Ancient Blood: Deep Red Part 32

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"How do you know they haven't already found Herm and Sheb?" Sage asked.

"I would sense it if they were in danger," Seraphim said. "Our mental bond is very strong."

"With all the power you have, why did you fight those people at the cave?" Trixie asked. "You could have used mind manipulation or something."

"As I said, some of the ones I met had powerful magic as well. The others had mind connections to Sol-I mean Rafe. I couldn't risk him learning about the Originals by connecting to me through their minds."

"I agree with Trixie about raiding Sir Edward's," Vincent said. "Flush the b.a.s.t.a.r.ds out. Adam, what do you say?"

"I think you're right," said the First Father. "Trixie, you, and I will organize the raid. The rest of the Jury-except for Marina-will guard the Original's cave in case of an attack. Even if Sir Edward and Rafe send a small army, they'll be no match for the Jury's powers and they should be able to hold them off until the other Originals arrive. Marina, Matthew, and Sage will spend the next three days with Herm and Sheb."

"And Hannah," Seraphim said.

"Why has she been allowed involvement in this?" Pilar demanded. "She's an infant whom we scarcely know."

"She's my mate. Herm and Sheb are my family. That's reason enough." Seraphim's eyes fixed on Pilar's until she looked away.

"All right. It's decided. We'll rest here for the day, then begin our plans at dusk. Adjourned." Adam stood and everyone disbursed.

Back in their room, Seraphim and Hannah lay wrapped in each other's arms.

"I can't believe I'm actually going to meet them," Hannah said. "Seraphim, what are they like? What will they think of me?"

"They'll love you." His arms tightened around her.

"I hope so," she murmured.

"I'm more concerned with what your mother will think of me."

Hannah sat up, her brow furrowed. Then she laughed and kissed him. "Seraphim, sometimes you're such a jerk."

He smiled and tugged her close, though it was a long time before he was able to sleep. After ten thousand years, it was almost over.

Upon arriving at the Originals' cave, the Jury took s.h.i.+fts guarding the area so each could meet with Herm and Sheb. Even the most stubborn managed to be touched by the Originals' sincerity as well as their power.

Seraphim waited before introducing Hannah, Sage, and Matthew. He wanted them to speak with Herm and Sheb without the Jury's curious eyes.

Finally, every Jury member had taken their position above ground, and Seraphim guided Hannah, Sage, and Matthew into the cave. He heard the speeding of their heartbeats, or was it his own? Each of them had a reason for excitement or anxiety regarding the Originals. Hannah because they were Seraphim's family, Matthew because questioning Originals had been his fantasy from the moment he learned vampires were biological rather than supernatural, and Sage because, more than any of them, he belonged to the Originals.

As they stepped into the cave's utter blackness, it took even their vampiric eyes a moment to adjust.

Herm and Sheb sat on their chairs, faces lifted and expressions kind and curious as their guests approached.

Seraphim grasped Hannah's hand and tugged her closer to the Originals. "This is my mate," he told them. "Hannah." Sheb extended her hand, and Hannah took it.

She's lovely, Sheb-like Herm-spoke directly into their guests' minds. It was the most natural way for them to communicate. You've made Sera very happy. For that we're grateful.

Hannah smiled nervously as she responded. I'm afraid I'm not very good at telepathy yet.

You're doing very well for one so young, Herm reached for her other hand. You have a good spirit - the sort that has the ability to use the gift of what you call vampirism well.

I will try, she promised. And I will do my best to make Seraphim - Sera - happy.

He deserves that, Sheb said. And I know he will do the same for you. You are in his soul, Hannah.

And he's in hers, Herm glanced at Sheb. It is the sort of match I've always wished for Sera.

Thank you, Hannah said. Seraphim felt her relax for the first time. He sensed the Originals and Hannah liked one another, as he knew they would. Hannah returned to Seraphim's side, and he slipped his arm around her waist.

Motioning toward the young blond boy standing beside Matthew, he said, "This is Sage, biological son of Luci and Ev. He's been adopted by the hybrids Brett Jiminez and Mercedes Machado."

Matthew and Adam's biological parents, Herm nodded, glancing from Sage to Matthew. Seraphim has told us much about both of you and your family.

I hope you can tell us more, Sage said. Though a child, he'd already mastered telepathy completely. Seraphim nearly smiled. There was no doubt this child was a pure Original, in spite of how so much of his birthright had been robbed from him. Over a year ago, when Matthew had found him, trapped in the lab of an evil hybrid scientist, Sage's claws and fangs had been surgically removed using platinum tools. Because of this, healing had been slow and regeneration impossible. Inside, he was a vampire, but his natural defenses and equipment for pleasure-giving had been literally torn from him.

We knew your parents well, Sheb didn't try to disguise her emotions. We believed your mother to be dead and had no idea that Luci had been keeping her captive for so many centuries. It was only after Sera told us of Matthew's rescue of you that we realized Ev had been alive but killed by hud's hand after he'd taken you from her. She was a beautiful woman -far too good for him. I see much of her in you.

Vm glad, Sage's large eyes glistened. I hope I have nothing of my father in me.

But you do, Herm told him. It seems you've only claimed his strengths. You have hud's intelligence and his magnificent psychic abilities. That much is obvious. But I sense none of his malice or insanity in you.

In spite of his attempt to remain calm and collected, Sage's emotions, soaring between happiness, anger, curiosity, and longing, cried out to everyone in the cave. His love for his adopted parents could not be doubted, yet these Originals offered him a connection to his past he had never dreamed of experiencing.

Sheb held out her arms to Sage who took a slow step forward, then bent to accept her embrace. He closed his eyes, holding Sheb tightly-the first of his own kind to care for him since his mother had been murdered.

Sera has asked if you wanted to leave with us, Sheb said.


But he said you refused. Have you reconsidered?

No, but I would like you to tell me about my mother. I'd like to see her again through your memories. I was so young when I was taken from her that mine are distorted. I know I felt safe with her, just as I remember fearing my father.

You're very strong, Sage, Herm said. You could have turned to hatred after what was done to you, but instead you've made a good life for yourself.

That's only because I've had help, he replied, glancing at Matthew.

Yes, Herm sighed, there are good people here. If there had been more on Atlantis, perhaps we would have thrived after all.

"I understand why it's dangerous for you to stay and why you don't want to settle here," Matthew spoke aloud. "But can't you offer us some of your knowledge? Just for scientific purposes, so we can help our own kind as well as humans."

Herm smiled. Matthew Winter. A fascinating piece of work you are.

You have many questions, Sheb also looked amused as she glanced at Matthew.

"They can wait," Matthew said, his eyes on Sage. The doctor's pleasure at seeing his young friend reunited with the Originals was apparent.

"No they can't." Sage reluctantly disentangled himself from Sheb and stood beside Matthew. "In the lab where Matthew rescued me, there were others being experimented on. The doctor who was in charge of the tests had served my father. As payment, my father provided him not only with me to experiment on, but with much of the technology to perform his gruesome tests and also with creatures from the home world called "werewolves" here. The scientists blended the wolves with vampires and created a monstrous species who have endured-and caused-unbelievable suffering."

We have heard about this, Herm said.

"We're doing our best to study them," Matthew said. "To find a way of improving the quality of their lives, since they're dangling between vampire and animal. If this species was created genetically, then can the experiment not be reversed in some way? I don't have the technology to do it. If Luci pa.s.sed on the knowledge of how to undo the results of these experiments, then it was destroyed. When the scientist keeping Sage realized his evil was being uncovered, he obliterated all physical evidence of his work, including everything Luci gave him. Now that the scientist himself is dead, we've been trying to piece together what he did with the hope of helping these creatures."

You have a very personal reason for your dedication, do you not? Sheb held Matthew's eyes.

"Yes. I have a very close friend who was involved in the experiments. His wife was also involved. Both were genetically altered so they took on the wolves' characteristics. My friend, Judah, was actually improved. He has the strength and intelligence of a vampire and the stamina and regenerative powers of the wolves. His wife did not fare so well. She's a grotesque combination of both-no longer a woman, not quite a wolf. I swore to Judah I would do all in my power to help her. I haven't been able to do a thing."

You want us to help her, Herm said.


We cannot give you that technology, Sheb said. Not because we don't trust you, but because if that information ever got into the wrong hands - as it did with the scientist who tortured Sage and your friend's wife - the destruction would be unfathomable.

"What about Judah and his wife, Leah?" Matthew could scarcely control his anger. "How can you know they're suffering and do nothing when you have the power to give them their lives back?"

You have a giving soul, Herm told Matthew. That is the best part of who you are, not your brilliance or your physical strength. You genuinely care for all creatures, Matthew Winter.

"If you say that's a quality I have that you admire, then how can you expect me to understand why you won't help Judah?"

Seraphim felt Matthew's rage and despair, and he understood it, though he also knew the Originals spoke the truth.

Isn't there something you can do? Seraphim asked.

Sheb lifted an eyebrow. You're questioning this, Sera? You saw first hand the destruction that ensues when power falls into the wrong hands.

For ten thousand years, Yve always done as you asked, Seraphim said. All I ask from you is to help Matthew if you can.

Herm said, Matthew is brilliant enough to find their cure himself, provided he has the time. Yes, it may take him millennia, but - "Millennia!" Matthew's eyes widened. "If you could only see what Luci's interference-the interference of one of your kind-has done to them, it might not be so simple for you to sit there and do nothing!"

"Matthew!" Seraphim snapped. "I didn't bring you here for a shouting match!"

Vm sorry, Matthew drew a deep breath and, for the first time, spoke using telepathy-something he had never cared for. Seraphim knew the scientist liked the human quality of verbal speech. I realize how I must appear, a young Immaculate making demands of you, butVma doctor. If I can find ways to help living beings - vampire, human, or wolf- I will do whatever it takes to gain such knowledge.

We have heard what you said to us, Sheb told him. And we have taken your request seriously.

Will you think it over? Matthew asked. Please?

You have our word, Herm said. But don't waste what time we have. There are other questions we can answer, other knowledge we possess about the physical make up of all species of vampires, and other cures for maladies that may strike our kind.

Oh, yes. Matthew opened the briefcase he held and tugged out his laptop computer. You don't mind if I type this?

Record however you like, Herm said.

"Do you mind if I stay?" Sage asked Matthew.

The doctor looked sheepish. "I'm sorry, Sage. I should be asking if you mind if I intrude?"

As Sage and Matthew fell into conversation with Herm and Sheb, Seraphim guided Hannah out of the cave and into a long tunnel.

"They're going to be a while," he said.

"Matthew and Sage are so happy. You made this possible, Seraphim."

"I'm starting to feel a little guilty. I probably should have done it sooner, but I was always so fearful of something going wrong, of them not having the chance to return to their own world, if that world itself still exists. That's why the Originals left to populate other worlds. For some reason, they were dying out. Fewer and fewer children were being born. Some left to seek other ways to populate. When they discovered they could mate with humans by bite, and then the humans could create other vampires through bite and also by normal conception, they thought their search was over. They didn't count on humans' innate violence."

"Luci wasn't human, and he was as violent as the rest of us."

"That's true. He-and any others like him-were a disgrace to his kind. But I didn't bring you here to continue discussing Luci." He smiled as they stepped into another cave. Though small, it was comfortably furnished with a black carpet and a large trunk. Several enormous black and brown cus.h.i.+ons were scattered across the floor.

"This is where I stay when I'm down here," Seraphim said.

"I like it." Hannah approached the trunk and ran her hand over the carved lid. "It's beautiful. Black oak?"

He shook his head. "It's made from dried Deep Red."

"Must be a pretty big plant. For some reason I imagined it to be small."

"It ranges in size." He placed his hands around her waist and tugged her to his chest, nuzzling her neck.

Snuggling closer to him, she asked, "If Deep Red exists, then none of us really have to drink blood, either from humans or each other."

"No. As Matthew will find out from Herm and Sheb, Deep Red only sustains Originals, though all species of vampire seem to love its taste and scent. For some reason, Immaculates still need the blood of hybrids, and hybrids need the blood of humans or other vampires."

"Then it's okay that I enjoy hunting?" she asked. "Though I don't know why they call it hunting. I haven't killed anyone."

"It's an old term." He ran his lips across the top of her head. "And it's fine to like hunting. I'm glad you do. Blood sharing can be so pleasurable for both parties involved-if done correctly."

Hannah turned and curled her fingers in his hair as they kissed. I love you so much, he told her. Show me.

She purred as he pulled her onto the rug and rolled her onto her back so her head rested on one of the cus.h.i.+ons.

"Where are you going?" Hannah raised herself onto her elbows when Seraphim left her to crawl, leopard-like, to the trunk. He opened it and removed a soft brown blanket and a bottle of scented oil. Glancing over his shoulder, he said, "Take off your clothes."

Hannah complied without hesitation, though her eyes never left his. He returned to her and undressed.

"On your stomach," he ordered.

Hannah growled-a very s.e.xual sound-as she obeyed. Seraphim couldn't keep his eyes from her smooth, bare back and b.u.t.tocks as he opened the bottle and poured some of the oil into his palms. He rubbed his hands together, warming the oil, before kneeling beside her and ma.s.saging the potent liquid into her shoulders and arms.

She moaned with pleasure as his hands swept her back and kneaded her b.u.t.tocks. He squeezed both firm, full globes before rubbing the oil into her thighs, the backs of her knees, and her calves. He took first one foot in his hand, then the other, his thumbs rubbing her arches, his fingers ma.s.saging each toe.

"G.o.d, that oil smells so good," she breathed. "What kind is it?"

His fingers slid down the crack in her bottom, reaching under her to fondle her c.l.i.t then her p.u.s.s.y as he leaned close to her ear and whispered, "Deep Red."

She turned onto her elbows, her eyes glazed with pa.s.sion. "It's almost like an aphrodisiac."

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