Masonic Monitor of the Degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason Part 13

Masonic Monitor of the Degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason -

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Grant, O Lord, our G.o.d, that those who are now about to be invested with the government of this Lodge may be endowed with wisdom to instruct their brethren in their duties. May brotherly love, relief and truth always prevail among the members of this Lodge. May this bond of union continue to strengthen the Lodges throughout the world. Bless all our brethren, wherever dispersed, and grant speedy relief to all who are either oppressed or distressed. We affectionately commend to Thee all the members of this whole family; may they increase in grace, in the knowledge of Thee, and in love to each other. Finally, may we finish all our work here below, with Thy approbation; and then may our transition from this earthly abode be to Thy heavenly Temple above, there to enjoy light and glory, and bliss ineffable and eternal. Amen.

Response: (By the Officers of the Grand Lodge.) As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

A short piece of solemn music is then performed, during which the Grand Officers will rise.


The Grand Master steps forward, and extending his hands over the emblem of the Lodge, exclaims:

To the memory of the Holy Saints John, we dedicate this Lodge. May every brother revere their character and imitate their virtues.

Response: (By the brethren.) As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

The Officers of the Grand Lodge will then about face, and stand, while the brethren of the new Lodge, under direction of the Grand Marshal, make a circuit in procession, single file, and salute the Grand Officers with their hands crossed upon their b.r.e.a.s.t.s, left over right, and heads slightly bowed while pa.s.sing. Upon the completion of this ceremony, the brethren will resume position, facing inward. The Officers of the Grand Lodge will also resume original position. The Grand Master will call up, with his gavel, all present, and then proceed to

Const.i.tute the Lodge.

Grand Master: In the name of the Most Wors.h.i.+pful Grand Lodge of the State of Arkansas, I now const.i.tute and form you, my beloved brethren, into a Regular Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons. From henceforth we empower you to meet as a Regular Lodge, const.i.tuted in conformity to the rites of our inst.i.tution, and the charges of our ancient and honorable Fraternity; and may the Supreme Architect of the Universe prosper, direct and counsel you in all your doings.

Response by the brethren: So mote it be.

The Officers of the Grand Lodge will, under the direction of the Grand Marshal, give the Full Grand Honors. The Grand Marshal will then slowly replace the covering on the Lodge, during which a choir should chant--

"Glory be to G.o.d on High."

The Grand Marshal will then conduct the Grand Master to his chair, and instruct the officers of the Grand Lodge to resume their respective stations; and the members of the new Lodge to resume their seats. During these movements instrumental music should be performed.

Grand Master: (Calls up the a.s.sembly.) Wors.h.i.+pful Grand Marshal, you will make proclamation that ...... Lodge, No. ......, has been regularly const.i.tuted.

Grand Marshal: I am directed by the Most Wors.h.i.+pful Grand Master to proclaim, and I do hereby proclaim, that ...... Lodge, No. ......, has been regularly const.i.tuted, and duly registered as such in the Grand Lodge of Arkansas. This proclamation is made from the East, (one knock by G. M.); from the West, (one knock by the S. G. W.); from the South, (one knock by the J. G. W.); once, twice, thrice; the Craft will take due notice and govern itself accordingly. The Grand Honors are given.

Grand Master seats the brethren.


These ceremonies are conducted only by the Grand Master in person, or by some brother acting for him, under special dispensation, a.s.sisted by the officers of the Grand Lodge, and such of the Craft as may be invited, or who may choose to attend, either as Lodges, or as individual brethren.

No corner-stone should be laid with Masonic ceremonies, except those of acknowledged public structures, or buildings which are to be used for Masonic purposes; and then only by special request of the proper authorities.

The Lodge or Lodges in the place where the building is to be erected, may invite such neighboring Lodges, and other Masonic bodies, as they may deem proper. The Chief Magistrate, and other Officers of the place, should also be invited to attend on the occasion.

At the time appointed for the ceremony, a sufficient number of brethren to act as Grand Officers are convened in a suitable place, where a Special Communication of the Grand Lodge will be opened on the Third Degree, and proper instructions given by the Grand Master; after which, the Officers of the Grand Lodge, under the direction of the Grand Marshal, will form in the following order:

Grand Tyler.

(with drawn sword.)

Master Masons.

Grand Steward. A Brother. Grand Steward.

(carrying rod.) (carrying Bible, (carrying rod.) Square and Compa.s.s, on a cus.h.i.+on.)

Grand Chaplain.

Grand Secretary, Grand Treasurer, (carrying scroll, containing (in charge of the box[A]

list of articles to be to be deposited under placed under the the corner-stone.) corner-stone.)

Gr'd Steward, Past Gr'd Officers,[B] Gr'd Steward, (carrying rod.) (in the order of their (carrying rod.) G rank, two abreast.) R A Architect,[C]

N (carrying Square, Level and Plumb.) D

M Jr. Grand Warden, Sr. Grand Warden, A (carrying vessel of oil.) (carrying vessel of wine.) R S Deputy Grand Master.

H (carrying vessel of corn.) A L Master of Oldest Lodge, . (carrying book of const.i.tutions.)

Jr. Grand Deacon, Grand Master. Sr. Grand Deacon, (carrying rod.) (carrying rod.)

The procession thus formed will proceed to join the general procession, if any, and march to the place where the ceremony is to be performed.

[A] This box may be carried by the Treasurer, or be sent in advance to the site of the corner-stone, as circ.u.mstances may dictate.

[B] In the absence of Past Grand Officers, these Stewards will support the Deputy Grand Master and Grand Warden.

[C] If the architect of the building is not a member of the Masonic Fraternity, the Square, Level and Plumb will be carried by a brother appointed for the purpose, who will deliver them to the architect on arriving at the corner-stone.

When a procession is composed of other than the officers of the Grand Lodge and Master Masons, it should be formed in the following order:

G Music.

R A M Military.

N A D R Civic Societies and Organizations.

S H Chief Magistrate, Mayor or other Official Guests.

A L Knights Templar Escort.

Grand Lodge.

Should any Masonic body other than those above named appear, they will be a.s.signed an appropriate place in the procession.

A triumphal arch is usually erected near the place where the ceremony is to be performed; and the corner-stone should have engraved on its face the words, "Laid by the Masonic Fraternity," with the date, the year of Masonry, the name of the Grand Master, and such other particulars as may be deemed proper.

When the head of the procession reaches the Arch, it will open to the right and left, facing inward. The Grand Master, uncovering, preceded by the Grand Marshal and Grand Tyler, and followed by the other Grand Officers and the Chief Magistrate and civil officers of the place, will pa.s.s through the lines and ascend to the platform. As the Grand Master and others advance, the remainder of the procession will counter-march and surround the platform.

The stone should be suspended about six feet from its bed, by a machine having suitable arrangements for slowly lowering it to its place. All being in readiness--

The Grand Master will command silence and address the a.s.sembly, announcing the purposes of the occasion, etc., concluding as follows:

The teachings of Freemasonry inculcate, that in all our works, great or small, begun and finished, we should seek the aid of Almighty G.o.d. It is our first duty, then, to invoke the blessing of the great Architect of the Universe upon the work in which we are about to engage. I therefore command the utmost silence, and call upon all to unite with our Grand Chaplain in an address to the Throne of Grace.

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