Argentine Ornithology Volume Ii Part 44

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(3) Notes on some Birds observed in the Chupat Valley, Patagonia, and in the Neighbouring District. Ibis, 1877, p. 27.

[Durnford first visited Chupat, on the river of the same name, in Eastern Patagonia (43 20' S. lat.), in October 1876; 62 species of birds are noted and commented upon.]

(4) Notes on the Birds of Central Patagonia. Ibis, 1878, p. 389.

[Durnford's second visit to Chupat extended from September 1877 to April 1878. The list of birds is now extended to 89, and it is not believed that many more will be found to occur in the district.]

(5) Last Expedition to and Salta. Ibis, 1880, p. 411, pl.


[This is an almost verbatim copy of Durnford's journal in 1878, during his expedition to and Salta. Many notes on birds are inserted.

Durnford died at Campo Santo, in the province of Salta, on July 13th, 1878. The collection made on this occasion was worked out by Mr. Salvin (Ibis, 1880, p. 351, see below).]


Mr. Ernest Gibson, who has been resident in the Argentine Republic since about 1873, is an excellent observer in the field, and has written two very interesting papers on our subject, from which we have quoted largely in this work.

(1) Ornithological Notes from the Neighbourhood of Cape San Antonio, Buenos Ayres. Ibis, 1879, p. 405; 1880, pp. 1, 153.

Mr. Gibson's notes, which relate to 61 species, are in most cases very full and contain particulars of the breeding-habits, eggs, and nests.

Cape San Antonio is on the Atlantic coast, south of Buenos Ayres (36 20' S. lat.).

(2) Notes on the Birds of Paisandu, Republic of Uruguay.

(Communicated by J. J. Dalgleish.) Ibis, 1885, p. 275.

Field-notes on 52 species from this locality, which Mr. Gibson visited in 1883. The specimens were sent to Mr. J. J. Dalgleish and named by P.

L. S.

GIEBEL, Prof. C. (of Halle, Germany).

Einige neue und wenig bekannte argentinische Vogel. Zeitschr. f. d.

ges. Naturwiss. x.x.xi. p. 11 (1868).

In this paper the author described two new Bolivian species and two Argentine species (_Troglodytes fasciolatus_ and _Geobamon rufipennis_), from specimens in the Halle Museum received from Dr. Burmeister.


Gould determined the species in the collection made by Darwin during the voyage of the 'Beagle,' and drew up the scientific portion of the report on the birds, which forms vol. iii. of the "Zoology" of the voyage.

Owing to his departure for Australia the MS. was subsequently completed and edited by G. R. Gray (see DARWIN, C.).


Resultados cientificos, especialmente zoologicos y botanicos, de los tres viajes llevados a cabo por el Dr. Holmberg, en 1881, 1882, y 1883 a la Sierra del Tandil. Aves. Act. Ac. Nac. de Ciencias en Cordoba, v. pp. 73-92.

[Seventy-nine species of birds are given as occurring in the Sierra of Tandil, south of Buenos Ayres, and slight field-notes are added.]


My fellow-author of the present work, though English in name and origin and now resident in London, is an Argentine citizen by birth. From his early childhood he was an observer of bird-life in the province of Buenos Ayres, and continued his investigations until he left the country for England a few years ago. Besides the pampas he explored the woods and marshes along the Plata, and the range of the Sierras from Cape Corrientes on the Atlantic to the Azul and Tapalquen, and made an expedition to the Rio Negro in 1871.

The following is a list of his scientific papers on this subject, which are mostly incorporated in the present work:--

(1) Letters on the Ornithology of Buenos Ayres. P. Z. S. 1869, p.

432; 1870, pp. 87, 112, 158, 332, 545, 671, 748, 798; 1871, pp.

4, 258, 326.

(2) On the Birds of the Rio Negro of Patagonia. With Notes by P. L.

Sclater, M.A., Ph.D., F.R.S., &c. P. Z. S. 1872, p. 534.

(3) On the Habits of the Swallows of the Genus _Progne_ met with in the Argentine Republic. With Notes by P. L. Sclater, M.A., Ph.D., F.R.S., &c. P. Z. S. 1872, p. 605.

(4) Further Observations on the Swallows of Buenos Ayres. P. Z. S.

1872, p. 844.

(5) Notes on the Habits of the Churinche (_Pyrocephalus rubineus_). P.

Z. S. 1872, p. 808.

(6) Notes on the Habits of the Pipit of the Argentine Republic. P. Z.

S. 1873, p. 771.

(7) Notes on the Procreant Instincts of the three Species of _Molothrus_ found in Buenos Ayres. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 153.

(8) On the Habits of the Burrowing-Owl (_Pholeoptynx cunicularia_). P.

Z. S. 1874, p. 308.

(9) On the Herons of the Argentine Republic, with a Notice of a curious Instinct of _Ardetta involucris_. P. Z. S. 1875, p. 623.

(10) Note on the Spoonbill of the Argentine Republic. P. Z. S. 1876, p. 15.

(11) Notes on the Rails of the Argentine Republic. P. Z. S. 1876, p.


(12) Notes on the Birds of the Genus _h.o.m.orus_ observed in the Argentine Republic. Ibis, 1885, p. 283.


Ornithological Notes from the Argentine Republic. Ibis, 1873, p. 129.

This article gives field-notes on seven species, of which examples were obtained near Frayle Muerto, in the province of Cordova, and 33 species from near Gualeguaychu in Entrerios. The specimens were determined by myself and Salvin.


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