Ancient Blood: Deep Red Part 33

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"It is. For us."

A mischievous look shone in her eyes. "Give me that bottle."

Grinning, he pa.s.sed it to her and watched as she sat up and poured some in her hands then grasped his c.o.c.k. He gasped as her small, soft hands stroked him erect. Her fingernails gently grazed the underside of his c.o.c.k, then she lowered her face and took him into her mouth. Her tongue swirled around the head. She used her incisors to thrill him to the verge of eruption.

"Oh, Seraphim!" she breathed, kissing her way up his stomach and chest until she reached his face. "I want you so much. Please! Oh, Please!"

It was a struggle to control his breathing as he pushed her onto her back and slid into her hot, wet p.u.s.s.y. It felt so good! She throbbed and clenched around his c.o.c.k as her arms and legs clung to him and her lovely little fangs sank deep into his shoulder.

He couldn't repress his moan of desire as he pumped harder and faster while his teeth sank into her flesh, and he came in a blinding surge of pure vampiric ecstasy.

Chapter Eighteen.

"You all right, Trix?" Vincent asked, glancing at her from where he sat in the pa.s.senger seat of her car.


He shrugged. "I wasn't asking for any reason."

"I know, Dilorenzo." She glanced at him and smiled. "You just thought I might have been worried about seeing Rafe again."

"I know you can handle it." "But if I can't, you can?"

"Bet your a.s.s, baby. I got your back. I-" He saw her amused grin and paused, shaking his head. She was one terrific lady, his Trixie.

Vincent's cell phone rang, and he switched it on. "Yo. Dilorenzo here."

"Just wanted to make sure you were arriving on time," Adam's voice sounded clear on the speaker.

"No problems from our end. Are your Mama and Daddy all ready for us?" "They'll be all set."

"Cool. See you in a few." Vincent switched off the phone and turned to Trixie. "Adam is nearly at Sir Edward's. Brett and Mercedes are all ready to help us out with the raid."

"We'll be the ones to get the ball rolling, as they say," Trixie said. "I think we should do this with professionalism and cla.s.s."

"My thinking exactly, baby."

"All you motherf.u.c.kers, this is a G.o.dd.a.m.n raid!" Trixie bellowed as she and Vincent kicked in the front door of Sir Edward's mansion.

Vampires mingling in the hall and dining room froze before they started to run.

"Hey!" Vincent grabbed two fleeing hybrids by the backs of their s.h.i.+rts and flung them into several others who tried running out the back door. They stumbled over one another as Brett, armed with a machine gun loaded with platinum bullets blocked the back door. He fired just over their heads, causing the group to remain, cringing, on the floor.

"Everybody line up in the middle of the hall!" Vincent's voice carried above the panicked murmuring of guests and staff alike. "And shut the f.u.c.k up!"

"All you all get your hands where I can see them!" Trixie snarled. Vincent almost grinned. The madder she got, the more Southern she sounded.

Several half dressed guests with their naked mortal and hybrid, raced down the steps followed by Mercedes, armed with another machine gun.

"What the h.e.l.l is going on here?" demanded Sir Edward, striding into the hall, trying to sound collected in spite of the pallor of his face and the nervous glow of his eyes.

"It's a raid." Trixie told him. "And I said put your f.u.c.kin' hands where we can see them!"

"But I don't -"

Trixie took a step toward him, the snout of her gun pressing under his nose.

Trembling, Sir Edward lifted his hands, dropping his small handgun on the floor as he did so.

Vincent stooped and picked up the weapon. "p.u.s.s.y gun for a p.u.s.s.y vamp."

"You won't get away with this!" Sir Edward snarled. "This mansion is Network approved, and though I know you're agents, you'd better have a very good reason for this outrage when the First Father himself is aware of my operations here and -"

"And the First Father doesn't agree with slavery," Adam snarled as he marched several maids and the cook in from the kitchen, his own gun in his hand. "I've been hearing unsettling stories about you, Race. Right now, everyone in this house is under arrest. Network trucks are arriving as we speak to escort all of you for questioning."

"But, Dr. Lindsay-First Father -" Sir Edward stammered.

Adam glanced at Mercedes who had joined Brett in herding all the guests into a group. "Is upstairs secure?"

"Perfectly." She glanced at him.

"Is Rafe here?" Adam turned to Trixie.

She lifted her chin to better catch his scent. "No."

"Rafe? Does he have something to do with this?" Sir Edward asked.

"Don't speak until you have permission." Adam growled, his fangs elongating. Vincent grinned. The boy had an impressive set of fangs-a little too thick at the tips, though.

Vincent glanced out the open door as Network vans began pulling into the huge, circular driveway. "Taxis are here, friends."

"You will proceed, single file, through the front door!" Adam ordered.

"Anybody causing any trouble or so much as stepping out of line will get a bullet up his a.s.s!" Vincent growled. "Now move!"

Within five minutes, the entire house was emptied with everyone-a fuming Sir Edward included-on their way to an undisclosed location to be held until the Originals were safely off the planet.

"You'll lock up here?" Adam asked Vincent and Trixie. He and the agents had searched the house from attic to bas.e.m.e.nt, finding nothing of interest except a few specimens of Deep Red.

"Yes. And since we found nothing here-including Rafe-we can bet he's going to show up at the cave," Trixie stated.

"We're ready for him," Adam said. "I'm on my way to the cave now to meet with the Originals and help with the defenses."

"Good luck." Vincent saluted Adam before the First Father left the mansion.

"Well, baby, we have to secure this place." Vincent glanced around the empty dining room.

"Let's get to it. I want to get to the cave ASAP."

"Before we go, how about one last trip to the workout room?"

"The trampoline?"

"You got it, beautiful."

Trixie laughed as he swept her into his arms and carried her out of the dining room and down the steps.

"You know, Trix, the way you took charge of that raid really got me h.o.r.n.y." "Yeah?" She grinned.

"h.e.l.l yeah. Man, if we hadn't been on business, I'd have f.u.c.ked the s.h.i.+t out of you as soon as you said, 'all you motherf.u.c.kers, this is a G.o.dd.a.m.n raid!' Gives me a hard-on the size of a redwood just thinking about it."

Vincent felt her heartbeat quicken and saw the l.u.s.ty gleam in her eyes. "You know just what to say to a woman, Dilorenzo."

He carried her to the trampoline and dropped onto it with her still in his arms.

"f.u.c.k me, Vinnie!" She grasped the front of his s.h.i.+rt. "Oh, G.o.d, I can't wait anymore!"

She ripped off his belt and fumbled with the b.u.t.ton and zipper of his jeans, taking seconds to free his stiff c.o.c.k.

Vincent jerked down her black cotton pants and plunged into her. She hadn't been lying. Her c.u.n.t was so wet it felt as if he'd shoved his c.o.c.k into a Jacuzzi.

"Oh baby," he purred, clutching her a.s.s and lunging into her with short, hard thrusts. He felt her claws sink into his b.u.t.t and groaned. "Yeah, baby, that's right."

Trixie reached further and grasped his b.a.l.l.s, causing Vincent's pulse to race out of control.

"Oh, Dilorenzo!" she snarled with pa.s.sion when he began fondling her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and nipping her neck, drawing rivulets of blood. Her ankles locked behind his back, and she grasped his throat, nearly choking him before she bit deeply.

Beneath them, the trampoline bounced.

Harder, lover, harder! Trixie's mind screamed into his. He obliged, eyes closed tightly as he drank and thrust and squeezed her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. He felt them bouncing higher and higher with each lunge of their hips until suddenly he landed hard on his back, Trixie still gyrating on top of him.

They'd bounced clean off the trampoline and landed on the floor.

Seconds later, they growled and groaned together in a mutual climax that sent them reeling into bliss.

Panting, Trixie cuddled against his chest as he stroked her shoulders and back. "You know, Dilorenzo, I'm actually going to miss this place," Trixie said. "Me too, baby." He glanced around the gym. "Me too."

Chapter Nineteen.

"h.e.l.lo." Hannah smiled gently as she approached Seraphim and slid her arms around his neck from behind. He sat alone in the center of the floor in his room in the cave. For the past few days, he'd spent much of his time in meditation, reserving energy for the spell that would send the signal to the Originals.

He took her hands and tugged her beside him as he stretched out on the floor. His eyes held hers as he traced the shape of her face with his index finger.

"They'll be gone tonight," she said.

Seraphim nodded, and she felt his emotions as if they were her own: anxiety, hope, and sadness.

"You're going to miss them a lot." She stroked his face.

"Very much. I almost can't imagine them not being here." His brow furrowed.

"If it wasn't for me, you'd go with them."

"I love you, Hannah. The home world is no place for me. No matter how close I am to Herm and Sheb, I'm not an Original."

"I love you Seraphim." She melted into his arms and buried her face in his chest. "I wish this didn't have to be so hard for you."

"Anything worthwhile never comes easy."

She held his eyes and nodded. That much was true. Joining Seraphim had been the most meaningful experience of her life, and to meet him, she'd paid a terrible price to Sir Edward.

"I'm going to spend some time with them." He kissed her and pushed himself to his knees. "Come with me?"

She shook her head. "I'm sure you want to be alone with them." Seraphim gripped her hand. "I'd like you to come."

Together, they walked toward the Originals' chamber. Suddenly Seraphim paused, his eyes narrowed.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Trouble above," he said before fleeing so fast she hadn't a prayer of catching up with him.

As soon as Hannah stuck her nose above ground, Matthew appeared beside her. "You should get below. We've got everything under control out here -"

Mid-sentence, Matthew pulled her down on the sandy cave floor as a bullet bounced off the wall behind them. Shouting and gunfire sounded from outside the cave.

"You call this under control?" Hannah snapped.

"Trust me, it could be much worse. Stay down. I have to get out there." Matthew edged along the cave wall as he drew his gun. Seconds later, he'd joined the others outside.

Hannah carefully made her way toward the cave mouth and peered out.

"s.h.i.+t," she muttered, seeing their side was outnumbered two to one. Seraphim, Sage, and Trixie fought using hand to hand combat against several strange vampires dressed in black military style uniforms. Matthew, Adam, Vincent, and the Jury members appeared in a trance-like state as they held off other opponents who apparently used magic as well.

She noticed Trixie fighting her way towards a tall, dark-haired man who approached the cave by remaining behind the fighting. Glancing around for some kind of weapon to use against him, should he reach the cave, Hannah was momentarily distracted and missed the dagger that flew at her. Luckily she'd moved at the last second, and it grazed her arm. She grasped the wound, trying to staunch the blood flow. If they all got through this, the first thing she was going to do was to make sure she learned how to defend herself, because at that moment she decided she wanted to join the Network with Seraphim. There would be no waiting on the sidelines for her.

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