Status Meister Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 – Iron Dagger +1

[Then I’ll explain about our guild, would you like hear about it?]


When I said so, Millia explained about the adventurer guild in detail.

Everyone seems to be able to join the adventurer guild, excluding criminals.  If you commit a crime after entering the guild. you will be immediately expelled from the guild.

The members of guild have a rank a.s.sign to them, it seems that there are ranks from E to A and the top rank is S. Because I just entered, the guild seems that I will start at E rank.

The requests are posted in the bulletin board. The guild rank increases when a certain number of requests are cleared. Exterminating magical beast seems to be able to add contribution to the guild rank up.

For the management of the guild that is anxious a little while ago, The material that the adventurer obtained because of hunting etc. is sold to the adventurer guild, It seems to allot it to the cost of management by selling it wholesale to the merchant guild that cooperates with the guild.

Therefore the materials that are obtained can be sold at the adventure guild.

[If you have any concerns or something that is bothering you, please feel free to contact us.]


So that I can meet Millia, I have decided to come nearly every day. Because the explanation about the guild ended,  I left the reception desk.

To receive a request immediately, I tried to look at the bulletin board.

There are a lot of papers with the written request that were posted on the bulletin board, Because I am ranked E, I headed towards the corner of E rank quests.

Collecting of medical herb (Reward: Ten copper/one piece)

Subjugation of rabbits (Reward: One Silver/Rabbit)

Subjugation of wild boar (Reward: 2 Silver/Boar)

There are some many requests that sound easy. Is one copper this world’s smallest unit of currency?

In a request, there is 10 copper written on it as well as 1 silver. This means that 1 silver should be equal to 100 copper. It also maybe 1 gold is equal to 100 silver. Small change is dangerous.

To begin with. But I don’t know even whether decimal one moves up. (TN: そもそも、10の位で1つ繰り上がるのかどうかすら分からないが。)

Good thing I didn’t pay with my j.a.panese yen a little while ago…….

I wonder whether two silvers for a ..wild boar.. is a mistakes against one silver for a rabbit.

Even though hunting a wild boar is very hard, as I might lose a life if I make a mistake. Is it different in this world?

For the time being, let’s beginning by picking up the medical herb quest. And let’s see how it goes?

A card is piled up under the paper with the request written on it, so when I took one in my hand, the card began to s.h.i.+ne brightly and it buried into my hand.

Is it possible that the quest has been accept just by doing this?

For confirmation, the quest window is displayed in my head when I imagined it.

QST: Rank E – medical herbs extraction (reward: 10 copper /1 piece) time remaining 23 hours.

Is this all that I have to do to receive a quest?

However, the time limit wasn’t written anywhere on the quest……  If quest is not received, is the time limit not applicable?

I think that it is necessary to clear ahead of time, if there is a time limit.

I have to return to the reception desk where Millia is here, so that I could gather some information about the medical herbs that I have to collect.

[Millia-chan, do you know where the medical herbs are close around the town?]

When I called Millia, “chan” rather than “san” , Millia have a very surprised face.

[Eh!? How do you know my name?]

Why isn’t the name listed on top of their heads? Oh? Is it only me that can see the name? This is somewhat bad?

I will pretend not to know it until I hear the name next time.

[I’m sorry? For calling you by the name like we are very familiar. And you can scold me if you want to? About your name, earlier I heard other people calling your name.]

Though I was desperately trying to speak rapidly so that I could lie to Millia, I will make an excuse for the time being.

[Oh, that is! Though I didn’t give you my name, when you suddenly called my name I was surprised that’s all.]

[Yes, I need a help with my quest! Do you know where the medical herbs that I am looking for grows near the town?]

Again the name that is visible, is it just me who can see it. It such a cheat ability.

[An adventurer said the other day that he found the medical herbs growing in the forest which is located west side of the town.]

[I’ll go there right away. Thank you very much!]

Not to talk anymore than what is necessary, I left the guild are saying my thanks to Millia. I move onto the Main Street headed towards the gate.

When I leave the town so which way is west? The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. And, the sun is in the place in which it inclines right above a little now. (それで、今は真上から少し傾いたところに太陽がある。)

Because it was nine o’clock a little while ago…… I thought that I could search for the direction using the position of the sun. I don’t understand it very well.

I don’t even know whether the sun of this world rises from the east and my knowledge about this world is very poor.

Well, no, wait a moment. When saying an RPG, isn’t it normal for there to be a map. In the map won’t there be cardinal directions indicated on it?

Then something like a small map was displayed on the edge of my view.

There is a white point in the center of the small map. This white point must be my location. There is also a green point that is flas.h.i.+ng on and off apart from that.

When I concentrated on the point that was flas.h.i.+ng, the small map expands.

This is convenient.

The green point seems to be outside of the town. Possibly it may be related to the quest.

It seems very close, so I’ll walk there.


(Is it the same pattern as before? Does he get lonely very easily?)

[Thought I told you not to act alone. Have you already forgotten it?]

[You don’t need to be so angry… And I just came here, so I haven’t made any friends yet.]

[Oh, it is so? I’m sorry.]

Indeed, This guy is so weak? Here is one, Is [bocchi] performed? It’s NIBOTCHI indeed! (TN: no clue – なるほど。この人はこういうのに弱いのかここはひとつ、ぼっちを演じてみるか実際にぼっちだけど!)

[You don’t need to worry about me anymore, I am only about collect some herbs. And I’m like herb’s best friends!]

[Hahahaha.. That was such foolish thing that you said. Hey, come over here!]

Huh. What was that att.i.tude, it was somewhat different from before?

Though it is weak, is a joke not common here?

Moreover, just for that was it necessary to take me to the station. Did you say something bad? No, wait. Didn’t I said I am sorry.

I was about to enter a place which looked like some sort of an office. Well, I just go out of the gate before it’s too late?

[Hey, what’s up. Come here fast.]

After all, is it useless…….?

When I was approaching Kash while being vigilance, so as to escape at any time, he took out a knife from behind the table.

When he suddenly took out the knife I forget to run away and unconsciously took a step backwards. To take a knife out suddenly, really.

[It’s different! This! I just thought that I should give it to you! It’s a misunderstanding!]

[Eh !?]

Kash puts the knife into a leather sheaths. And then threw at me.

[You were think about going outside without a weapon. So you should bring this with you!]

After saying that Kash threw the knife towards me, which I caught with both of my hands.

[It’s cheap dagger, but it would be enough to kill a rabbit. It was in the lost and found. But, be sure to be back before the sun goes down?]

What this person? Is he good or bad? I’m sorry for saying that you were someone who can’t stand being alone.

Besides, I am seriously good-looking that but I put it until a high joke to say. But not interesting. (TN: No clue – しかも、だがだがだがとかいう高度な洒落まで入れてくるとかまじイケメン。)

[Oh, thank you!]


As it is the weapon which I got with much effort, I image the equipment in my head to see what is equipped.

▼ Takas.h.i.+ Watanabe Level 1 Adventurer Rank E








EQP: Iron Dagger +1, Sandals.

Oh! It can be properly equipped!

Also, the job has changed from villager to adventure and the stats have increased. Whether these stats are job dependent, no clue. If it is then I have to aim for a job that gives high stat values.

When I thought that Kash would discourage me, he suddenly encourage me and making me misunderstand him.

[I will said it again but don’t act alone. Also when moving through the forest be careful, because you are by yourself. Don’t exert yourself too much!]

[Yes, I’ll do my best!]

After saying that I left Kash and headed towards the green flash point in the map and walked towards it.

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