Ruth Fielding Down in Dixie Part 2

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Because he felt himself in Ruth's debt, her Uncle Jabez agreed to pay for her first year's tuition and support at a girls' boarding school to which Mr. Cameron was sending Helen. Helen was Ruth's dearest friend, and the chums, in the second volume, "Ruth Fielding at Briarwood Hall,"

entered school life hand in hand, making friends and rivals alike, and having adventures galore.

The third volume took Ruth and her friends to Snow Camp, a winter lodge in the Adirondack wilderness. The fourth tells of their summer adventures at Lighthouse Point on the Atlantic Coast. The fifth book deals with the exciting times the girls and their boy friends had with the cowboys at Silver Ranch, out in Montana. The sixth story is about Cliff Island and its really wonderful caves, and what was hidden in them. Number seven relates the adventures of a "safe and sane" Fourth of July at Sunrise Farm and the rescue of the Raby orphans. While "Ruth Fielding and the Gypsies," the eighth volume of the series, relates a very important episode in Ruth's career; for by restoring a valuable necklace to an aunt of one of her school friends she obtains a reward of five thousand dollars.

This money, placed to Ruth's credit in the bank by Mr. Cameron, made the girl of the Red Mill instantly independent of Uncle Jabez, who had so often complained of the expense Ruth was to him. Much to Aunt Alvirah's sorrow, Uncle Jabez became more exacting and penurious when Ruth's school expenses ceased to trouble him.

"I could almost a-wish, my pretty, that you hadn't got all o' that money, for Jabez Potter was l'arnin' to let go of a dollar without a-squeezin' all the tail feathers off the eagle that's onto it," said the rheumatic, little, old woman. "Oh, my back! and oh, my bones! It's nice for you to have your own livin' pervided for, Ruthie. But it's awful for Jabez Potter to get so selfish and miserly again."

Aunt Alvirah had said this to the girl of the Red Mill just before Ruth started for Briarwood Hall at the opening of her final term at that famous school. In the story immediately preceding the present narrative, "Ruth Fielding in Moving Pictures; Or, Helping the Dormitory Fund," Ruth and her school chums were much engaged in that modern wonder, the making of "movie" films. Ruth herself had written a short scenario and had had it accepted by Mr. Hammond, president of the Alectrion Film Corporation, when one of the school dormitories was burned. To help increase the fund for a new structure, the girls all desired to raise as much money as possible.

Ruth was inspired to write a second scenario-a five-reel drama of schoolgirl life-and Mr. Hammond produced it for the benefit of the Hall.

"The Heart of a Schoolgirl" made a big hit and brought Ruth no little fame in her small world.

With Helen and the other girls who had been so close to her during her boarding school life, Ruth Fielding had now graduated from Briarwood Hall. Nettie Parsons and her Aunt Rachel had invited the girl of the Red Mill and Helen Cameron to go South for a few weeks following their graduation; and the two chums were now on their way to meet Mrs. Rachel Parsons and Nettie at Old Point Comfort. And from this place their trip into Dixie would really begin.

Ruth had stated positively her belief that the odd looking girl they had seen going into the stateroom numbered forty-eight was the disguised boy the police were after. But belief is not conviction, after all. They had no proof of the ident.i.ty of the person in question.

"So, why should we interfere?" said Ruth, quietly. "We don't know the circ.u.mstances. Perhaps he's only accused."

"I wish we could have seen his face," said Helen. "I'd like to know what kind of looking girl he made. Remember when Curly Smith dressed up in Ann Hick's old frock and hat that time?"

"Yes," said Ruth, smiling. "But Curly looks like a girl when he's dressed that way. If his hair were long and he learned to walk better--"

"That girl we saw going into the stateroom was about Curly's size," said Helen reflectively.

"Poor Curly!" said Ruth. "I hope he is not in any serious trouble. It would really break his grandmother's heart if he went wrong."

"I suppose she does love him," observed Helen. "But she is so awfully strict with him that I wonder the boy doesn't run away again. He did when he was a little kiddie, you know."

"Yes," said Ruth, smiling. "His famous revolt against kilts and long curls. You couldn't really blame him."

However, the girls were not particularly interested in the fate of Henry Smith just then. They did not wish to lose any of the sights outside, and were just returning to the open deck when they saw a group of men hurrying through the saloon toward the bows. With the group Ruth and Helen recognized the purser who had vised their tickets. One or two of the other men, though in citizen's dress, were unmistakably policemen.

"Here's the room," said the purser, stopping suddenly, and referring to the list he carried. "I remember the person well. I couldn't say he didn't look like a young girl; but she-or he-was peculiar looking. Ah!

the door's locked."

He rattled the k.n.o.b. Then he knocked. Helen seized Ruth's hand. "Oh, see!" she cried. "It is forty-eight."

"I see it is. Poor fellow," murmured Ruth.

"If she _is_ a fellow."

"And what will happen if he is a girl?" laughed Ruth.

"Won't she be mad!" cried Helen.

"Or terribly embarra.s.sed," Ruth added.

"Here," said one of the police officers, "he may be in there. By your lief, Purser," and he suddenly put his knee against the door below the lock, pressed with all his force, and the door gave way with a splintering of wood and metal.

The officer plunged into the room, his comrades right behind him. Quite a party of spectators had gathered in the saloon to watch. But there was n.o.body in the stateroom.

"The bird's flown, Jim," said one policeman to another.

"Hullo!" said the purser. "What's that in the berth?"

He picked up a dress, skirt, and hat. Ruth and Helen remembered that they were like those that the strange looking girl had worn. One of the policemen dived under the berth and brought forth a pair of high, fancy, laced shoes.

"He's dumped his disguise here," growled an officer. "Either he went ash.o.r.e before the boat sailed, or he's in his proper clothes again. Say!

it would take us all night, Jim, to search this steamer."

"And we're not authorized to go to the Capes with her," said the policeman who had been addressed as Jim. "We'd better go back and report, and let the inspector telegraph to Old Point a full description.

Maybe the d.i.c.ks there can nab the lad."

The stateroom door was closed but could not be locked again. The purser and policemen went away, and the girls ran out on deck to see the police officers go down the ladder and into the launch.

They all did this without accident. Then the rope ladder was cast off and the launch chugged away, turning back toward the distant city.

The steamer had now pa.s.sed Romer Light and Sandy Hook and was through the Ambrose Channel. The Scotland Lights.h.i.+p, courtesying to the rising swell, was just ahead. Ruth and Helen had never seen a lights.h.i.+p before and they were much interested in this drab, odd looking, short-masted vessel on which a crew lived month after month, and year after year, with only short respites ash.o.r.e.

"I should think it would be dreadfully lonely," Helen said, with reflection. "Just to tend the lights-and the fish, perhaps-eh?"

"I don't suppose they have dances or have people come to afternoon tea,"

giggled Ruth. "What do you expect?"

"Poor men! And no ladies around. Unless they have mermaids visit them,"

and Helen chuckled too. "Wouldn't it be fun to hire a nice big launch-a whole party of us Briarwood girls, for instance-and sail out there and go aboard that lights.h.i.+p? Wouldn't the crew be surprised to see us?"

"Maybe," said Ruth seriously, "they wouldn't let us aboard. Maybe it's against the rules. Or perhaps they only select men who are misanthropes, or women-haters, to tend lights.h.i.+ps."

"_Are_ there such things as women-haters?" demanded Helen, big-eyed and innocent looking. "I thought _they_ were fabled creatures-like-like mermaids, for instance."

"Goodness! Do you think, Helen Cameron, that every man you meet is going to fall on his knees to you?"

"No-o," confessed Helen. "That is, not unless I push him a little, weeny bit! And that reminds me, Ruthie. You ought to see the great bunch of roses Tom had the gardener cut yesterday to send to some girl. Oh, a barrel of 'em!"

"Indeed?" asked Ruth, a faint flush coming into her cheek. "Has Tom a crush on a new girl? I thought that Hazel Gray, the movie queen, had his full and complete attention?"

"How you talk!" cried Helen. "I suppose Tom will have a dozen flames before he settles down--"

Ruth suddenly burst into laughter. She knew she had been foolish for a moment.

"What nonsense to talk so about a boy in a military school!" she cried.

"Why! he's only a boy yet."

"Yes, I know," sighed Helen, speaking of her twin reflectively. "He's merely a child. Isn't it funny how much older we are than Tom is?"

"Goodness me!" gasped Ruth, suddenly seizing her chum by the arm.

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