Modern Icelandic Plays Part 50

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(_The Servants rise._)


I believe the worst is over and that we shall be let off with the fright.


I hope so.


You can never tell. Remember what happened the time when more than three-score farm-houses fell in one night.


It must have been dreadful.


Now you must all go into the tent.

[_The Servants go in._


I shouldn't wonder if something dreadful were to happen to the farm.

[_Goes into the tent._

(_Sveinungi stands quite still a little while, then walks a few steps, pauses, takes a few more steps, and again stops._)

_Enter Ljot from the tent._


Are you not coming, father? Mother told me to ask you to come in.


Why doesn't she lie down? She need not wait for me.


We are so frightened, father-- all of us.

_Enter Jorunn from the tent._


It's getting cold.


Yes, it is cold.


The sun has set.


Why are you coming out again, Jorunn? Can't you sleep?


No, I can't sleep.


Do you remember the night you thought I was lost in the snowstorm?

A light was burning in the upper window. To see it was better than meeting a human being, and when the dogs began to bark behind the door, it was just as if the house itself were speaking-- calling out its joy.

It sounded better to me than a human voice, and when I stepped into the hall, the darkness seemed to put its arms around me. Never have I had so sweet a welcome, not even when my daughter was a little child.


Ought we not to go in, Sveinungi? It's getting late. You too must go in now, Ljot.


I am only waiting for father.


Do you hear that, Sveinungi? Ljot is waiting for you, and the servants can't sleep either before you go in.


I am not going to stay in the tent to-night. I am going home.


You don't mean that!


But, father dear!


I won't let any foolish fear drive me out of my house, and it is nothing but a foolish fear. The earthquake will not come so suddenly but that I shall have time to get out. It's impossible. Besides, the _badstofa_ will hold. It's well built, though it's old.

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