on his, giving him no doubt as to her feelings.

"As you wish, lovely." Valdemar positioned himself so he thrust into her in one stroke.

"Oh yes." This was exactly what she needed.

Valdemar leaned over her, cradling her in his arms as he kissed her lips. "How was I so lucky to find you?" The gentle yet persistent rocking motion of his hips continued on.

"You were probably a good little vampire and avoided wooden stakes." She looked at him in concern.

"Can they actually kill you?" There were so many myths about vampires. Valdemar was teaching her a lot about vampire stuff.

"Yep, me and everyone else who has a heart. It's a dramatic myth." He grinned down at her. "Actually I was a good child. Victor was the problem one."

Aureliann did not want to think of anyone else but them. "Victor who?" She would worry about him later.

There was only now. "Harder," she ordered. Aureliann wanted to feel his b.a.l.l.s slapping against her flesh.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, now do it."

He did and she groaned loudly. "You're very bossy." Valdemar did not sound like he minded one little bit.

"You have no idea," she panted as once again the most amazing feeling shot through her body. "Is it always going to be like this?" Aureliann did not realize she had said the words out loud.

"Always and forever, lovely."

Chapter Seven.

"You wouldn't have anything to do with this influx of vampires on our doorstep, would you?"

Temperance Larkin asked as Aureliann opened her front door the next morning. Aureliann had just come from a slippery hot shower with Valdemar and she was feeling very much at peace. s.e.x was good. Making love to the man you loved was even better. The bite to her neck had left no side effects whatsoever. It just looked like a normal love bite. Aureliann could feel Valdemar at her side, edging her back as if concerned about who these people were and why they were at her door. That he wanted to protect her made her feel all soft and girly. She shook her head. I am losing my mind over this man and that will not do. Aureliann b.u.mped her hip into his to let him know she could handle this. When Valdemar smiled down at her in amus.e.m.e.nt, her heart softened once more.

"Don't blame me, it's all about him." In so many ways.

Valdemar scowled. "I wanted to leave but you tell me you have to stay and finish up your life here."

Aureliann turned on him, ignoring anyone else. "I'm not finis.h.i.+ng it, I'm putting it on hold, Prince Valdemar. That's a big difference."


"Because." That was all the answer she planned to give him at that moment. Aureliann did not want to continually explain herself.

"Chickening out already, lovely?" Valdemar looking at her meaningfully. "I see I am no longer 'oh Val'."

Aureliann blushed at the s.e.xy way he said it. She looked at Temperance. A man with long white hair stood beside her, nodding in indulgence. He looked young despite the hair color. Was this Asher? Aureliann was about to ask how they had tracked her down but some things were just better left a mystery.

"You're in love," Temperance murmured, a look of understanding in her eyes. "That's sweet but we have a problem."

"Asher Marriott." He held out his hand to Aureliann and Valdemar in turn. The look the two men exchanged was one of kins.h.i.+p. "We suddenly have a lot of vampires who aren't friendly showing up in Brisbane."

"Actually they are aggravating pains in the a.s.s." Temperance rolled her eyes at the thought.

"What my love means is that the vampires we already have in Brisbane are under control. They are known to us," Asher explained. "These new ones are causing havoc."

"Us?" Valdemar invited them inside.

"I'm with the police."

Aureliann was impressed with Asher. s.e.xy and a cop. Temperance winked at her.

"Are these vampires killing people?" There was great concern on Valdemar's face.

Asher shook his head. "Not yet. They are biting and running."

"Not before enslaving women," Temperance added.

Both women looked at their men. A look of mutual understanding pa.s.sed between each couple.

Valdemar's eyes locked on Aureliann. "You have to want to be enslaved to be enslaved."

Aureliann snorted. "I'm not enslaved." I ache with need for him. That's completely different. Sort of.

"You're in love with me." Valdemar looked happy about that fact.

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