Modern Icelandic Plays Part 3

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Who doubts that? (_Silence._) I don't know what ails Kari of late.

Yesterday he flew into a rage when I asked him if he knew of a cure for freckles. I hope Halla has not become such a saint yet that one can't notice her freckles.

_Enter Kari and Magnus._

_Kari and Magnus._

Good evening!

_Gudfinna and Oddny._

Good evening!

_Oddny (rising)._

I am sitting on your bed, I believe.

_Magnus (throws off his cap)._

Oddny, ask Sigrid to come here and pull off my stockings. (_Sits down._) It feels good to sit down. [_Oddny goes reluctantly._


Why is she so grumpy? She is not so cheerful a body as you are. I should like to have known you in your young days. I dare say you knew how to handle a rake.

_Gudfinna (straightening her back)._

You may be sure. On dry ground, two lively fellows had all they could do to make ready for my rake.


And you were not afraid to tuck up your skirts, where the ground was low and marshy.


Indeed not! Many a time I had water in my shoes.

_Enter Sigrid and Oddny._

_Magnus (stretching his feet out on the floor)._

Pull off my shoes! I'm so tired to-night I can't move.


It must be laziness that ails you, as usual. (_Kneels down._) How in the name of heaven did you manage to get so wet in this dry weather? I can wring the water out of your stockings.


Kari wanted to jump the creek to make a short cut, and I fell in.

_Oddny (to Kari)._

Aren't you wet, too?


No. (_Sits down._)


Kari skims over everything like a bird.


Every man has his gift. (_To Sigrid._) You should see the rocks Magnus can lift.


Well, it may be true that I am pretty strong, but I should like to see the man who could throw you in an honest _glima_.


I know one whom Kari couldn't stand against.


And who is that? (_Sigrid pulls at his stockings._) There! There!


Bjrn, Halla's brother-in-law.


I should not be afraid to bet on Kari against him. (_To Sigrid._) Give me the stockings! (_Dries his feet with the stocking legs._)

(_Sigrid pulls out a chest, where she finds dry stockings._)

_Enter Halla._


I don't think Kari would dare to try a fall with the bailiff.


If you were the prize, I should not dare to!

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