Modern Icelandic Plays Part 17

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And there you will build your hut?


No; last time I lived in a lava cave. I had brought with me some tools that my brother gave me, and I left them there. Something told me that I might need them again. (_He is silent._)

_Halla (taking his hand)._

You must tell me more, much more. I want to see the place where you will live (_with a strange smile_), so that I can come and visit you in my thoughts.


I forget what I have told you and what I have not told you. You may think that the hills are wild and forbidding, but that is not so at all.

In the summer, when the sun is s.h.i.+ning, they are beautiful. The glaciers lie like white untrodden land in a sea of sand, their lower rim flas.h.i.+ng green and blue in the sunlight. When you come nearer, you see a chain of jagged sandhills like a dark surf, where the glacier and the sand waste meet. (_He is silent again. Halla has picked a flower and is pulling its petals._) Why are you doing that? What are you asking about?


You love me!


Do you need to ask a flower about that? (_Rising._) Are you not the least bit sorry that we must part?

_Halla (rising)._

Would it make it easier for you, if I were to whine and weep like a child?


I don't know. (_He is silent._) Yet you need not pity me. I am rich-- I am king of the hills! The fire on my hearth never dies, day or night.

The country is mine, as far as my eyes can reach. Mine are the glaciers that make the streams! When I get angry, they swell, and the stones gnash their teeth against the current. And I own a whole lake with a fleet of ice-s.h.i.+ps and a choir of swans.


I never said that I pitied you.


But one thing you must promise me. You must not marry the bailiff.


But, dear man--


If you do, I shall come some night and kill you both, first him and then you.


Are you really jealous of the bailiff? He hates me.


Why should he be hounding me like a wild beast, if it were not for your sake? I have never done him any harm.


I promise you that I shall never marry the bailiff. (_Puts her arms around his neck and tries to draw him to her._) Kiss me, Kari!

_Kari (gently pus.h.i.+ng her away)._

My name is not Kari. From this day on my name is Eyvind-- "Eyvind of the Hills," they call me in the southland, my brother told me.


From my lips you shall never hear any other name than Kari. By that name I learned to love you. A man who is not loved has no name. (_Takes his hands._)

_Kari (in a sudden outburst, drawing her to him and kissing her forehead)._

G.o.d bless you, Halla! (_With difficulty mastering his voice._) Now I am going to the fold. (_Turns away from Halla._)

_Halla (calling)._

Kari! (_Kari turns back._) Must I ask you to marry me a second time?

I thought we two were married.


So we are before G.o.d.


So far as I know, it is the custom that when a man moves from one place to another, he takes his wife with him.


Do you think there is anything in the world I would rather do than live with you?


Then ask me if I am willing.


Will you be my beloved wife and go with me through all suffering?


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