Modern Icelandic Plays Part 18

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I will!


Will you take upon yourself half of my guilt and become an outcast like me?

_Halla (exultantly)._

I will!


Will you face hunger and cold and all terrors for my sake?


Have you not always known that I would go with you? Could you believe me so low that I would keep you here with this dread hanging over you, if I had not meant to go with you? Every night I thought: To-morrow he will ask if you will go with him.


How beautiful you are! All the days we have had together live in your face!


Did you believe I could rest satisfied in thinking of you with the mountains between us? Then you don't know me yet. I will live! I will sail with you in your white s.h.i.+ps!

_Enter Bjrn._


Good day to you, Halla. I looked for you at the fold. It is a long time since we two neighbors have met.

_Halla (confused)._

Yes, it is a long time.


Who sees to it that your sheep are taken out of the fold? Your cots seem to be standing empty.


Kari attends to that.


Then it is time you sent him about his work.


Perhaps the bailiff has come to lend a hand?

_Bjrn (to Halla)._

I should like to have a few words with you.


We were just starting for the fold. Perhaps we could have our talk on the way up.


If it is the same to you, I prefer to stay here. It is a matter of some weight, which I do not care to discuss in the presence of your overseer or any one but yourself.

_Halla (to Kari)._

Then you had better go up to the fold.


Don't forget to ask the bailiff if it is true that he has been rubbing his knee-joints with fat every night the whole summer through.



He's bold enough, that fellow. It is well we shall soon be rid of him.

_Halla (roused)._

And what was it you wanted to see me about?


We were both somewhat angry when we met last. Shall we let it be forgotten?

_Halla (relieved)._

I thought perhaps you had got your letter from the southland with the proofs that you had been wrong in your suspicions.


Everything in good time. Did you say anything to him?


I told you I wouldn't.


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