Status Meister Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 – Customization

14I leave the guild and on the way to the hotel. Millia suggested that I go to the armor shop after I have treated my injuries.

It seems to be reasonable that after such a difficult battle I should get my injuries treated.

Because the armor shop was nearby the Inn, I arrived there immediately.

When I entered the store, a man who seemed good-natured came near me while raising his hands.

「Millia-chan. What happened today? Is that person a guest?」

「Yes. I was intend to ask for a set of equipment for this person.」

「Then it is true that Millia-chan has really become an adventurer. So? What kind of equipment do you want?」

He said that he would like to hear my request. He faced my way and asked me.

「That’s right. Light and easy to move in, also something with high defense would be good.」

「Then, how about the half plate armor?」

I try to pick up the recommended equipment. Certainly light. In case of this, even if the other party are wolves I will be able to do similar movement as today without being ristricted. But just in case, I would like to try it on first.

「Do you mind if I try it on?」

「Yes, please. Isn’t this equipment brought for Millia?」

「No, because I have my own clothes.」

Millia refused at first but I have an idea. I called on the sales clerks while trying them on.

「I believe that Millia would want light and easy to move in equipment also. But… it is useless if it is a normal equipment. Isn’t there any equipment that would amplify the prettiness of Millia?」

「Prettiness….s.e.x appeal….」

Did the clerk notice my intention? He went to the back and brought out some clothes.

The design look a lot like a nightdress with a lot of frills.

Precious! However, it is different! This isn’t the direction I was going!

「This is the clothes that the female customers who visited said was pretty.」

「Umm, this is an underwear rather than an equipment. Are there clothes more to have the s.e.x appeal in this way?」

Then this time, he brought a cloth which looked like bondage gear where the front is held on by many strings.

This shows too much skin. I mean the bottom is already just an underwear. Attach a Venetian mask to this, and give a whip as a weapon. It will be a complete dominatrix.

「Isn’t this clothes for two people alone in a secret room at night?」

「Because you wanted something thing s.e.x appeal. Wasn’t this the kind of thing you wanted?」

「Indeed, while Millia is wearing this clothes, I would want to do various thing in the night. But it is different!」

Is the clerk still not sure about it……?  While I was saying that, one more cloth has taken out of the interior. I will buy if I can understand it.

「This is only one left.」

「Maid clothes, huh? There is virtually no defense on this.」

It is useless. Expecting them to have clothes that would go with Millia’s cuteness. This is different.

However, wait…. nightdress, bondage clothes and Maid clothes. I may be able to manage it.

「Can I a.s.sume that the clothes can be customized?」

「Yes, we can do it.」

「Then I would like to customize, so can you please give me a paper and pen.」

Judging from Millia’s face, she seems to want to say something but I left her alone. And started to write down the instruction and draw a picture in paper about customization.

「Oh, the design of those clothes, this is like this or that is like this here. and like this.」

I drew the design smoothly. In the instruction there is a headdress, knee length socks, and boots are added.

「Oooo! I have never seen such an idea before. This is such a destructive power. I’d like to make this our shop’s sign goods!」

「Right. In my country, this clothes are called Gothic Lolita.」

「It’s wonderful!」

I leave Millia, sales clerk and two other people stunned.

「So how much would the custom clothing cost?」

「So this is……They probably are about 8 gold?」

「As expected, the customization is high.」

「But! If you let me have the rights to produce this product as our shop’s own clothes. Then I’ll make it 6 gold. No wait…. 5 gold!」

Though he could have selfishly commercialized it without my permission, but because of this I have a good impression of the store owner.

「Okay, I’d like that.」

「I surely accepted it. How is the half plate armor? That’s 3 gold and 50 silver for the set.」

「I would like that as well.」

Today’s income is already spent. However, the appearance of Millia in a Gothic is a bargain.

「Then, 8 gold and 50 silver. I’m staying at Millia’s inn, so if it’s finished, can you tell them that?」

「Yes! I’ll begin immediately! It seems that I can deliver it by the end of the day.」

I should tell them to use good material, but is it so fast? He may be rus.h.i.+ng it so that he could commercializing it.

I entrust it to the shopkeeper and decide to go to the inn.

「Oh, we are back!」

「Oh, welcome back. Are you not early?」

When I check the clock, it indicated that it was 16:00. It surely is early to return from work. But I want to take some nap because I am tired today.

「Oh, well. It is lively again. How did it go today?」

At the sight of me, Mia asked while wearing a half smile.

「Mom! Hear me. Takas.h.i.+ was able to gather herbs and moreover fight a group of wolves and a black wolf by himself!」

「Huh!? Sleep talking is something you do when you are sleeping.」

Still, though Millia explained it desperately, Mia didn’t believe it at all.

「More importantly, I am tired so I would like to take a small nap. Millia, what are you going to do?」

「Oh, yes. I’m sorry that I wasn’t considerate. I will also nap a little, too and help with the supper later.」

Mia started to laugh, then turned towards me and Millia to speak. What are you scheming now….?

「Hey, what are you saying? You will be in the adventurer party with Takas.h.i.+. So course, you will be in the same room as Takas.h.i.+.」


Mia-san, nice. Even though it was good of me. If I try to do something to her, then I would been killed.

Then do you want to go to our lover’s sweet home. When I tried to think, should I put my shoulders on Millia and begin to walk towards it together.

「Please, stop joking!」

I am shaken off. Is that so?

「What kind of thing is this! Mother!」

「How is… the meaning by which… is just as it is? But be relieved. Because I have said that it isn’t put by free if I hold my hand out.」 (「どうって……そのままの意味さ。でも安心しな手を出したらタダじゃおかないって言ってあるから」)

「No this. It lends it, Already……  I……  Is it that you don’t need me……?」 (「そういうことじゃないです! もしかして、もう……私……この家には要らない子ってことですか……?」)

As I though, she seems to want to cry as expected. But this is what Mia-san said. I’ll leave it to Mia-san.

「That’s not it. You became an adventurer right? Soon, I mean you will be traveling out of this town or even go to a different city. Do you want to use two rooms in other town as well?

「But….in a house.」

Natural the room charges will double if we use two different rooms. I should also think about such a thing and get accustomed to it before it’s too late. I am thankful to Mia.

「Can you live in the same room as man suddenly at a strange town? Do you think you can do it?」

「Yes …… But, I make a wall.」

「Don’t be stupid. Then, how will you sleep in the open? It isn’t possible to look out in case something happens if you two aren’t near each other. Still do you want say that you will use a wall and fawned?」

「However–indeed. Until then…」

Mia-san, she seems to think about things ahead of time….

However, I was only think about how to get into good terms with Millia.

「You have to became an adventurer who can provide for herself. If I am able to always be there next to you, then there was no need for these talk.」

「I’m sorry. I was being optimistic….」

「Ok, it’s nice. I do not think you need to it particularly apologies. You will always be my child.」

Mia pats the head of Millia with a gentle smile, which is a smile that a mother shows her child.

「So you have decided, you know that, I don’t need help with the hotel. The next thing you need to do is talk about what you are going to do in the future?」

「Thank you, Mia-san.」

Unlike yesterday, after say thanks to Mia, we moved to a rooms which can accommodate two people.

「Now, shall we take a nap?」

「Oh, eh! I, I, um, no, okay.」

「Didn’t you say a short while ago you want to nap?」

「Oh, umm I am awake. Yep, that’s okay because I just woke up!」

That was just thought up. Even if I think that, I can’t say it, and I take off the jersey which has became ragged and lie down on the bed.

「Ehhh! When you’re here with two people, do you take it off!?」

「Eh? Because this is the formal attire when I sleep, but I’m a little reserved. Look.」

I emphasize that I and show her the underwear that I am wearing.

「It’s good! Because it’s good! Please don’t show it to me!」

「You understand?」

「Yes. Waa…. I understand.」

If you understand, that’s good.

But it is a waste of sleeping though I was able to get in a two person room with so much effort. What should I do?

Shall I ask her about the status and a job?

「Millia, you aren’t going to sleep?」

「Yes. I am not sleepy. It’s fine. Please don’t worry about it and sleep」

「I am satisfied just being able to lie down. Therefore, if Millia isn’t going to sleep. Do you think that we can continue our study session?」

「Is it the talk about jobs?」

「That’s right.」

Does Milla like teaching other people? Her eyes are s.h.i.+ning.

「I see. Then please ask me anything.」

And the second study meeting for today has began.

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