Ancient Blood: Deep Red Part 31

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"Seraphim and his honey are on the other side of the wall," Vincent said as they continued undressing.

"I'm kind of glad he found her." Trixie shrugged.

"h.e.l.l, so am I. I was beginning to think he'd never get over Nenet."

"I want to know what Rafe has to do with this mess. I can't believe he was from Atlantis. The son-of-a-b.i.t.c.h. No wonder why he's always been so powerful. And I...Dilorenzo, I kicked his a.s.s!" Trixie's entire body tingled with that happy thought.

"Yeah, baby, you did." He smiled, taking a single stride across the room and tugging her naked body to his. He spoke against her lips. "Ain't no trampolines in this house, but I'll try not to disappoint you, anyway."

"No problem." She grinned, reaching between their bodies to grasp his c.o.c.k and stroke him stiff. "We can pole vault."

"Yo, I like the sound of that."

"Come here." She shoved him towards the bed, and he wrapped his arms around her before flopping on his back.

"Hands off, Dilorenzo."


"Hands off." She grasped his wrists and moved his hands above his head.

"Think I'm going to like this game?"

"Trust me. You'll love it." She purred, straddling him and kissing his palms and wrists that were still extended above his head. She kissed his forearms until she reached his inner elbow which she licked and kissed. She nuzzled his underarm before trailing her lips over every inch of his hair-matted chest, pausing to bite each nipple and taste his spicy blood on her tongue. Nothing tasted as good as Vincent. Even thinking of his blood made her wet. Actually tasting it brought her right to the edge of o.r.g.a.s.m. Still, she allowed her c.l.i.t only the briefest wiggle against his hard c.o.c.k before she continued her sensual travels over his body. Her tongue laved his ribs and abdomen before the tip of it trailed down one hip. She kissed and nipped his steely thighs, pausing over his crotch, just allowing her breath to fan his erection.

"G.o.d, Trix," he breathed. A glance at his face revealed closed eyes and incisors fully extended against his parted lips.

Laughter rumbled in her chest as she returned to his thigh and ran her tongue over his kneecap and down his s.h.i.+ns. His curling black hair felt rough against her tongue, and the sensation was incredibly arousing. When she reached his ankle, she switched to his other leg and paid it the same careful attention. Then she took his c.o.c.k deep into her mouth and sucked, using her tongue and lips to drive him to the verge of a shattering climax. Only when her teeth sank into his c.o.c.k did his hips buck in o.r.g.a.s.m. He growled and panted her name while she continued sucking and licking until he stilled beneath her.

"Your turn," he said after a moment.

Trixie smiled with contentment as Vincent rolled her onto her stomach. His big hands ma.s.saged her shoulders and swept her entire back. Grasping her b.u.t.tocks, he kissed the length of her spine before flipping her over and burying his face between her legs.

Trixie gasped at the ferocity of his attack. His lips, tongue, and teeth stroked and nipped her c.l.i.t. The tip of his tongue ran along the side of it then laved it. He repeated the motions, bringing her to several quick climaxes before slowing his movements. He slid a hand beneath her a.s.s and gently brushed his fingertips over the sensitive orifice while the fingers of his other hand explored her hot wet, c.u.n.t. All the while his lips and tongue never stopped teasing her c.l.i.t. Using the very tips of his incisors, he p.r.i.c.ked the stimulated flesh then licked the pleasurable wounds.

Trixie felt as if she'd fallen into an exquisite trance in the middle of a warm, rolling ocean. Her eyes tightly closed, she allowed herself to completely feel Vincent and everything he did to her. At that moment, nothing and no one else existed. Only him, her, and the magnificent threatening to kill her with delight.

"Oh, Dilorenzo!" she panted as his body covered hers. She felt every inch of his thick c.o.c.k as it slid into her quivering c.u.n.t. Her claws sank into his shoulders as she clung to him, her hips thrusting upward to meet his.

"I love you, Trix!" he gasped before their teeth penetrated each other's necks and they exploded together in a breath stealing climax.

Chapter Seventeen.

Immediately after leaving the meeting, Seraphim and Hannah walked to the guest room they shared on the second floor of Jules' home.

On the way, Seraphim clung to her hand as if she alone could ground him after the psychic journey on which he'd led them. He felt drained, emotionally and physically, which was why he avoided such intense use of magic unless it was absolutely necessary. He probably shouldn't have expended so much energy with the trial he would soon face, but he had seen without being properly convinced, the Jury would never do what he asked. Dragging them through his past had been his last resort-one that up until that moment he hadn't been certain he'd have the courage to try.

"Are you all right?" Hannah's concerned eyes stared up at him as he closed the bedroom door behind them.

"Just tired," he said, walking to the bed and lying on his back. "I just need to sleep for a while."

"Okay." She approached and tugged off his boots, then sat beside him and stroked his face.

"I'm sorry if you were uncomfortable. I thought of not including you in my revelation, but -"

"I would have been very upset if you hadn't."

"I know. And you're the only person since Nenet to whom I truly wanted to show my past. I only revealed it to the others out of necessity." His voice trailed to a whispered as his eyelids flickered.

"Get some rest," she soothed. The last thing he felt before falling asleep was her lips touching his forehead.

Seraphim awoke nearly two hours later. A glance at his watch on the nightstand told him it was eleven o'clock.

"How are you feeling?" Hannah asked from where she lay beside him. She stretched and yawned, her eyes fixed on him.

"Better. And you? How are you holding up?"

"I'm okay."

"You're lying." He cupped her cheek. She turned slightly, kissing his palm.

"I was worried about you, Seraphim. And I'm a little afraid of what will happen with Herm and Sheb because of Sir Edward and Rafe."

"I'm more concerned with whether or not the Jury will help me. Even though I think they will, now that they know who I am."

"I guess being old gives you a lot of clout."

He smiled. "Yes. The Jury places great emphasis on age."

"Another thing, I'm glad you're going to train Matthew. He's a good friend to have."

"Yes, he is." Seraphim drew her into his arms. "So are you."

Along with the Originals, Hannah was his closest friend. Though they hadn't known each other long, he sensed her unwavering loyalty and love. She provided the affection he'd sought for thousands of years. He looked forward to the life they would share and all they could learn from each other. More than anything, he longed to love and protect her for as many years as they had together.

Hannah's arms tightened around him as she said, "I'm glad your power is so much greater than the Jury's. Most of them seemed so smug, so -"

"Arrogant? I've been accused of the same. I suppose it comes with age."

"Adam's not old."

"No, but he's the First Father."

"Can you trust him?"

"Adam might be young and, yes, even arrogant. But he is fair. He'll do what's right. Of that I'm certain."

"I hope so."

"Faith, Hannah. Without it, we have very little."

At three o'clock, Seraphim and Hannah joined the others in the bas.e.m.e.nt room. This time everyone, not only the Jury, sat at the long table, Adam at one end, Seraphim at the other. Hannah, Matthew, and Sage had joined the agents and the Jury again.

"I think it best if you explain to us exactly what you need," Adam told Seraphim. "Then we can decide if your request is reasonable and what's the best way to handle it."

"In three days' time, another shuttle of Originals should be in Earth's vicinity. The settlers of Atlantis were given ten thousand years with which to populate before others would return to collect information on how they fared. As you know, the Originals decided it best not to colonize this planet."

"But they have spread their seed," Arkin stated. "Regardless of their intentions-or how they tried to destroy their own-we exist."

"Herm and Sheb-the Originals I've been watching over-have this one chance to return to their world. All I ask is your help in giving it to them."

"Why should we help them when they've never revealed themselves to us?" Lourdes asked.

"He has a point," Matthew stated. "I'm sure they could have facilitated many of our studies."

"You know what happened to Atlantis." Seraphim turned to Marina. "People of this world aren't yet able to accept the knowledge and power of the Originals. They'd destroy themselves-and take with them any of us who want peace."

"Surely you can't think the human race hasn't changed in ten thousand years?" Pilar scoffed.

"It surprises me how little it has changed." Seraphim held her eyes. "We've made technological advancements, but what does that mean? That we've made ma.s.s destruction simpler and more direct? Instead of beating each other over the head with clubs, we're setting off nuclear bombs."

Arkin raised his eyes in disgust. "Please. What a feeble argument to protect those two cowards."

"They never claimed to be brave."

"If you ask me, they should be forced to tell us what they know," Ca.s.sia said. "It's our birthright."

"All right. Suppose you force Herm and Sheb to tell you what they know. That power won't just go to the good, but to the evil. Others like Luci will arise. If you think you have trouble policing our kind now, imagine what it will be like once they gain the Originals' power."

"He has a point," Vincent said.

"He'll say anything to protect them," Lourdes stated.

"Why shouldn't he?" Marina asked.

"Don't tell me you agree?" Arkin turned to her. "You, more than any of us, should be furious with him for hiding a connection to both your human and vampiric childhood."

"I saw what happened to Atlantis. I watched my own mother turn into a creature as raving and power hungry as Luci," Marina said. "The Originals are so far beyond us, I can't begin to explain it. If they feel we're not ready, then who are we to try to force them into giving us what we haven't earned?"

"And how can you possibly believe they could be forced?" Trixie asked. "We all felt Seraphim's power, and he's their student. Imagine what they can do."

"They're helpless cripples," Ca.s.sia said. "If they weren't at our mercy, he wouldn't be asking for our help, yet what he says makes sense. When knowledge is worked for, it commands more respect. Plus, we couldn't possibly keep them hidden from the entire vampiric community. Even if we tried to keep them a secret just to improve our kind, others would find out. We've seen the damage hybrids and Immaculates can do when they're bent on destruction."

"I see your point, but I still say they owe us knowledge of our heritage," Arkin said.

"Then talk to them," Seraphim said. "Question them then let them go."

"We do have three days," Adam said.

"Three days," Matthew murmured. "Hardly anything at all."

"Better than nothing, genius." Vincent shrugged.

"All they ask is the chance to return to their world, to their families," Marina said. "Is that so terrible?"

"No." Arkin sighed. "It's not. And I do agree we should keep their presence secret until after they're gone."

"How will the other Originals know where to find them?" Hannah asked.

"On the day and hour of their arrival, we're to perform a ritual. It will create an illusion of what will appear to be the sun rising at midnight. This beacon will summon the other Originals."

"Do you really think they'll come after ten thousand years?" Trixie asked. "If they still exist, they will come," Seraphim said.

Sage, who had been silent, finally spoke. "May I meet them? I've never known another Original besides my parents whom I hardly remember. From what I know of my father, it seems to be best that I have little recollection of him."

"I had asked Matthew about you earlier," Seraphim told the youth. "I wanted you to meet with them and perhaps give you the option to leave with them."


"You would be among other Originals. You wouldn't have to worry about hiding from sunlight."

Sage shook his head. "I want to meet them, but my life is here. Brett and Mercedes are my family now."

"Sage, they would never try to keep you from going if it's what you want," Adam told him.

"I don't want to go. I just want to talk with Herm and Sheb and perhaps learn more about who my mother was."

"I know they'll answer your questions," Seraphim said. "Thank you for including me in this," Sage told him. Matthew said, "I'd like to meet them myself."

"You will," Seraphim said. "They've followed your career through my stories and find you interesting."

Matthew looked a bit taken aback. Seraphim almost smiled. It seemed the scientist wasn't accustomed to being a subject.

"All this getting to know you s.h.i.+t is fine," Vincent said. "But we've got a bigger problem, ladies and gents. We got Sir Edward, Rafe, and who knows how many of their cronies looking to dig up those Originals. And trust me, they don't want their knowledge just for curiosity sake. I know the type. They'll try to take over the world."

"I think we should draw them out," Trixie suggested. "Raid Sir Edward's. Get them worrying. If we do that, they're bound to send their people out to the desert looking for whatever it is they think they're going to find."

"And right now I can guarantee you they don't know the Originals actually exist. They're thinking Seraphim's hiding artifacts or more plants or something," Vincent said.

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