Wings Of The Morning Part 18

Wings Of The Morning -

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"I have decided to fight you, but not the way you think."

Smokey paused and nodded above her captor's head. "I'll fence with you. If I win, you set me free; if you win, I'll submit without a struggle."

Smokey wondered where that came from and why she had never before noticed the gold foils that sat high on the wall in a beautiful gla.s.s and wood case. If she had seen them, she would have met Haamich Wynn armed and ready when he came through the door.

It shouldn't have surprised him, but it took a moment for Haamich to see that she was serious. It was incredible to him that she actually knew how to fence. The more he thought on it, the more he liked the idea. The pirate's eyes glowed with excitement and l.u.s.t as he spoke.

"I have never in my life met a woman like you, Victoria, and I have no plans to let you go."

"Then there is no point in the wager. I thought you might be a man of honor," she told him coldly.

"Ah, but I am a man of honor. I'm only warning you that I will win the match and you will be mine."


"I'm ready to take that risk. Are you?"

"Yes, more than willing."

Smokey watched as Haamich removed his coat and laid it across a chair. He then flipped a catch at the top of the case, the back of his hand nearly touching the ceiling. Lifting the foils out with care, he placed them both on the bed He selected one, backed off, and waited for Smokey to take her own. He was quite confident that she didn't stand a chance, but he would not be so foolish as to give her an opportunity to strike out when he was unprepared Smokey grasped the handle and took up her position. The face of her opponent told her that he found this all to be little more than an amusing game. Smokey, on the other hand, knowing this man to be big but not clumsy, realized fully that she might be fighting for her life.

"En garde," Haamich said, and Smokey took the offense.

In a move that was nothing short of lightening fast, she sidestepped and cut nearly to the skin across his stomach.

Haamich deflected her next move and held her blade in midair. His smile no longer in evidence, he was now completely alert, cursing himself for agreeing to fight her. He was going to have to cut her to disarm her, and the thought infuriated him.

While he hesitated, Smokey moved again. For the next several minutes all was quiet as they fought with equal skill and dexterity. Haamich's strength far outweighed hers, but Smokey was so fast and agile that she more than made up for her lack of muscle. She could see that her opponent was flagging.

In a move of desperation, Smokey did something she had never done before--something for which her father would have thrashed her. She went for his face. Slightly horrified at the dark red line that appeared and immediately began to bleed, Smokey stepped back and stared The pirate seemed to freeze in his tracks.

Smokey watched as he lifted his free hand to his face. He touched the cut that was deeper than it first appeared, and 146.

brought b.l.o.o.d.y fingers out to examine. Smokey's eyes were huge at his reaction. His head began to roll, his eyes went back in their sockets, and a moment later he fell full-length on the floor between them. Smokey scampered back, ready to fight if it were a trick, but he seemed to be completely out. Her breath coming in quick gasps, she approached and poked him with her weapon. He didn't budge.

She fell on the bedsheets and began to tear them like a woman possessed. In less time than she would have dreamed possible, she had tied his feet and hands. She stuffed a great wad of sheeting into his mouth and then tied a gag so tight she knew he would be in agony when he woke.

All the time she worked, she thanked G.o.d--and Da.r.s.ey for insisting she learn her knots. Her final two moves were to bend the pirate's knees so she could attach the ties that were on his feet and hands. Lastly, she secured him to the bed so he wouldn't be able to roll to the door.

A mad dash around the room did nothing toward finding her clothes. She hadn't even seen him take them. She had just started a more thorough search when he moaned. The sound panicked her, and she knew she had to flee while there was a chance. She rushed to the door and, with a final glance back, turned the key.

She moved silently out into the companionway, locked the door, pocketed the key, and stood still, trying to calm the frantic beating of her heart. She knew that to go on the docks dressed as she was could be Just as dangerous as staying on the s.h.i.+p. A sound from within propelled her forward, however, and with silent steps she gained the upper deck.

No one seemed to be about. She spotted one man by the wheelhouse, but he was lifting a bottle to his mouth and seemed oblivious to everything about him. The s.h.i.+p was much larger than her own, but it made no difference as Smokey moved with quiet expertise among the familiar surroundings, staying in the shadows until she reached the gangplank. The pirate must have dismissed most of his crew for the night, believing he had everything in hand with his young captive.


In order to actually leave the s.h.i.+p, she would have to leave the shadows, for there was no other way. She was halfway down when a shout rang out from the drunken watchman and the remaining crew began to gather. Smokey took off at a run, thankful that she'd kept her boots on. A slight sound of panic and pounding feet followed her, but Smokey knew that as long as no one else got in her way, she would get away.

There was no other port in the world quite like London.

Although she knew generally where she was, this section was somewhat unfamiliar to her. She knew she could never outrun the men, so she took to hiding. She shot down an alley and took a moment to catch her breath.

She stood between two buildings, and even though she could hear people talking inside, she felt safe for the moment.

The moon was bright and the sky was clear, so she knew she must keep to the shadows. Suddenly she heard men running.

They were still a ways off and beyond the corner of the building, but she knew she would have to keep on.

She turned and ran up the alley as fast as she could. As the narrow lane emptied out onto the other side, her mad dash for freedom was halted instantly when she ran full tilt into a big man's chest. He immediately lay hold of her, and Smokey, knowing she had been caught, began to fight with all her strength.

"Easy, easy," a deep voice spoke above her as the man tried to calm the wild thing in his hands.

Hearing that voice, Smokey stilled, but not before she threw her head back to see his face. Only one word escaped her lips.



"smokey," dallas said with surprised pleasure, and the small black-haired woman felt tears burn her throat.

"Oh, Dallas," she cried softly as he drew her into his arms and held her tenderly against his chest. Smokey didn't know when anything had felt so wonderful. To be at the mercy of an unprincipled pirate and now to stand in the secure arms of the man she loved was almost more than she could take.

"Your hair isn't braided," Dallas whispered almost to himself, and Smokey was brought abruptly back to earth. Haamich Wynn was still looking for her.

"Dallas," Smokey pushed away from him slightly, although Dallas did not relinquish his hold Images of the pirate in a fight with Dallas made Smokey shudder, and her voice was filled with fear as she spoke.

"I can't explain right now, but I have to go. I--"

Smokey's words were cut off when a door opened and flooded them with light. Smokey felt Dallas' frame tense and his eyes darken when he saw the way she was dressed His eyes dipped down to her neckline and then back to her eyes.

There was no warmth in his voice when he questioned her.

"What's going on, Smokey?"

"I don't have time to explain," she began and tried to move out of his hold 149.

"No," he told her abruptly. "You're not going anywhere ?'until I have some answers."

Smokey's head whipped to the right at the sound of someone entering the opposite end of the alley. She began to struggle and whisper frantically.

"Let me go. I can't explain it right now. You've got to let me go," Smokey begged him, but it was no use; he held her with ease.

"What are you--" he began.

"Please, Dallas." Smokey was becoming frantic, and Dallas was on the verge of releasing her when she acted out of desperation. Her hand shot out and captured the back of his head, and at the same time she threw her entire body toward the building with all her might.

Before Dallas could form another thought, he found himself holding Smokey against the building and kissing her, or was she kissing him? For a moment he was too stunned to act.

Then his senses swam, and taking action or even thinking was the farthest thing from his mind For long moments nothing else existed. He didn't hear the men that pa.s.sed and took him for a man enjoying the pleasures of a dockside prost.i.tute. He didn't realize that all around him men were looking for the very woman he held All he knew was that Smokey was kissing him in a way he hadn't thought possible. She was soft and warm, and her arms wrapped around him with a type of tender desperation. Her lips were sweet, and Dallas thought he would drown in her kiss.

As much as it pained her to do so, Smokey began to scoot away. Her hands went to Dallas' chest, where she felt the thunderous beating of his heart. She spoke with regret.

"Dallas, I've got to go."

"No." His voice was hoa.r.s.e.

"Yes, Dallas, please listen--"

Smokey tried to explain, but Dallas' lips came back to claim hers again. Feeling as swept away as he, Smokey let him kiss her again, and then with a sob, broke free. With all of her 150.

strength, she pushed him away. She never completely escaped his hands, however, as he quickly caught her wrist.

This is the woman I love, his heart said to him. fll never let her go. Unfortunately for Dallas, Smokey was desperate.

"Let me go," she tried one last time, knowing that the men would eventually come back.

"No, Smokey." Dallas sounded like a man in a dream, and Smokey lashed out, fearing for his safety. Her small-booted foot swung hard and connected with Dallas' s.h.i.+n. His own boot offered some protection, but the action served its purpose.

Dallas released her as he bent nearly double to grab an aching leg.

Tears pouring down her face over what she'd been forced to do, Smokey ran like she had never run before. This time there was no stopping and hiding. She slowed to a walk at times, but pushed on until she thought she would collapse, and in fact, at one point did. Her side ached and she had a few close calls with various sailors, one of whom tore her dress.

Cold and disoriented, Smokey finally stopped She stood in the shadows of the dock and gasped for breath. Recovering somewhat, she turned her head and looked out over the s.h.i.+ps, their masts silhouetted against the sky.

For a moment she thought her eyes were playing tricks on her. Then she realized it was true--the Aramis was docked not 50 yards away. Smokey's heart pounded in her chest at the thought that she was so near to safety.

Don't give yourself away now, Smokey, not when you've come this far, was her heart's prayer as she made herself walk slowly toward the s.h.i.+p. At the foot of the gangplank stood Scully. Smokey approached and spoke with what she believed to be a normal tone.

"Scully," she began, not realizing that her voice was a high-pitched squeak. "Is Da.r.s.ey on board?"

"No, Captain," he told her, feeling as if he were looking at a ghost, "He's out searching for you."

"Is it safe to come aboard?"


"Safe?" the old cook was nonplussed. "Aye, it's safe,"

Scully answered her finally and began to be afraid at the change in his captain.

'Very well. I'll be in my cabin. Please send Da.r.s.ey to me . when he arrives."

"I'm here," his voice sounded behind her. Smokey turned.

"Is the crew here? Is there any reason we can't set sail immediately?"

"No, Captain," Da.r.s.ey told her. "I'll inform the men."

Smokey moved up the gangplank then, still not understanding that she had gone into a state of shock. Da.r.s.ey silently followed her, his heart pounding as roughly as Scully's over Smokey's manner and appearance.

The trembling began when Smokey gained her cabin.

Da.r.s.ey followed and lit her lanterns.

Da.r.s.ey felt his stomach heave when he finally saw her in better light. The hem of her dress was torn in many places, and the neckline had sagged even lower over her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Her face and hands were filthy and tearstained, and he thought they might have to cut her hair to remove the tangles. Grabbing a blanket, he wrapped it around her shoulders as anger raged within him at whoever had done this to his girl.

"Robby and Mic are casting off. Scully will prepare a bath for you. Would you like that?"

Smokey didn't answer but continued to shake like a leaf in a storm. Da.r.s.ey saw that she was in no shape to know anything.

He left her for just a few moments to make sure all was well on deck and then came back to find her just where he had left her.

He had never invaded her privacy before, but when her bath was ready and she was still standing in a trancelike state, Da.r.s.ey gave her a little shake.

"Smokey! Get cleaned up now."

She seemed to finally see him, and Da.r.s.ey turned away as she began to unb.u.t.ton her dress. As he let himself out, he prayed that she would be able to function. Questions swarmed through his mind as he went topside to take over.


He wasn't the only one to have questions. Dallas had come on the scene just after theAramis pushed off. He prayed that Smokey was aboard and safe, but never had he been so hurt and confused His hands balled into fists as he thought about her dress and the way she'd kissed him. He had no idea when he would see Smokey again, but when he did, he felt she owed him a long explanation.

Q/umh/^C>m^ Two hours later, Smokey was finally bathed, in her nightgown, and tucked under the covers of her bed. Da.r.s.ey sat in a chair nearby and watched her. She hadn't wanted the light out, nor had she wanted to talk. It took some time, but after staring at the shadows on the ceiling for a while, her eyes finally slid shut. Da.r.s.ey watched and listened as her breathing evened out and sleep claimed her. A single tear slid down his weather-roughened cheek as he prayed "Help me, Father," he whispered. "Help me as I help her. I don't know where she's been or what's been done to her, but I know she needs me. Help me to be there and help her to get over this awful night."

Da.r.s.ey prayed until his own body grew limp with exhaustion.

It never once occurred to him to leave Smokey's side to seek the comfort of his own bed Slouched in his chair, sleep came to claim him also, leaving the night's pain and worries for the morrow.

"How is jenny feeling?" Greer asked Buck as they lunched at the hotel.

"Her only complaints are fatigue and feeling like she can't get anything done."

Greer smiled "She needs to baby herself a little right now.

She'll be busy enough in a few months."

"That's true, but she pushes herself too hard Date has told her she should rest, and in fact, when I saw him this morning, he said she'd taken a nap yesterday."

Their conversation was interrupted when their food arrived Buck began his meal with a better appet.i.te than he had enjoyed in weeks. Greer had made no promises, but this was the third time she had agreed to see him since Smokey's going-away party. They grew a little closer each time.

"You and Hank never had children, did you?"

"No, we didn't," Greer told him. She wasn't at all offended by the question, but a look of sadness crossed her face.

"Maybe I shouldn't have asked you that."

"It's all right, Buck. You see, all five of my children are in heaven. My body simply refused to cany a baby to full term."

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