Tackling Summer Part 8

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"She never comes out to visit?" Maddox asked.

When they emerged out of the pines onto Haystack Road, the dipping sun blasted them in the face. In unison, they flipped down their visors.

"Sometimes you just need to get out of there," David said. "You know what I mean."

"Boy, do I."

"And why I stick around. I'm a rancher. It's what I do. My dad, Mitch's older brother," David looked over at Maddox like he was trying to make a point, "was half owner of the Double O. I'm sure you know he died when I was a kid. I gotta make sure the place keeps running."

"Looks like Mitch has it under control."

David flicked the toothpick out the window, s.h.i.+fted in his seat. "All of us kids have a stake in the place. I'm not leavin' my land. Someday I'll take my share and do things my way."

Maddox couldn't figure out how that would work and couldn't imagine there being too many ways to run a ranch. You chase cows around and feed them. He a.s.sumed at some point you sold some because money had to come from somewhere. "Wouldn't you all still be on top of each other? Why don't you have Mitch pay you out for your share, and you set up shop somewhere else?"

The expression Maddox saw on David's face, and the way the other man shook his head told him he didn't get it. And Maddox would admit he didn't, so he decided to talk about something else.

"How come you don't hang out with your mom and sister more?" He'd been wondering about the cool treatment David gave his mother at branding camp. Everyone else in the family seemed to enjoy each other's company.

"I didn't know we were playing twenty questions tonight."

Maddox conceded he sounded like a chick with his interrogation. He hadn't had enough to occupy his mind lately. Usually, when he and David had a beer on the porch, they talked sports. That seemed to be it for common ground, but it worked.

"Sorry, man," Maddox mumbled.

David tipped his white straw cowboy hat back on his head and rubbed his free hand over his face. "Things got complicated when Dad and Margo, that's Chanel's mom, died. I don't know. Guess everybody forgot where they fit in around here."

A liquid chill filled Maddox's veins. Chanel's mother was dead. That explained a lot about her. Shame for thinking the woman had run off quickly followed. And was David saying...?

"Mitch and your mom, they hooked up, didn't they?"

David shot him a glare.

"Easy there. Honest question." Maddox held his hands in front of him as if to ward off a blow.

"I don't like to talk about it. Anyhow, I stay around to keep an eye on things. That's how Dad would've wanted it. I go to town to see Faith. Someday, if I can ever figure out how to get out of the bunkhouse, I'll marry her and bring her out."

Nodding in response, Maddox held his tongue until they got to town. There was some sort of power struggle amongst the Ebers. He wondered if anyone was aware of it outside of David.

His phone started dinging as they hit the city limits: texts from Hollace, several girls, and a few other friends. Apparently, the news of his whereabouts had spread. Maddox was sure many of his teammates had relished in sharing it. He ran his thumb over the screen, debating over to whom he should reply. Having the phone in his hand again felt good. It was a comfort to be linked to the rest of the world. Despite that, he wasn't overly excited to converse with most of these people. That was a weird feeling.

David pulled his truck into a parking spot beside the Leaning Camel Bar and Grill. A peeling sign depicted a dizzy looking camel propped up against a palm tree. It looked as out of place in Clifford's Bend as Maddox felt.

"You need a lift home tomorrow?" David rested his forearm on the steering wheel.

"Nah, I'm good. I'll figure something out," Maddox said.

"I'll be over at Faith's until after dinner tomorrow. She's on the corner of Liberty and First. Come on over if you need to."

"Thanks," Maddox said and slammed the truck door. He watched David rumble away. There was no doubt in his mind that Lila would be willing to drive him home at some point. He was hoping it would be tomorrow morning rather than later tonight. Looking down at his phone again, he dashed off a text to Hollace, informing him that he didn't have cell service unless he was in town and very limited access to the Internet at the ranch. After spending entire days with Chanel, the last thing he wanted to do was go beg for an online fix at her house. Then he switched off the device. He didn't want to be disturbed during his date with Lila.

He entered through the solid white door with the "No Minors" sign rather than through the nicer looking wood door with the window on the other end of the building that led to the family friendly restaurant. Lila was waiting for him at the bar with a half empty gla.s.s of beer. Her dark hair was curling seductively to her bra line. She gave him a bright smile when she saw him. Her eyes didn't seem as tired tonight.

"I'm glad you called," she said.

"Me too," Maddox said and ordered a whiskey on the rocks. Beer wasn't going to be enough to take the edge off tonight. "So, you going to help me rock this town tonight?"

Lila c.o.c.ked her head to one side. "Not much to rock. This town is a one-trick pony, and you're in it."

"You two eating tonight?" The grizzled bartender sported a gut and a stained white t-s.h.i.+rt. Maddox was dubious about the food offerings in this joint, but he hadn't eaten since lunch. He was starving.


Two sticky red menus were pa.s.sed across the bar.

"Thanks, Tony," Lila said.

Maddox scanned the list. Typical burger and deep-fried bar food. He knew he'd regret it, but he was sick of beef and frozen pizza. So, he decided on the fish and chips. Lila ordered a chef salad and another beer.

The door opened and closed and a couple of women stepped into the dim room. Maddox could feel their eyes on him. A quick a.s.sessment told him they were much too old for his taste.

Lila missed nothing and laughed. "You're fresh meat. It's slim pickings in the man department around here."

"Well, then it's a good thing you caught me fast," Maddox said.

She clinked her gla.s.s with his, and he downed his drink, motioning at Tony for another.

When their food arrived, Maddox fought the urge to wipe his fish with his napkin before eating it. He hated to admit it, but Lila's salad looked more appealing. When had he become such a food sn.o.b? He couldn't remember ever cringing at a meal in his life before coming to Clifford's Bend.

He went to the bathroom to wash his hands and b.u.mped into a cowboy about his age but sporting the gut that seemed to be attached to the majority of the men and several of the women in this joint. He mumbled an excuse me and turned on the faucet.

"See you decided to take a ride on the village bike," the cowboy said.

"Excuse me?" Maddox jerked his head up and met the other man's stare in the mirror.

"Lila. Everybody's tapped that one. You're new here. Thought you'd want to know. Wear a rubber, man."

Maddox's brows drew together. Who was this a.s.shole, and did he think he sounded witty with his ripped off movie lines?

The cowboy reacted to Maddox's stormy expression. Holding his palms out in front of himself. "Nothin' to get about. Every town's got one."

Maddox ripped a length of paper towel from the dispenser and turned to face the guy. He was a good couple of inches taller, and he knew he outweighed him in muscle.

"She seems pretty nice to me."

The guy shrugged and braved turning away from Maddox to pull open the door. "Do what you want."

Maddox sucked in a deep breath. Locker room talk, that's all that was. The guy was a jerk, but Maddox could hear the voices of teammates rumbling through his brain saying the same types of things after practice as they plotted their evening's conquests.

Someone had fired up the jukebox while he was in the bathroom, and the place was thumping to some country song. It had a slight pop beat, wasn't too Maddox saw Lila on the floor line dancing with a handful of other ladies. A few couples whirled together. These people took their dancing seriously. No b.u.mping and grinding on the floor like at the city clubs.

Lila caught his eye as the song ended and crooked her finger. A slow song started, and she pulled him close as soon as she could reach him. She had an exotic, spicy fragrance, a contrast to Chanel's light and sweet scent, and her curves felt good under his hands. An unfamiliar sliver of doubt about going home with her niggled at him. Was it what the jerk in the bathroom had said? Of course not. He'd never cared about a girl's backlist before.

Maddox pulled Lila tighter against him, her full b.r.e.a.s.t.s pressed against his chest. He tried to think about her shapely legs below the short denim skirt, but instead he saw Chanel's longer ones extending from her running shorts. That was two Chanel comparisons in about as many minutes. How had she managed to get in his head? Lila brought him back to her when she began trailing her fingers down his back and up again, giving him a s.h.i.+ver.

"How long do you want to hang out here?" Lila tilted her head back, so she could see his face.

Still undecided, Maddox said, "You already done showing me off?"

"I think enough folks have seen us to start spreading the word about how I snagged the hot new guy," Lila said with a throaty laugh. "It'll circle 'round to me, and I can brag about how I'm seeing a future NFL player."

Instead of being flattered, Maddox felt kind of bad for her. Did she realize what people said about her behind closed doors? Add that to the fact that there was a good chance he had no future NFL career.

This sudden bout of conscience irritated him. Determined to drive it and Chanel from his mind, Maddox lowered his lips to Lila's. She parted them eagerly, threading her fingers through his hair. It was enough to flip the switch to start thinking with a different part of his anatomy. Fisting his hands in those silky thick curls, he pulled back so he could see her face. Lila's porcelain skin was flushed, eyes burning up at him.

"Let's get out of here." His voice was husky with desire.

They tumbled out of the Leaning Camel's bar entrance, Lila's hand already up Maddox's s.h.i.+rt. He pressed her up against the wall, deepening their kiss.

She moaned against his lips. "d.a.m.n, I've never felt abs like that."

Probably not around here, Maddox thought picturing the population of beer guts on the other side of that door. That image brought him back to himself, and he pulled back. Lila's lips were swollen from his kisses, her chest rising and falling heavily. Those b.r.e.a.s.t.s so much fuller than Chanel's.

"My place is three blocks that way." She pointed to her right. Taking his hand, she pushed off the wall and began leading him down the street.

As they walked, Maddox could see Chanel's disapproving glare in his mind. She shook her head and turned away. So what if Chanel wouldn't approve. She only got to tell him what to do during work hours. His vigor renewed, Maddox scooped Lila into his arms and nuzzled her neck making her giggle.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a heated kiss. "Hold on, baby, we're almost there."

Maddox returned Lila to her feet, and she broke into a jog despite her tall sandals. He kept pace with her until they reached a little white house with a chain link fence. Lila opened the gate, and seconds later she was closing the front door behind them. Maddox pinned her against the wall in the entryway and lifted her skirt. Screw Chanel Eber. He'd do whatever the h.e.l.l he wanted.

Steam rose from the kitchen sink as the mound of soapy bubbles grew. Chanel submerged the rectangle gla.s.s pan she'd used the night before to bake tater tot ca.s.serole. It would need to soak for a bit. She gazed out the window over the sink, taking in the view of the barn, corrals, shop, and bunkhouses.

An unfamiliar sedan rolled across the cattle guard, breaking the midmorning silence. It came to a stop beside the bunkhouse lawn. Always wary of strangers poking around, Chanel squinted and leaned closer to the window. She recognized Lila Biggs emerging from the drivers' side. When Maddox opened the pa.s.senger door, Chanel recoiled from the window as if someone had slapped her. They kissed, Maddox pressing the woman against the car. Chanel's shock turned to fury in an instant. She reached for the phone and dialed Seth's number. No answer. Slamming it down, she plunged her hands into the scalding dishwater and yelped, jerking them back out again. Cursing, Chanel grabbed a towel and wiped them dry.

How could he be with Lila? Why did she care? Emotions running wild, Chanel picked up the phone again, and this time dialed Roberta.

"Hey there," Roberta chirped when she answered.

"He picked up a woman last night," Chanel yelled into the phone.

"Your dad?" Roberta sounded horrified.

"No! Maddox!" Chanel continued to watch the make out session, until Maddox pulled back and took Lila by the hand, leading her to his bunkhouse.

"So? You're not sleeping with him."

"Dammit, Bert, he can't act like that in a small town." Chanel sc.r.a.ped her fingers through her hair.

"Have s.e.x? Hate to tell you this, but it happens everywhere. Besides, why do you care who he's sleeping with? You don't even like him. The guy is ent.i.tled to a life, even out in the sticks."

Chanel gritted her teeth, knowing Bert was right but hating it. She moved into the living room and curled into a ball on the couch. "You're right. It shouldn't bother me."

"You've been off from the moment he landed on your doorstep. You crus.h.i.+ng a little bit?"

"Oh my gosh, we aren't teenagers anymore, Roberta." Chanel only used her friend's full name when she was extremely frustrated.

"Then stop acting like one."

This was the second time in five minutes that Chanel felt like she'd been slapped. She wished Seth had answered his phone. He wouldn't have been so harsh. Well, maybe. He'd echoed Bert's thoughts about just giving in and sleeping with Maddox at the beginning just to get it out of the way.

"You can't tell me Maddox is the only man bringing women back to the bunkhouse."

She was right. In the past, though not recently, Fritz had brought a string of ladies home. Jerry had a steady woman who from time to time spent the weekend. David hadn't brought Faith home for the night, but everyone knew he stayed at her place. Really, her dad was the only celibate man on the crew. Unless...while she was away at school...Chanel shuddered at the thought.

"No," Chanel grumbled.

"There's a lot of summer left, Chel. You're gonna make yourself crazy if you keep obsessing over him. Make peace with the situation or do something to change it." A deep murmur came from Bert's end of the line.

"Who's that?" Chanel asked.

"No one. Traffic," Bert said quickly.

"You have someone over!" A smile took over Chanel's lips. She was ready to s.h.i.+ft the attention to her friend.

"No, I don't."

Remembering Bert was on her cell phone, Chanel rephrased. "You stayed at his place!"

"Well, maybe. I should probably go. He's out of the shower, and it's been a while since we've eaten."

Chanel could picture Bert's wicked grin.

"Fine. You better call me with details later."

"Of course, doll. Remember what I said."

"I will."

"Bye." With that, Roberta was gone, and Chanel was alone on her couch. Mulling over their conversation, she chewed her thumbnail. It was time to make Maddox just one of the guys.


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