Status Meister Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 – Parent & Child

After locking the room, I headed towards the counter.

「There is still time before dinner is served.」

Though I came down, because they said that I should come down in awhile, but it seems that I still have to wait a while longer.

Well, I guess I could go and meet with Millia so that I could get some information that I need.

「Is that so. Then I’m going outside for a little while,」


After saying that to Mia, I left the key at the counter and left the Inn. The destination is the adventure guild.

There seems to be a lot more peoples in the Adventure Guild. I wonder if they are here to return what  collected in the day, before the sunsets?

「Good evening, Millia-chan」

「Oh, Yes. Good evening.」

Millia seems to be organizing the doc.u.ments that’s on the reception desk.

「There was still time until dinner so I want to discuss about what to do in the future, as an adventurer, so that’s why I came be.」

「If there is something that I can help. I don’t mind. That seat is available, so why don’t you sit so that we can speak.」

There was a place where exactly two seats were available, and Millia showed the way to the seats, and sat down together.

「Well, so what do you want to consult with me. The guild is closing soon, so hopefully we can get this done soon, thanks.」

「Oh, yes. There are a lot I want to ask. But at first, I want to know where I could buy some good equipments or ask someone to make my equipments.」

「The place where you could buy the equipment is located 2 building next to the Inn, you can also go to the blacksmith’s place, so that you can get equipments made for you.」

It was that close to the Inn, I did not even notice it at all. Concerning the blacksmith, can he make custom-made weapons? Because it is very likely, I will hear about it some other time.

「I’d like to gain money so that I could get some equipments, isn’t there a way to earn good money?」

「It is either to diligently do the request first. Then, to sell the materials that you obtain when you were hunting.  You can sell things that you make. You can also arrest criminals and hand them over to the knights.」

「By what kind of standard does a reward generate on a criminal? Is it dependant on a report? And where do I take the criminal?」

If hunting criminals gave the most amount of money. So I thought it may be easy and I wanted to hear more about it.

「Rather than it being about the reward… shouldn’t it about the danger of trying to capture a criminal. If the criminal gets killed in the end of the battle, you need to bring the corpse to the Knights. But it’s very dangerous, so I don’t recommend it.」

If it was easy to catch the criminals then the knight’s won’t pay such a high reward for them. Of course, there will be a battle if I want to catch the criminals.

If there is a battle then it is equal death regardless because you need to remove the ID card so that he could be verified.

「Then, what kind of thing does the material can I harvest near the town?」

「Yeah, There are unique white rabbit in the vicinity of the town, also there are unique gray wild boar.」

I wonder if boss are treated as unique because there aren’t only one. Even though, when does it become an unique animal, is it just a name? I think that it’s name is colored when I see them, it is very easy to understand.

「Then, for now, I will look for the unique animals. Then, I want to know about making a party, what do other adventurers do when they want to create a party? After all, do they need to be scouted?」

「Well, normally parties are made by people from the same village, or people who have the same interests because mutual trust is very important. However, some people get slaves to form a party with them.」

What! Slaves!

「Are there slaves? Where can I buy them? After all, are there girl slaves, too?」

「Eh!? Just, um, kinda…」

It seems to be a given. I’m slightly excited, and my vulgar feeling have come out. Well, there is no help for it. After all, it is a slave.

「Sorry about that. Oh, do the slave have to fight for you in a battle, or can they run away?」

「Ha…… Yes, It is not possible for the slaves to run away because there is a magic of absolute obedience put on them when they become a slave. When they disobey, the magic activate which causes them intense pain.」

Intense pain? It would be better if the magic killed you when you defied the order rather causing you pain.

「Can the submission magic be released.」

「It isn’t possible. It is absolute. It can only canceled, when the owner of contract, dies due to natural reasons. It is limited to only when the will included that the slave should be released, And it is up to the master, how much magic is used when the slave defies an order.」

If the master doesn’t die, it seems you cannot liberate them. Moreover, it is conditional.

I feel sorry for the person who became a slave, but this is the way of this world. It cannot be helped.

「Is buy a slave expensive?」

「That’s right. The adventurer only buy one which can help them with work. The price depends on how good they look and their abilities. It can be from 1 gold coin to number of white gold for a slave.」

If I think about how much I earned yesterday, it’s in an area that I can reach.

Ok, it has been decided. The immediate goal is to buy a young girl slave, earn money will by an adventurer and living a quietly and cozy life.


「Let me see, umm…… is it done already?」

Dangerous! I have been completely derailed from what I came here for! Need to change the subject!

「I’m sorry. I was think about a lot of things.」

「I understand, it must have been something indecent. The people who enrolled into the adventurer guild seems all think about similar things in the beginning.」

I seemed to have been caught, but I wanted to flirt with Millia and now I have been miss understood!

「Ahaha…… that’s because I want to live a quiet life. I want to live in a countryside relaxing and even get a slave as a bride.」

「Certainly you can marry a slaves, but you can also marry multiple people, plus you are still young to get marry.」

I have been called young by Millia. Isn’t Millia also very young? However, Is it so? Are there other people who have the same idea as me…,….




「Well, Millia-chan?」

「Yes? What is it?」

「What you can marry more than ones…?」

「Because in this country bigamy is not that unusual」

Yes , it came. My time has come. There it is a making for a harem. This is the revelation from the Self-proclaimed G.o.d.

「Yosh, I heard something good.」


It will not understand in lovely Millia that inclines the neck. The romance of a man is have two or more brides. (首を傾げているかわいいミリアには分かるまい。この複数の嫁を持つという男のロマンを。)

「Thank you very much! With this I at least have a goal.」

「Though I can roughly think what you are think, it should be alright.」

I don’t have to worry about it anymore. I can’t show my unpleasant face anymore.

「See Millia-chan is my savior and G.o.ddess! Also if I have something to discuss I will come by late!」

「E~e…… Well, it is good because it is part of my work.」

Though there is an unpleasant expression on Millia. The method is not any longer in this.  How many times will I have to consult with Millia! (露骨に嫌そうな表情をされているが、もうこれは仕方のないことなのだ。何度でも相談してやる!)

After saying my farewell to Millia, I decided to return to the Inn.

I wonder if it is dinner time. A delicious smell was wafting through the neighborhood. The stomach has become empty because of the delicious smell.

As soon as I arrived at the Inn, Mia guided me to the dining room, where the meal was displayed.

There was a mysterious meat steak which was freshly baked in oil, I doesn’t know what meat it’s from.

The soup was clear like a consommé, but the taste of the juice was puzzling.

The salad was very colorful and it had a mysterious spice on top of the vegetables.

Instead of rice, there were bread.

The stomach is already full.

I seem to have ate a little too much. Mia-san had a very happy face when she saw that I was eating a lot of the food that was on the table and headed towards the table.

「How was the meal?」

「It was very good! It was more than I had expected!」

「That’s good.」

After I said that, she sat on the chair that was empty.

「By the way, you have a face that I haven’t seen before. Is it your first visiting this town?」

「Yeah, I just came today. Everything is new and fun!」

Mia had a pleasant smile. It seems that she is also has the same good person aura as Kash.

「Who introduced you to the Inn?」

「It was a cute girl called Millia-chan from the adventurers Guild.」

「Hahaha, that child was the one that introduced you. Well, that is rare!」

Apparently Millia and Mia seems to be acquainted. Do you seem to have introduced a sponsor? But the meal was like what Millia said and I won’t have to worry about it.

「I was introduced by such a cute girl. Why wouldn’t I go?」

「Do they seem to buy it! It seems that child resembled me that’s why is she is so pretty!」

「..there is a person who understands… Unpleasantness, I have already wanted to take it home.  The line of the face to seeing purposely a little while ago……」(「分かってくれる人が居るとは! いやー、もうお持ち帰りしたかったくらいですよ。さっきもわざわざ顔を見に行……」)

Oh? …… Did you resemble me? What is being talked about?

「A little! Mother! You shouldn’t get involved with the guests!」

From the back suddenly, there was lovely voice that can be heard.

「Eh!? Yeah!?」

「Milia-chan is my proud daughter.」

They aren’t similar at all.

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