Modern Icelandic Plays Part 4

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_Gudfinna (laughing)._

There you got it!

(_Everybody laughs except Oddny._)

_Halla (smiling)._

Yet many have fought for less.


I'm ready to make a wager with you, Oddny, that Kari would win.


It does not look as if the cows were coming home to-night. Magnus, won't you go up the gorge and see if they are there, and I will send the boy down to the creek.

[_Exit Sigrid with the wet stockings._


Oh, why did I bother to change my stockings!


You can take a horse. (_A dog is heard barking._) There! we shall have company.

_Kari (rising)._

I'll run up there.


You have your trout nets to look after. I know Magnus won't mind.


Confound those cows! Why can't they come home in time! (_Puts on his shoes._)

(_Kari pulls out a small box from under the bed and begins to whittle teeth for a rake._)

_Arnes puts his head in at the door; he carries a large bag._


Good evening! I did not want to trouble any one to come to the outside door. (_Drops his bag on the floor._) Now Arnes is rich-- there's gold sand in my bag.


I dare say there is.


You people don't know what lies hidden in the hills. I have heard of a man who lost his way in Surt's Cave. For days he walked underground, and when at last he came up he had gold sand in his shoes.


What would you do if that were really gold in your bag?


Then Arnes would do many things. You should help yourself to all your hands could hold, and as many times as you have given me shelter, and Arngrim the leper should also fill his fists. I know of no one else to whom I care to do good.


And should I have nothing?


I would give you new, long ear-locks of gold.

_Magnus (laughing)._

Some little gift you'd surely have for the bailiff-- no?


For him? Yes, if I could throw the sand into his eyes. (_Opens the bag and takes out a handful of Iceland moss._) They are fine, these lichens, and taste good when you cook them in milk.

_Gudfinna (rising and muttering to herself)._

The milk! [_Exit._

_Arnes (holding up a handful)._

See how big they are.


Yes, they are fine.

_Arnes (patting the bag)._

And it is well stuffed, too.

_Enter the Boy._

_The Boy._

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