Prince Vampire Part 5

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"Wannabe," she retaliated.

Valdemar silenced her with a look. "You know that will never happen. You cannot have what is mine."

"Then I will destroy you and you know I can. Besides, this woman is not fully yours and you only have a short period of time to make her so. From what I can see this b.i.t.c.h may want your c.o.c.k but she wants no part of your life."

"Oh you pus bucket of sc.u.m-" Aureliann struggled as Valdemar held her back from launching at Victor's throat.

"If you want a fight I will meet you on home soil and do it." Valdemar's mouth was tightened in anger.

Victor bowed. "So be it. I wonder how dear Thomas will feel when I dump your broken body before him?

He does seem like the sensitive sort to me." He waved his hand and disappeared.

"What an a.s.shole." Yet because of him Aureliann's mind was churning. Valdemar's life and the future of the people he loved were at stake. She could help him but the cost scared her.

"Him or me?" Valdemar quipped in wry amus.e.m.e.nt. "You didn't like me before." "Because you were being pushy." She moved away from him. Aureliann needed time to think and touching him dis...o...b..bulated her thought processes.

Valdemar nodded in acceptance of that fact. "How did you know Victor was not me?"

"I just knew by his hands, manner and the hard look in eyes." Because I know you as I know myself. But Aureliann wasn't about to say that as it would give the man ideas. "You may be almost identical but your cousin is a pale imitation of you."

"Aureliann, I don't want to lose you."

The quiet look of desperation in his eyes was almost her undoing. "Or is it more you don't want to lose power?" It was a hard thing to say but she wanted to know the truth. Where do I stand with you? Make me believe that this is more than just one crazy moment in my life.

Valdemar sighed and sat down on the arm of the sofa. "While it's true my people need me, I would not take from you what you do not want to freely give me. If you doubt my love for you than I cannot make you love me."

Her heart flip-flopped at the sincerity in his voice. If Aureliann was honest she was already in love with the man. The character from the book was just that. Loveable, s.e.xy and strong as was the real-life man. But Valdemar was more than that. He was also vulnerable and not afraid to show it. That he could be himself around her without any pretension showed great strength and Aureliann admired that.

"So if I let you bite me I'm stuck with you for life?" That thought was not unpleasant-more scary. If she was honest it was not the possible pain of being bitten, it was the giving of herself totally to one person. She had no practice at doing that.

Valdemar smiled softly. "It could be worse and I think we'd have a lot of fun."

Yes they would. Aureliann could feel that. In the short period she had known him, she had enjoyed herself more than she had in a long time. "But you would become mortal and that would weaken you." And she knew Victor would take advantage of that.

He shook his head. "No, it actually works in the reverse. Your bond with me strengthens me."

Aureliann understood that. She felt strong with him beside her and she was not someone who had ever needed a crutch to lean on. But there were other types of strengths. "What about the vampire thing?"

"I am who I am, that does not change."

"So you still go around biting people?" I'm not sure that I like that.

"While I do lose my immortality, I still rely on a small amount of blood." Valdemar looked her straight in the eyes as if wanting Aureliann to understand what she was letting herself in for. "I would rely only on you for sustenance in times of stress."

"O-kay." Aureliann pondered that for a moment. It was weird yet there was also a rightness to it that seemed logical to her. A week ago she was wondering whether to buy new brown shoes or new black shoes, and here she was deciding whether to throw her lot in with a vampire prince from a storybook and she still hadn't decided on shoe color.

"The women of my family are the power behind their men. There is no question of that. We as men know it. They give their blood with love because they love their men. If you cannot do this I would not ask this of you, Aureliann. It's a big step for a mortal woman to take."

She realized the only pressure she was getting was from herself and that was led purely by fear. Two things were in her mind. One was the definite realization that this man, this vampire prince, was the love of her life. While it was madness to fall so fast it did not mean it was not real. The other was that she had no one or anything of note to leave behind her.

"What if-"

"What?" Valdemar stood and waited for her question.

"What if you get sick of me? I'm not the most placid or easy person to live with."

"Really? I cannot imagine that." Valdemar grinned at her words. "Seriously? That would never happen, lovely."

He had the sweetest smile. "What if I get sick of you and want to leave?" Even as she said the words Aureliann knew in her heart that would never happen either.

He shrugged his shoulders. "I could not stop you."

"Right," Aureliann murmured as she looked at him thoughtfully. She had an escape clause. And I don't want one. Most confusing. So why am I holding back? Great s.e.x, a new life with a gorgeous man who wanted to cherish her. What more do I want?

"I love you, Aureliann. I know what I ask is too much and you have every right to say no." Valdemar turned to leave. "I'll leave you in peace."

Chapter Six.

Aureliann sucked in a deep breath. "Bite me." There was only ever one decision she could have made. She wanted Valdemar for better or worse.

Valdemar swung around and looked at her. "What?" There was hope mixed with disbelief in his eyes.

"You heard me, prince." Aureliann pushed her hair back to expose her neck.

"Why?" He came to stand before her, his eyes searching hers for answers.

"What do you mean why? I have to save your tattooed princely a.s.s." There were other reasons but hiding behind flippancy was safer than a.n.a.lyzing the whys and wherefores. "Besides I can't have creepy Victor winning. That's against all soap opera rules."

"It has to be more than that, Aureliann." He linked her hands with his.

The heat of his touch surged through her veins. "Yeah, well it probably is." Just saying the words was hard.

"Probably?" Valdemar smiled at her hesitation.

"Okay, it is, but I'm not sure what so I'm going to see where this takes us."

He chuckled at her words. "That's not the most romantic offer I have heard."

Aureliann pulled his hands to her chest. "Oh Prince Valdemar, suck the essence from my body and make me yours," she moaned dramatically before winking at him. "Is that better?"

"You know I swear this was not how I visualized soul mates becoming one."

"Soul mates? Becoming one?" Could Valdemar feel the wild beat of her heart? Did he understand how she felt? "Prince, I'm always going to be me, a separate ent.i.ty, no matter what happens between is. The idea of soul mates is romantic but don't you want someone realistic and honest? Don't you want someone who can stand beside you when things are bad or to tell you the truth even though it's not what you may want to hear? Don't you crave someone who you can trust, who understands you may not be perfect but who loves you anyway?" Or is that just me? And can it be you?


Aureliann could see in his eyes he understood every word she had said. "Well here I am, my lord. I'm not perfect and I expect I'll make a mess of things but I happen to think at this moment you need me to save what is important to you." Though how, she wasn't exactly sure but her own words had given her strength and she was willing to see where the vampire prince would take her.

Valdemar reached up and cupped her face in his hand. "Are you sure, Aureliann? It is a lot to ask you."

"Yeah, you're d.a.m.n right it is." She grinned at his look of amus.e.m.e.nt. Aureliann had a feeling that not a lot of people spoke to royalty the way she did. "As to if I'm sure? I don't know why but yes I am."

"You know why." He leaned down and placed a kiss on her lips. "You're just too scared to admit it."

Valdemar's hands ran down to the tie on her robe. "Take your robe off."

Aureliann shrugged it off. "Is naked part of the ritual?"

"No," he answered with a wicked smile.

"Pervert." She stuck out her tongue at him. He licked his lips in response. Aureliann s.h.i.+vered as she watched Valdemar's clothes fall from his body with a wave of his hand. "Wow, you never told me you had that power." It was a d.a.m.n good one to have. What others did he possess?

"I want to maintain as normal a life as possible but sometimes speed is of the essence."

That was fair enough. "Are you still going to be able to do that when you lose your immortality?" That would be a shame if stripping by magic disappeared.

"That and other interesting stuff, lovely." Valdemar reached out to her and hugged her to his body.

The steely strength of his c.o.c.k thrummed against her body.

"Is this biting thing going to hurt because I can be a big wuss sometimes." Paper cuts made her wince.

Valdemar threw back his head and laughed. "You always make me smile. I believe you have more courage than you think and no, it won't hurt."

Aureliann pulled back from him. "How do you know? I mean no one's ever done it to you, have they?"

"No but no one's ever complained before either."

"Would they be game to, you being a prince and all?"

Valdemar shook his head in wonder. "You're not the slightest bit in awe of me, are you? Most people are."

Valdemar actually scared her more than she would ever let on. "I'm not most people, prince."

He slapped her b.u.t.t. "I've noticed that. And when are you going to call me 'Val' again, lovely?"

"When you deserve it."

"I will work very hard for that honor." He kissed her again. "Are you ready?"

"Suck away." Aureliann gripped his shoulders, her eyes on his. The tenderness she saw inside them made her heart melt. He really loves me.

"Life with you is going to be interesting," he murmured against her mouth before sliding his lips down her neck, kissing, nuzzling, whispering strange words as his fangs extended and grazed the surface of her neck.

Aureliann stiffened and closed her eyes as his teeth sank into her skin. There was a rush of pain and a blinding white heat that seemed to light up the room. She clutched him to her, not wanting to break the hold as a wild rush of pleasure shot through her body. Her skin began to tingle as his mouth sucked hard. It was almost like a love bite but different. It was more intense, urgent and s.e.xual. That was not something she expected to feel. Aureliann felt his hot, stiff c.o.c.k at her stomach, her thighs wet with need and her lover at her throat taking his fill. I love him.

Valdemar had dreamed of this moment for the longest time. The sweet rush of her blood sent a fire through his veins that he had never felt before. All his senses lit up and were totally attuned to the woman in his arms.

"Oh Val," Aureliann sighed in contentment.

That she was enjoying it as much as he was made Valdemar feel stronger than he ever had. He felt like he could do anything with Aureliann beside him. But he had to be careful. This was her first time and her blood was so sweet that he did not want to weaken her. Valdemar reluctantly lifted his mouth from her neck and licked the wound until the blood stopped flowing.

"Thank you, lovely. That was a gift I will always treasure." He saw the soft look in her eyes. "Are you okay?"

"I want you."

And he wanted her back. "Maybe you should sit and relax and-"

Aureliann grabbed his shoulders and kissed him hard. "I need you now."

Valdemar wasn't about to refuse his lady. He was amused at how she pushed him down on the sofa.

When she dropped to her knees before him and took his c.o.c.k between her hands he groaned. "Aureliann, you don't have to."

"Oh but I want to and I am," she responded as she stroked his c.o.c.k in a milking action between her hands.

Her eyes were on his, watching his reaction.

When Aureliann dropped her head and licked the tip of his shaft, Valdemar gripped the cus.h.i.+ons and started to recite the alphabet backward to refrain from exploding in her mouth.

"This is interesting." Aureliann's tongue flicked against the turgid flesh once more.

"How so?" His voice was so hoa.r.s.e that Valdemar wasn't even sure he had spoken the words out loud.

"Different from what I expected." Her lips moved down the length of his c.o.c.k, following the large, bulging vein.

If Aureliann plans to kill me then this is the way I want to go. "Good or bad?" It was very good for him.

"Oh most definitely good."

Valdemar almost swallowed his fangs when Aureliann sucked his p.e.n.i.s inside past her lips. He retracted his fangs quickly and concentrated on the suction of her mouth. That Aureliann was an amateur at this Valdemar did not doubt. Yet her enthusiastic exploration of his shaft and b.a.l.l.s with her tongue and hands almost paralyzed him with enjoyment.

"Um, Aureliann." This was excellent but he had other goals in mind.

"Yes, Val?" His c.o.c.k popped wet and well-sucked from her lips.

"If you keep doing that then I will come all over you." Valdemar could see her consider that possibility and it did not appall her. "I want to be inside you when I come. I want to feel you on me."

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