Japan Will Turn Ablaze! Part 23

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[Letter of April 14, 1952]

Your gracious letter of March 20th, conveying Naw-Ruz greetings to the beloved Guardian has been received, and gave the Guardian the utmost of happiness. It revealed anew the power of Baha'u'llah, that in that far off land, the banner of His Grace has been raised so effectively, and the friends have been quickened by the new spirit of unity which is sweeping the world.

The Guardian will pray at the Holy Shrines that the powers of the Holy Spirit will inspire and sustain you in your labors for the spread of the true teachings of brotherhood, and the spiritual elevation of the people of j.a.pan.

Today, the head corner-stone of service to the Faith of Baha'u'llah is teaching. It is the source of divine blessings. The beloved Guardian feels your consecration to this most important of all Baha'i activities will achieve new goals and win many victories for the Faith.

He sends his loving greetings to each one of you, who will ever be in his heart.

(signed by Leroy Ioas)

(April 14, 1952)

[Letter of August 30, 1952]

It always brings joy to the heart of our beloved Guardian to receive news from you, as he is so happy over the remarkable growth of the Faith in j.a.pan since the end of the war. He has instructed me to answer on his behalf your letter of July 12.

Plans for future works in j.a.pan will certainly form part of the general plan for Asia, which will be discussed at the New Delhi Conference in October 1953. He would be very happy if some of the friends from j.a.pan could attend this historic gathering.

He was delighted to hear that your a.s.sembly is undertaking extension teaching work in other j.a.panese cities; as Tokyo is the mother a.s.sembly, her responsibility is great. He was particularly glad to hear teaching will be done in Hiros.h.i.+ma, where the people suffered so mercilessly during the war; they have a special right-the people of that city-to hear of Baha'u'llah's Message of peace and brotherhood.

The a.s.sembly of Tokyo, until such time as other local a.s.semblies are formed, can receive the applications for enrollment from people living elsewhere. Anyone living outside the civic limits of Tokyo, however, cannot be a voting member of that community, but of course, may attend meetings and Feasts until a local nucleus is established.

The Guardian was particularly happy to note that there are so many j.a.panese Baha'is; although the American friends have rendered a great service in j.a.pan, the object of all teachings is to establish firmly the Faith of G.o.d in the hearts and lives of the people of the country. He hopes that special efforts will be made to teach the j.a.panese, and to provide them with Baha'i literature in their own language, and to conduct meetings in j.a.panese, and also to encourage them to understand the Administration and take an active, constructive part in its workings.

Without a proper understanding of the Administrative Order, extensive plans cannot be undertaken and harmony will not prevail within the community.

He (the Guardian) will remember you in all his prayers, and is most pleased with your progress and your devoted spirit.

(signed by R. Rabbani)

(in the Guardian's handwriting)

May the Almighty bless your high and persistent endeavours, guide every step you take in the path of service, and enable you to extend continually the range of your splendid activities, and win great and memorable victories for His Cause.

Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi

(August 30, 1952)

[Letter of July 24, 1953]

The beloved Guardian has said that the future of j.a.pan from every standpoint is very bright indeed. The Faith will spread rapidly in j.a.pan, once the public become acquainted with its universal principles, and its dynamic spirit.

What is necessary at this time is for the Baha'is to adhere firmly to the teachings of the Faith, and to become a clear channel through which the power of the Holy Spirit might disseminate itself throughout the country.

So far as the Ananai-kyo Movement is concerned, and their desire for affiliation:

The Baha'is may a.s.sociate with Movements such as this, without becoming supporters and active workers therein; the object being to make friendly contacts which can be developed into firm Baha'is.

So far as non-Baha'is affiliating with the Baha'i Faith is concerned, either a person becomes a Baha'i and accepts Baha'u'llah as the divine Manifestation for this day or he does not. The tenets of the Baha'i Faith are simple as outlined by the Guardian, but they do not permit any variations. In other words, if any members of the Ananai-kyo Movement wish to become Baha'is; they will be most welcome; but they can only become Baha'is on the basis of accepting Baha'u'llah as a divine Manifestation, and of course, with this goes the acceptance of the Bab as the Fore-runner, and 'Abdu'l-Baha as the Center of the Covenant, and the present Administrative Order.

When a person has reached the sea of immortality, it is idle to keep seeking elsewhere; and when the members of the Ananai-kyo Movement reach Baha'u'llah in their search for a world teacher, they have reached the goal, and not another step along the path.

I presume you have received by this time full details concerning the Ten Year Crusade, and the Plan which the Guardian has enunciated for the American National a.s.sembly to a.s.sist in the development of the Faith in j.a.pan, so that ultimately there may be a National Spiritual a.s.sembly of the Baha'is in j.a.pan itself.

The American National Spiritual a.s.sembly has appointed a special committee for the Asian countries, and I am quite sure you will find the very closest possible cooperation from them in the development of the work.

You will find, as the Extension Teaching work in j.a.pan moves forward, there will have to be constant and continuous consultation with this important committee.

You can appreciate it will be entirely impossible for the International Council or the staff of the Guardian himself, to undertake the supervision of the teaching work in any one part of the world; furthermore it would be contrary to the general principle of Baha'i administration. Under Baha'i administration, Local a.s.semblies, and the development of teaching work are placed in the hands of National a.s.semblies. The National a.s.semblies themselves report directly to Haifa-to the Universal House of Justice, when it is established; and until that time, to the Guardian himself.

At the instruction of the Guardian, I am communicating with the American National Spiritual a.s.sembly, to ask them to set up a program, whereby there will be the closest possible collaboration between their Asia Teaching Committee and your own a.s.sembly. I hope this will be the means of all data reaching you very promptly.

The beloved Guardian asked me to convey to you his deep love. He appreciates and values very highly your devoted services to the Faith. He will pray at the Holy Shrines, for your guidance and confirmation. It is his hope that heavenly blessings may be with you at all times, and every obstacle in the path of your efforts to continually spread the Message in j.a.pan may be removed, so that you may ultimately gain complete victory.

(signed by Leroy Ioas)

(July 24, 1953)

[Letter of November 26, 1953]

The Guardian is hopeful that some day it may be possible for the Baha'is of Tokyo to establish their Hazira; and of course if this were done, some day it will become the National Hazira, because when the National Spiritual a.s.sembly is formed in j.a.pan, Tokyo will no doubt be the seat of the National a.s.sembly.

Shoghi Effendi feels that the time has now come when the Faith will spread rapidly in j.a.pan. The j.a.panese people have great vision and spirituality, and the difficulties of the last war have prepared many of them for the Divine Guidance. He therefore urges each and every one of you to treble your efforts, so that the Cause may grow and develop rapidly.

He sends his loving greetings to you, and a.s.sures you all of his prayers in your behalf.

(signed by Leroy Ioas)

(November 26, 1953)

[Letter of March 2, 1954]

The beloved Guardian sends his loving greetings to each and every one of the friends in j.a.pan. He greatly values their devotion and sacrifice for the Faith, and the n.o.ble manner in which they are arising to spread the Teachings in that land.

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