Tackling Summer Part 11

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Mitch sent his riders out in all directions to search for and gather the scattered nine hundred some head of cattle. Maddox had ridden off with Chanel and Seth, a.s.suming they'd stick together, but soon after they parted ways with the rest of the crew, Chanel had given him a wicked smile and pointed off to her left.

"Seth, you head out that way. I'll go this way," she said pointing the opposite direction. "Maddox, you work the middle. Ride to the top of the ridge and work your way back down. Whatever you find, send it down the mountain. Our groups will merge and be drawn to the sound of the rest of the herd coming together on the flat."

Maddox opened his mouth to protest, panic gripping his stomach. Ever since the day she ditched him in the woods, he'd feared getting lost again. And that wolf still haunted his dreams almost two months later.

"We don't have time to argue," Chanel said before he could say one word. They'd been getting along pretty well since Seth came home, but that hard look was on her face again. Her eyes flashed at him, daring him to start something. He glanced over at Seth hoping his new friend would speak up.

"You'll be fine, man. We'll be within shouting distance the whole time, I promise."

"You're not nervous, are you?" Chanel taunted.

Maddox bit the inside of his cheek to hold in the smart response itching to escape.

"Just be glad we didn't send you out here on Ros," Seth said smacking him on the back.

Maddox had been grateful Seth hadn't put him back on the cranky mare, instead giving him gentle Malcolm who was happy to take him wherever he wanted to go.

And so began the frustrating task of finding and convincing childlike cows, they should go where he told them. It started easy enough. Many of the animals were curious about him and his horse and were content to follow him around. They were jumpy, so all Maddox had to do was smack his leg and yell, "Go down there!" to send them running in the right direction. As the morning wore on, and the heat began to rise, they weren't nearly as cooperative, insisting on hiding in deep sticker bushes and refusing to budge unless Maddox went in after them. He was beginning to see why most of the cowboys had dogs. They could send them into the bushes to root out the stubborn cattle and spare themselves the carnage.

The red steer darted out of the thicket, tail pitched in the air, and headed right back up the hill Maddox had just brought him down. The rest of his small herd that had been watching his struggle took off after their mate. Maddox swore again. These had to be the dumbest animals on the face of the earth. How many times had he chased them up and down this mountain? Sorry, Chanel, Maddox thought. My group'll be the skinny one. Something else was bothering him too. The more he had to run around after his charges, the more he worried about losing his bearings. At first he could hear Seth and Chanel's whoops and whistles and the occasional bark from Chanel's dog, Soda, but it had been quite a while since he'd heard anything besides Malcolm's footsteps and his own grumbling.

Pulling Malcolm to a stop, Maddox reached back and pulled a water bottle from his saddlebag and took a deep drink. His stomach rumbled, and he wondered if it was anywhere close to lunchtime. Christine had premade a mountain of sandwiches for the crew before they left the evening before and would be bringing more to camp tonight for tomorrow. Maddox had two sandwiches and an apple waiting for him, but he didn't want to pull the trigger too soon and be wasting away by midafternoon. Instead he took another swig of water. It was hot enough to be afternoon.

Malcolm s.h.i.+fted underneath him, ears p.r.i.c.ked forward. Figuring the horse spotted a chipmunk or something, Maddox continued to silently gripe. Next thing he knew, the sound of dozens of fast moving hooves broke the silence, and a mob of yearlings crested the hill above him. Maddox hurried to cram his water bottle back in his saddlebag.

"GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!" Chanel's voice reached him above the racket of the cattle racing down the hill toward him. There were hundreds of them, and he couldn't figure out which way to go. The leaders spotted him and threw on the brakes, causing a crush of bodies to build up behind them. They mooed and tried to turn around, but too many of their friends were still pressing forward, so instead, they scattered to the right and left at an astonis.h.i.+ng speed.

Soda raced from one side of the mob to the other trying to keep yearlings from escaping. Without direction from Maddox, Malcolm launched into action. The big bay galloped after the yearlings sprinting off to their right.

Maddox clung to the saddle horn, the reins clamped uselessly under his hands. "WOAH!" he cried, forgetting the reins were the brakes.

Malcolm continued to run after the cattle. A fallen log was coming up fast. The steers switched directions, turning to race back the way they'd just come. Malcolm planted his back feet and skidded to a stop throwing Maddox off balance. Before he could regain his seat, the horse pivoted on his hind legs, dumping him on the ground. Malcolm tore off, leaving Maddox swearing in frustration, pain stabbing through his shoulder as he lie next to a large sagebrush.

He could hear Soda barking frantically and Chanel's shrill whistles, which were instructions to the dog. G.o.d, he hoped nothing came running this way and trampled him. At the end of his rope, Maddox kicked at the dirt, not even trying to sit up. Gradually, the chaos of the herd faded. Just like that, they'd left him. He knew his football career had just ended because he'd been forced to ride a dumb animal in the wilderness, and for all he knew, the wolves were already moving in for the kill. He was a sitting duck.

"FU-," the curse was cut short when Chanel's dusty face appeared over his. Caught up in his tantrum, he hadn't heard Vivi approach. A wet tongue attacked his ear a second later. "ACK!"

Maddox shoved the dog aside and sat up, discovering his shoulder didn't hurt as badly as he first thought.

"Soda, leave him alone," Chanel said and then knelt beside him. "You okay?"

"G.o.d, I hope so." He rotated his shoulder in its socket and everything worked, so he doubted he'd dislocated or torn anything.

"Look what you landed on."

Twisting to see what was behind him, Maddox spied a good-sized rock. That explained the sharp pain when he landed.

"You're lucky you didn't land on your head. I bet you get one h.e.l.l of a bruise. Here, let me see."

Her hands were on the bottom of his s.h.i.+rt, lifting before he could respond. Maddox stiffened.

"I'm sorry, did I hurt you?"

"No. Just surprised me."

She surprised him again when she giggled as she raised the fabric up and over his shoulder.

"I can't believe you're not cussing me out right now," Maddox said "Oh, I wanted to, but then I got busy cleaning up your mess. Thankfully Seth showed up with his own group and caught those of ours that split that direction. We met in the middle. And Soda's a big help. She's like having an extra person." Chanel hissed behind him.

"What?" He tried to look over his shoulder but couldn't see. It ached back there, but not like something was broken. She ran her fingers lightly over the spot, just a breath of a touch. Maddox sucked in his breath breaking out in goose b.u.mps and a fever all at once.

"It's already bruising. I can't imagine what it's going to look like tomorrow. You're gonna be sore."

Well, duh, Maddox thought. Agitated by her touch, almost wis.h.i.+ng she'd just chew him out, he jerked away tugging down his s.h.i.+rt. "Great."

"You can go home with Christine tonight if you want."

Her words stole his breath. Was she benching him?

As if she could read his thoughts, Chanel quickly said, "Just as a precaution. Dad's gonna freak when he finds out you took another tumble."

"I don't need babied."

Her brows drew in, a fire lit in those hypnotic eyes making the gold flecks flash. "I'm not babying you. You took a nasty fall. Besides, a couple weeks ago you would've jumped in the truck before I stopped talking."

She had a point, but he'd never let her know it. There was a part of him that was keen on the idea of riding back to headquarters in Christine's truck, resting for the next couple days until the crew brought in the herd, but something stronger-something new-tugged at him: determination to see this job through.

He stood and stalked over to where Malcolm was grazing with his reins dangerously near his feet. Maddox grabbed them before the horse could step through the loop and get hung up, hoping Chanel hadn't noticed. Seth had coached him through all kinds of scenarios like that without being a jerk. And Maddox had soaked it in.

"Fine, but you better stick close to somebody. Seth is trailing what we found back toward camp, so you're stuck with me for now."

Maddox turned to remind her that she'd sent him off on his own in the first place but was distracted by the sight of her brus.h.i.+ng the dirt from her fine b.u.t.t and toned arms, browned by the sun and a layer of dust. Unlike the guys, she braved the sun and scratches and wore a dark green tank top. It was all he could do not to walk over there and wrap that sun-streaked ponytail around his hand and draw her in for a kiss. Her lips would feel so good against his sunburnt ones. She'd actually been concerned for him. This was the first time Chanel Eber had ever acted like she thought of him as more than a wet cow patty beneath her boot.


"He's growin' on ya."

Fritz's voice startled Chanel. She'd zoned out watching Maddox hold a bag of ice on his bare shoulder. When Christine arrived with dinner and heard about his fall, she'd gone into mom mode, inspecting the injury and finally deciding with a bag of ice and a handful of ibuprofen that he'd survive.

"Don't know what you mean," Chanel replied.

Fritz settled into the camp chair beside her, his mustache tipped up on one side. Chanel narrowed her eyes at him.

"I've learned to read these things," Fritz said.

Chanel shook her head, glancing back at Maddox and Christine.

"I've known you almost your whole life, Chel. Somethin's different with this one."

"He's just a hired hand. He'll be gone in a month."

"Right back to where you're headed."

"I don't exist to him there." Maddox caught her eye and smiled. Chanel flushed and s.h.i.+fted in her chair, so her whole body faced the cowboy next to her.

"Maybe not before, but that kid's grown up a lot since he got here. He may not be a great cowboy, but he's learnin' how to be a man."

Perhaps, Chanel thought, or maybe he was just a really good actor. She'd ruled out her father's opinion, certain he couldn't see Maddox for who he was around the stars in his eyes, but Seth liked him a lot too. Now Fritz, who didn't hand out compliments every day. It annoyed her that the blond oaf was worming his way in with everyone.

"In case you're wonderin' he hasn't been to town other than the one time, and she hasn't been back out."

"Doesn't matter to me," Chanel said ready to be done with this conversation. "What's going on with you and Christine? I'm guessing you made up."

Fritz sat straighter in his chair, his eyes flickering toward her aunt. "We're fine."

"You guys going to go public?"

The giant mustache twitched. "Like to. She keeps holding back."

"I think Dad would get used to the idea if he didn't take to it right away."

Fritz nodded. "Preachin' to the choir here." His eyes looked sad, and Chanel prayed Christine didn't push him away. How long would he be satisfied to sneak around like there was something wrong with their relations.h.i.+p?

"You two are awfully serious." Seth flopped down on the ground between their chairs. Soda wriggled her way onto his lap. "I need a dog."

Chanel laughed, relieved at Seth's interruption. "You're not home enough, and you'd have to find a place that allowed pets."

Seth shrugged. "They're out there, and I'm outside a lot. Besides, I'll have more time on my hands now." He met Chanel's eyes, and she nudged him with the tip of her boot.

Both Chanel and Seth turned their attention to Fritz when he suddenly rose from the camp chair. Without a word he crossed the campsite toward Christine's truck. Maddox pa.s.sed him midway, pausing to watch him too. There was determination in the man's stride.

"What's about to happen here?" Chanel murmured. She gave the campsite a quick once over. Mitch and Jerry were making sure the horses were settled for the night. David was missing, and Chanel hoped he was out of earshot, wherever he was.

"G.o.d, I hope they're going to come out," Seth said a little too loud.

"You know?" Chanel whispered, tearing her eyes from the scene in front of them.

Seth laughed but lowered his voice. "Pretty hard not to. I've been able to tell by the way they look at each other from the day I got here. And Maddox and I caught them one day when we were checking fences."

"Why didn't you say anything?" Chanel and Seth had always told each other everything. Why start holding back now?

Seth shrugged. "The opportunity was never there, and I didn't think it mattered."

Annoyed with her cousin, Chanel turned her attention back to her aunt and Fritz. Christine was giving him a wary look as he spoke softly to her. She started to shake her head, but Fritz reached out and drew her in for a kiss. Christine's back was stiff, her hands frozen in midair.

A loud whistle came from beside Chanel. She reached out to smack Seth, but before she could reach him he catcalled, "Wooooo!" Maddox joined in with loud clapping. Chanel couldn't help herself, and a huge grin took over her face, her heart felt too big for her chest. That was probably one of the most romantic things she'd ever seen.

Christine pulled back and looked around Fritz at the three young people watching them. Her cheeks turned pink, but her expression turned from embarra.s.sed to beaming, and she rested her forehead on Fritz's chest.

"What's going on here?" David rounded the corner of the cabin nearest Fritz and Christine. When he saw the older cowboy holding his mother, he stopped short. "What the h.e.l.l? Is she okay?"

Christine pulled back, turning within Fritz's arms to face her eldest son. "I'm more than okay."

Chanel held her breath as David's face clouded. By now Mitch and Jerry had made their way over from picketing the horses. Jerry's face was impa.s.sive. Mitch's shoulders sagged a bit, his normally twinkling eyes dull. He stood silently beside Jerry.

"I should have guessed you were whoring around when you got that haircut," David said.

"You listen here," Fritz said dropping his arms from Christine and stepping toward David, but Christine stopped him with a firm hand on his chest.

In three brisk steps, she was nose to nose with her son. She struck like a snake, hand shooting out, slapping him. The pop echoed around the camp.

"Don't you ever talk to me like that again. I raised you better. And you should think before you speak. What do you think you're doing with Faith?"

David touched his cheek. Chanel could only see the side of his face, but could only imagine the temper storming across it. He shouldn't have been shocked, as far as Chanel was concerned. Christine had never let them speak disrespectfully. David had it coming.

"You're married," David said.

"I was," Christine replied, her voice firm but even. Her gaze never wavered. "Your dad died seventeen years ago. I haven't worn a ring in a long time."

David turned his attention to Fritz and shoved pa.s.sed his mother. "You! You've been like a father to me, and all this time just so you can screw my-,"

Mitch rushed forward and stepped between the two men. "That's enough, David. You need to saddle up and head back home."

"You can't send me home," David said.

"Wanna bet? I'm in charge of this place, and you need to cool off. You're out of line right now." Mitch was a couple of inches taller than his nephew and still in solid shape, making for an intimidating form.

"You can't spare me right now. You need everyone to bring these yearlings in."

"There's not anyone who can't be replaced."

"Jessi and I will trailer up in the morning," Christine said. "And I'll radio Theo and see if he wants to come out."

David took a step back, and Chanel's breath came a little easier.

"This is stupid," David muttered and stomped toward where the horses were grazing.

Seth hurried across camp and pulled his mother close. Fritz hugged her from the other side. Despite being buried between two big bodies, Chanel could hear Christine's sobs. She couldn't remember the last time she'd heard her aunt cry. Mitch gave a low whistle, and he and his dogs disappeared into the trees, while Jerry stood watch to make sure David left peacefully.

Feeling a little sick and unsure of what to do, Chanel covered her hands with her face and tried to calm down. A pair of big hands removed hers, and she found Maddox kneeling in front of her.

"Let's walk," he said.

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