Wings Of The Morning Part 23

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"Yes, sir. For years before Smokey was even born."

"Simmons," Brandon said the name softly and then shook his head "I don't believe I knew him."

Da.r.s.ey hesitated before speaking. "He never used the name Simmons. Most knew him only as Clancy; to Smokey he was Papa."

Brandon grew absolutely still and stared at Da.r.s.ey as he sat opposite him in his study. The women were out riding, or he would have looked for Smokey right on the spot. A well of amazement and then deep respect for Smokey and Da.r.s.ey rose up within Brandon. He knew there was something different about this man and his captain.

"Smokey doesn't like to talk of it, sir," Da.r.s.ey told him bluntly, wanting to be honest, but also wanting to protect his girl. "She prefers to be accepted on her own, for who she is."

"I understand completely, Da.r.s.ey. I won't mention it, but I will tell you this, I knew there was something special about that woman the moment I saw her."

Da.r.s.ey grinned. "I'll have to tell her that, sir. I think it would do her good. We're a bit intimidated in surroundings like these."

Brandon laughed outright. "You tell her she has nothing to worry about, Da.r.s.ey. She's doing just fine."

"How are you holding up?" Brandon asked Smokey the next day during lunch. Dallas had been gone for three days.

Even though Brandon thought Smokey looked well rested and lovely, he knew she might be getting a bit anxious.


"I'm well. A little sore since your wife decided that I needed to go riding yesterday and today."

Sunny laughed unrepentantly.

"Just wait, Sunny," Smokey warned her. "One of these days I'll shanghai you and make you scrub the deck of my s.h.i.+p."

Sunny, who had always been fascinated with s.h.i.+ps, rather liked the idea.

"As you can see, that was no serious threat," Brandon said dryly as he watched his wife's face. "Sunny and I met on a s.h.i.+p, and I've always thought she might have a bit of the sea in her veins."

Husband and wife grinned at each other, and the meal progressed in high humor. When Sunny asked for tea at the end of the meal, Brandon looked across the table at Smokey, his dark eyes intent on her face "Da.r.s.ey tells me that you fence."

To his surprise, Smokey only smiled and said, "Did he now?"

Brandon inclined his handsome head and failed to notice the look of astonishment on his wife's face. Sunny had told herself she was beyond surprises, but it just wasn't so.

"He tells me," Brandon went on smoothly, "that you hold your own very nicely."

Again Smokey only smiled Brandon waited, but still she said nothing. Smokey's teacup was halfway to her mouth when he asked the question.

"Will you fence with me?"

Brandon's respect for her doubled as she calmly raised the cup to her mouth, drank, and just as calmly placed it back in her saucer.

"I'd have to change my clothes."

"So would I," Brandon informed her, and Smokey nodded "In the den, in one hour?"

"I'll be there," Smokey told him. She thanked Sunny for the delicious lunch. When she exited a moment later, Da.r.s.ey went with her.


"You can't be serious," Sunny spoke as soon as the door closed. Brandon chuckled at her look of horror.

"I'm not going to hurt her, love."

"Are you sure?"

"Quite sure. I've never known a woman who fenced, and I must admit I'm more than a little curious. Chelsea wanted to learn for years. When she finally badgered Rand into showing her, she cut herself. Now there's nothing clumsy about my sister, and I just wonder how proficient Smokey will be."

Sunny raised one eyebrow in the direction of her mate. "If you're thinking of telling me I can't watch, don't waste your breath."

Brandon laughed "I wouldn't dream of it, sweetheart, but let me warn you not to get too settled in. I sincerely doubt it will take long to prove the better swordsman."

smokey's small-booted feet were m.u.f.fled by the carpet as she walked into the den. Parks closed the door behind her, and Smokey was glad for the few minutes of privacy. She had changed into her work clothing and stood comfortably gazing around the room, waiting for Brandon. She knew he would be along any minute, but in the meantime she studied her surroundings.

The den was as masculine a room as she had ever seen, done in navy and gold with hunting trophies everywhere. It was easy to see why Brandon chose this room for their match.

All the norniture sat back against the walls, leaving the middle of the room wide and clear. Huge windows on three of the four walls made the light ideal.

Smokey was studying an embroidered hunting scene when the door opened. Sunny walked in, followed by Da.r.s.ey and then Brandon. Smokey stood calmly, her hands clasped behind her back. She watched both Brandon and Sunny study her and smiled at their expressions.

Sunny, whose look was almost envious, was thinking how well suited Smokey would look at the helm of a s.h.i.+p. Brandon on the other hand, thought she looked ten years old. His face gave nothing away, however, as he opened a case and invited Smokey to select a foil. She chose a sleek weapon with an 194.

Italian grip. Carefully weighing it in her hand, she walked confidently to the center of the room.

Da.r.s.ey had seated himself in a comfortable chair, and Sunny stood in indecision. Smokey's first mate looked settled in for the afternoon, but if Brandon's predictions proved accurate, it would be awkward to sit down, only to have to rise again in a few minutes. After another moment of hesitation, she took the sofa.

Smokey stood still and watched as Brandon moved toward her. As he came forward, Smokey read something in his gaze.

Her own lit with amus.e.m.e.nt.

"Is that doubt I see in your eyes, Lord Hawkesbury?"

"I must confess that it is," he told her with a grin.

"I'll have to see if I can put your doubts to rest," Smokey responded easily, and just held her laughter.

Fighting his own mirth, Brandon bowed low and straightened "Engarde" he said, and their swords clashed.

Only moments into the match, Smokey sliced one of the b.u.t.tons from his vest, and Brandon's demeanor, much as the pirate's, changed in an instant. His every sense was alert as his small but worthy opponent parried every thrust. As with Haamich Wynn, Brandon found himself to be stronger, but Smokey was faster.

He also found her gaze unnerving. Her eyes rarely left his.

Brandon began to believe she could antic.i.p.ate his moves before he made them. He feigned moves, tried the offense and then the defense, but to no avail. She was with him every step of the way.

Had he not needed every ounce of concentration, he would have laughed at his own conceit in the matter. Da.r.s.ey's comment that she could hold her own was turning out to be a gross understatement.

As time pa.s.sed in the most intense fencing either of them had ever done, each partic.i.p.ant began to think of an end Brandon was drenched with sweat, and his arm was screaming at him. Smokey's own face was beaded with perspiration, 195.

and her arm ached as well. She was tiring fast and about to cry truce when Brandon surprised her with a fast lunge and flick of his wrist. He flipped the foil right out of her grasp. They all watched as it spiraled neatly through the air to land beneath the north windows.

Smokey sighed with relief and bowed to Brandon, whose chest was heaving.

"I thank you, Lord Hawkesbury," she said "You are a worthy opponent."

"As are you," Brandon gasped "Allow me to apologize to you, Miss Simmons, for ever doubting your skill."

The two smiled at each other, and Sunny let out a small sigh of relieved laughter. She felt completely wrung out, and all she had done was watch. Da.r.s.ey stared at Smokey like a proud father. Everyone began talking at once until Brandon, who had been facing the door, spoke.

"Well, Dallas, welcome back."

The other three turned in surprise. Smokey immediately felt apprehension rise within her. Dallas' face appeared to be set in stone, and she knew in an instant he had seen the match.

Embarra.s.sment flooded her, and she wondered if he thought she was out to prove something. She didn't know how to tell him that this was the farthest thing from her mind They all watched as Dallas came forward, unaware of how badly he wanted to take Smokey out to talk with her. The way she kept her head down and eyes averted, stopped him, however.

Brandon began to question him about his trip. Dallas did not comment on the fencing. Some minutes pa.s.sed before Smokey slipped soundlessly away. Everyone noticed her departure, but no one commented Many hours later, Sunny knocked on Smokey's bedroom 196.

door, a note in her hand Smokey opened the door but did not immediately ask her in.

"Are you really not hungry?"

"I didn't say that in the note, Sunny. I said I didn't feel well."

The younger woman stared at her, and Smokey stood back to give her entrance. Garbed in a pale silk creation that perfectly suited her dark hair and gray eyes, Smokey looked lovely. To Sunny's gaze she looked completely ready to join them downstairs, but she had obviously made up her mind otherwise.

'You look wonderful. Are you pleased with the way Ken-dra did your hair?"

'Yes, thank you."

The conversation died then, and the silence became uncomfortable. Smokey took a small walk around the room.

Sunny watched her intently.

"Are you wis.h.i.+ng right now that you'd gone back to London on the first day?"

"No," Smokey told her after a moment. "I wouldn't have wanted to miss these days with you, Brandon, and the baby, but I'm afraid I never dreamed Dallas would return right then, and in a rage to boot."

"I don't know Dallas the way you do, Smokey, but I'm not really sure he was angry. Surprised maybe, but not angry,"

Smokey sighed. "I don't know him all that well myself, but I'm embarra.s.sed, and the thought of facing him makes my stomach hurt. So rather than come down and sit at the same table with him and pick at my food, I felt it best that I stay away."

"Why would you be embarra.s.sed? Certainly not because of your fencing. You should be proud of your skill."

"It's not that really, although it didn't help."

"What is it then?"

Again Smokey sighed. "I'm just afraid that he'll feel obligated toward me since he brought us here. I fear that he'll 197.

force himself to be witty and entertaining when he really wants nothing to do with me."

Sunny didn't think there was any bigger fairy tale in all of England than the story of Dallas Knight wanting nothing to do with Smokey Simmons, but Smokey wasn't up to hearing that at the moment. Smokey was feeling hurt and vulnerable, and on the off chance that Sunny was wrong about Dallas' feelings, she refused to push Smokey. Instead she prayed Moments later, someone knocked "It's probably Da.r.s.ey," Smokey commented as Sunny went to answer it. Dallas, in dark suit and white s.h.i.+rt, stood in the hall.

"I've come to escort Smokey to dinner. Is she ready?"

Feeling like an anxious mother at her daughter's coming out, Sunny backed away from the door to allow Dallas a view of the woman within. When Dallas stepped across the threshold, Sunny quietly made her way from the room. Smokey, wis.h.i.+ng Sunny hadn't gone, licked her suddenly dry lips as Dallas' eyes met hers.

"May I have the pleasure of escorting you downstairs?"

Smokey told herself to say no, but she couldn't follow through. With just the slightest nod of her head, Dallas came forward and offered his arm. Smokey placed her hand within the crook of his arm and walked with him from the room.

Not a word was said as they descended the stairs. Although Smokey didn't look at him, she was aware that Dallas seemed to be looking all around them as they walked. When Smokey thought they would be headed into the dining room, she suddenly found herself whisked behind the stairs, into the picture gallery at the rear of the entryway, and into Dallas'


Smokey blinked as she looked up with wide eyes into his face. He bent close to speak to her and forced himself not to kiss her With one arm snugly around her, he reached with the back of his free hand to stroke the soft skin of her cheek, his eyes warming as they held hers.

"I missed you," he finally said 198.

"You did?" Smokey was truly surprised "How could you think that I wouldn't?"

Smokey shrugged, feeling helpless and uncertain.

"Oh, Smokey, what have I done? You didn't wake up before I left, and I hated the thought of leaving you a note." Dallas stopped. There was so much to be said and no time right now.

"We're going to talk after dinner, do you hear me?"

Smokey could only nod "And one more thing/' Dallas' voice dropped to an intimate whisper. "I'm going to kiss you tonight, so if my attention is unwanted, Smokey, you had better make yourself scarce."

Smokey couldn't have replied if she had wanted to. Dallas held her for a moment more before he released her, took her hand within his own, and led her in to dine.

dallas heard vekv little of the evening's conversation.

His mind and eyes were so centered on Smokey that someone could have set his boot on fire and he wouldn't have noticed As he had thought many weeks ago while aboard her s.h.i.+p, Smokey was far and away the most fascinating creature he had ever encountered He now realized he was very much in love with her.

Both Brandon and Sunny, as well as Da.r.s.ey, saw the change in him that evening and sensed his need to be alone with Smokey. The night was still young when the three made their excuses and Dallas finally found himself alone with Smokey in the parlor. Smokey became rather nervous but tried hard not to show it. She kept thinking about Dallas* words before dinner. The thought of his kissing her was very exciting, but it was also a little scary.

"You're not tired are you? I was rather hoping we could talk," Dallas said from his chair by the fire as he watched Smokey on the sofa. He wanted to join her but knew that for the moment he would need to keep his distance.

"I'm not tired," Smokey replied and licked her lips, a sure sign, as Dallas had come to learn, that she was nervous. As much as he wanted to tell her all that was in his heart, he made a firm resolve not to rush her.


"I was surprised to come in and see you dueling with Hawk," Dallas began.

"You weren't surprised," Smokey countered, her voice calm. "You were angry."

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