Masonic Monitor of the Degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason Part 15

Masonic Monitor of the Degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason -

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Grand Marshal presents vessel of corn to the D. G. M.; the wine to the S. G. W.; and the oil to the J. G. W.

Deputy Grand Master advances with the corn, scattering it on the stone, and says:

I scatter this corn as an emblem of Plenty; may the blessings of bounteous Heaven be showered upon us, and upon all like patriotic and important undertakings, and inspire the hearts of the people with virtue, wisdom and grat.i.tude.

Response by the Craft: So mote it be.

Senior Grand Warden advances with the vessel of wine, pouring it on the stone, and says:

I pour this wine as an emblem of Joy and Gladness. May the great Ruler of the Universe bless and prosper our National, State and City Governments; preserve the union of the States in harmony and brotherly love, which shall endure through all time.

Response by the Craft: So mote it be.

Junior Warden advances with the vessel of oil, pouring it on the stone, saying:

I pour this oil as an emblem of Peace; may its blessings abide with us continually; and may the Grand Master of Heaven and Earth shelter and protect the widow and orphan, and vouchsafe to them, and to the bereaved, the afflicted and sorrowing, everywhere, the enjoyment of every good and perfect gift.

Response by the Craft: So mote it be.

Grand Master, extending his hands, p.r.o.nounces the following invocation:

May corn, wine and oil, and all the necessaries of life, abound among men throughout the world. May the blessing of Almighty G.o.d be upon this undertaking. May He protect the workmen from every accident. May the structure here to be erected, be planned with Wisdom, supported by Strength, and adorned in Beauty, and may it be preserved to the latest ages, a monument to the energy and liberality of its founders.

Response by the Craft: So mote it be.


Grand Master: (Addressing Architect.) Worthy sir (or brother), having thus, as Grand Master of Masons, laid the corner-stone of the structure, I now return to you these implements of Operative Masonry (presents Square, Level and Plumb), having full confidence in your skill and capacity to perform the important duties confided to you, to the satisfaction of those who have entrusted you with their fulfillment.

The G. M. strikes the stone three times with the gavel, and the public grand honors are given.

The Grand Master will then make report of his doings, as follows:

I have the honor to report, that in compliance with the request of the proper authorities, the corner-stone of the ...... building to be erected on this site, has been laid successfully, with the ancient ceremonies of the Craft. The Brother Grand Marshal will therefore make the proclamation.

Grand Marshal: In the name of the Most Wors.h.i.+pful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Arkansas, I now proclaim that the corner-stone of the structure to be erected, has this day been found true and trusty, and laid according to the old customs, by the Grand Master of Masons.

Closing Ode.



Glory be to G.o.d on High, and on earth peace, good will toward men! O Lord, we most heartily beseech Thee with Thy favor to behold and bless this a.s.semblage; pour down Thy mercies, like the dew that falls upon the mountains, upon Thy servants engaged in the solemn ceremonies of this day. Bless, we pray Thee, all the workmen who shall be engaged in the erection of this edifice; keep them from all forms of accidents and harm; grant them in health and prosperity to live; and finally, we hope, after this life, through Thy mercy and forgiveness to attain everlasting joy and felicity in Thy bright mansion, in Thy holy temple, not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. Amen.

Response: So mote it be.

After which, the Grand Lodge, with escort, returns to the place whence it started, and is closed.

The Lodges, and other Masonic bodies, return to their respective halls.


At the time appointed for the celebration of the ceremony of dedication, the Grand Master and his officers, accompanied by the members of the Grand Lodge, meet in a convenient room, near to the place where the ceremony is to be performed, and the Grand Lodge is opened in ample form.

The procession is then formed, under direction of the Grand Marshal, when the Grand Lodge moves to the hall to be dedicated, in the following order:


Tiler, with drawn sword;

Stewards, with white rods;

Master Masons;

Grand Secretaries;

Grand Treasurers;

A Past Master, bearing the Holy Writings, Square and Compa.s.s, supported by two Stewards, with rods;

Two Burning Tapers, borne by two Past Masters;

Chaplain and Orator;

Past Grand Wardens;

Past Deputy Grand Masters;

Past Grand Masters;

The Globes;

Junior Grand Warden, carrying a silver vessel with corn;

Senior Grand Warden, carrying a silver vessel with wine;

Deputy Grand Master, carrying a golden vessel with oil;

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