Masonic Monitor of the Degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason Part 14

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The brethren uncover, while the Grand Chaplain delivers the following, or some other appropriate


Almighty G.o.d! who hath given us grace at this time, with one accord, to make our common supplication unto Thee, and dost promise, that where two or three are gathered together in Thy name, Thou wilt grant their request; fulfill now, O Lord! the desires and pet.i.tions of Thy servants, as may be most expedient for them; granting us in this world, knowledge of Thy truth; and in the world to come, life everlasting. Amen.

Response: So mote it be.

The choir may then sing an Ode, or a piece of instrumental music may be performed.

Deposit of Memorials.

Grand Master: R. W. Brother Grand Treasurer, it has ever been the custom, on occasions like the present, to deposit within a cavity in the stone, placed in the north-east corner of the edifice, certain memorials of the period at which it was erected; so that in the lapse of ages, if the fury of the elements, or the slow but certain ravages of time, should lay bare its foundation, an enduring record may be found by succeeding generations, to bear testimony to the energy, industry and culture of our time. Has such a deposit been prepared?

Grand Treasurer: It has, Most Wors.h.i.+pful Grand Master, and the various articles of which it is composed are safely enclosed within the casket now before you.

Grand Master: R. W. Grand Secretary, you will read for the information of the brethren and others here a.s.sembled, a record of the contents of the casket.

Grand Secretary reads a list of the articles contained in the casket.

Grand Master: R. W. Grand Treasurer, you will now deposit the casket in the cavity beneath the corner-stone, and may the Great Architect of the Universe, in His wisdom, grant that ages on ages shall pa.s.s away ere it again be seen of men.

Grand Treasurer, a.s.sisted by the Grand Secretary, will place the casket in the cavity prepared, and report:

Most Wors.h.i.+pful Grand Master, your orders have been duly executed.

Presentation of Working Tools. Architect delivers the working tools to the Grand Master, who retains the Trowel, and presents the Square, Level and Plumb to the Deputy Grand Master, Senior and Junior Grand Warden, respectively, saying:

Right Wors.h.i.+pful Brethren, you will receive the implements of your office. With your a.s.sistance and that of the Craft, I will now proceed to lay the corner-stone of this edifice, according to the custom of our Fraternity. Brother Grand Marshal, you will direct the Craftsmen to furnish the cement, and prepare to lower the stone.

Laying Stone.

The Grand Master will then spread a portion of the cement. The stone is then lowered slowly, during which there should be appropriate music. The Grand Master then says:

Trial of Stone.

R. W. Deputy Grand Master, what is the proper implement of your office?

D. G. Master: The Square.

G. M.: What are its moral and Masonic uses?

D. G. M.: To square our actions by the rule of virtue, and prove our work.

G. M.: Apply the implement of your office to that portion of the stone that needs to be proved, and make report.

The Square is applied to the four corners.

D. G. M.: Most Wors.h.i.+pful Grand Master, I find the stone to be square.

The Craftsmen have done their duty.

G. M.: R. W. Senior Grand Warden, what is the proper implement of your office?

S. G. W.: The Level.

G. M.: What are its Masonic uses?

S. G. W.: Morally, it teaches Equality; and by it we prove our work.

G. M.: Apply the implement of your office to that portion of the corner-stone that needs to be proved, and make report.

Level is applied to the top surface.

S. G. W.: Most Wors.h.i.+pful Grand Master, I find the stone to be level.

The Craftsmen have done their duty.

G. M.: R. W. Junior Warden, what is the proper implement of your office?

J. G. W.: The Plumb.

G. M.: What are its moral and Masonic uses?

J. G. W.: Morally, it teaches rect.i.tude of conduct; and by it we prove our work.

G. M.: Apply the implement of your office to that portion of the corner-stone that needs to be proved, and make report.

The Plumb is applied to the sides of the stone.

J. G. W.: Most Wors.h.i.+pful Grand Master, I find the stone to be plumb.

The Craftsmen have done their duty.

Grand Master (striking the stone three times with his gavel), says:

This corner-stone has been tested by the proper implements of Masonry. I find that the Craftsmen have skillfully and faithfully done their duty; and I do declare the stone to be well formed and trusty, truly laid, and correctly proved according to the rules of our Ancient Craft. May the building be conducted and completed amid the blessings of Plenty, Health and Peace.

Response by the Craft: So mote it be.


Grand Master: Brother Grand Marshal, you will present the elements of consecration to the proper officers.

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