A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 Part 5

A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 -

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In this yere of oure lord a m^{l}ccl began the ordre of frere Austyns; also in this yere the kyng wente into Scotlond to marie his doughter to Alisaundre the kyng of Scottes.

John Tholosan, m'. Will'm Durham. A^{o}. x.x.xvj^{to}.

Thomas Wyborne.

[Sidenote: vij^{li} is allowed for the office of the schirrefs of London.]

This yere the kyng graunted be his chartre on the xij daye of Juyne, that the schirreves of London schulde yerly ben allowed in the Eschequier for there office of the schirrevehood vij^{li}. Also that after the meire be chosene he schulde be presented to the barons of the Escheker. And in this yere the kyng schipped at Portesmouth toward Burdeux.

REX HENRICUS T'CIUS. [1252-1256.]

Nicholl Batte, m'. John Northampton. A^{o}. x.x.xvij^{o}.

Richard Pychard.

This yere the quene, and Edward here sone, and Boneface the erchebysshop of Caunterbury sailed over the see toward Burdeux. Also this yere, the day of S^{t}. Paulyne the bysshop, fell manye mervailes be the watres of the see, as full grete hete and droughte.

Ric' Hardell, m'. Rob^{t}. Lyntone, drap'. A^{o}. x.x.xviij^{o}.

Will'm a.s.shwy, merc'.

In this yere Edward the kynges sone spoused the kynges suster of Spayne. Also in this yere the kyng com from Burdeux thorugh Fraunce, and arryved at Dovore on day: and on seynt John day he com to London, and enprisoned the schirreves in the tour of London a monyth and more, for on John Frome that was undyr there warde whiche escapyd out of Newegate, the whiche John was taken in warde for the deth of a priour that was the kynges alye; and new schirrefs mad, as it folowith.

Id'm maior. Stephan Distergate.[7] A^{o}. x.x.xix^{o}.

Herry Walmode.

Id'm maior. Matheu Bokerell. Anno xl^{o}.

John le Mynour.

[Footnote 7: Oyster-gate _in the Cotton MS._]

[Sidenote: Obiit R. Grosted ep'us Lincoln'.]

[Sidenote: The crucifienge of a child.]

This yere deyde Robert Grostede bysshop of Lyncoln, in the vij idus of Octobre. And in this yere, the Soneday before the translacion of seynt Edward, the wyf of S^{r}. Edward the kynges sone com into Engelond and to London; and S^{r}. Edward com hymself on seynt Andrew evene to London. And in this yere a litell child called Hughe of Lincoln was taken of Jewes and crucified.

REX HENRICUS T'CIUS. [1256-1258.]

Id'm maior. Ric'us Ewell. Anno xlj^{o}.

Will'm a.s.shby.

Eodem anno fuit Ric'us comes Cornub' et frat' reg' H. coronatus in regem Almiaine.

Id'm maior. Th' Fitz Richard. Anno xlij^{do}.

Rob^{t}. Catelongre.

[Sidenote: Ric' comes Cornubie elect' est imp'ator.]

[Sidenote: A gret compleynt made to the kyng of the citee of London.]

[Sidenote: The parlement at Oxon.]

In this yere Ric'us erle of Cornub' was chosen emperor; and Thlewellyn prynce of Walys held werre ayens the kyng. Also this yere, abougte the convercion of seynt Poule, tydynges comen to the kyng that the cite of London was nought trewly, no in due maner gowerned: wherupon was mad an inquisicion be xxvj men of every warde; and John Mauncell, examyned be the kynges counseill, tolde the tale for alle the companye, and seyde that Richard Hardell mair, Robert Catelongre schirreve, John Tholesone, Nich' Batte, Nich' Fitz Jocy, Mathew Bokerell, John le Meynoure, Arnold Tednore, and Herry Walmode, aldermen, were worthy to be prevyd of there offices, and never after to bere stat in the citee.

Also in this yere after Trynyte Sonedaye was the parlement at Oxenford, where aroos a gret discord betweye the barons on the too partye, and Audymere eslyte of Wynchestre, William Valence, Geffrey of Wynchestre, and the kynges brethren, on the other partie, for divers tres.p.a.ces and transgressions; wherefore the kynges brethren were somond to come to the parlement at Wynchestre; and whanne the parlement was begonne, the forsaid kynges brethren wolde nought obeye to the lawe; wherfore two of them weren exiled, whiche pa.s.sed the see at Dovorre.

REX HENRICUS T'CIUS. [1258-1260.]

John Gysors, m'. John Adryan. A^{o}. xliij^{cio}.

Rob' Cornhill.

[Sidenote: Scutagium.]

[Sidenote: Jewe.]

[Sidenote: A quart' of whete at xxiiij _s._]

This yere scutage was gadered in Engelond of every knyghtes fee xl _s._ The same yere, the morwe after Al Sowlen day, Ric' of Gravesende at Caunterbury was sacred bysshop of Lincoln be Bonoface erchebysshop of Caunterbury. And in this yere, that is to seye the yere of our lord a m^{l}cclviij, there fel a Jewe into a pryve at Teukesbury upon a Satirday, the whiche wolde nought suffre hym selfe to be drawe out of the preve that day for reverence of his Sabot day: and S^{r}. Richard of Clare, thanne erle of Gloucestre, herynge therof, wolde nought sufrre hym to be drawe out on the morwe after, that is to say the Soneday, for reverence of his holy day; and so the Jewe deyde in the preve. Also in this yere was a gret derthe of corn, for a quarter of whete was worth xxiiij _s._ And in this yere Richard the erle of Cornewaille was crowned emperour of Almayne.

Will'm Fitz Richard, m'. Adam Brounyng. A^{o}. xliiij^{to}.

Ric' Coventre.

In this yere, abougte Alhalwen tyme, the kyng with the quene, with other barons and lordes, seyled over the see to the kyng of Fraunce, and dwelled there half yere and more with gret honoure and love, so that he hadde no wil homward; but he was thretned be the co'e counsaill of Engelond that but if he come home here sounne they wolde chesyn them a newe kyng: and there was gret discord, and a rysynge betwen Edward the kynges sone and Richard thanne erle of Worcestre,[8]

so that all Engelond was meved to werre; for whiche, a lytel before Whitsonday the kyng come into Engelond, an cam into London, and lay in the bysshopes palys of London besyde Poules, unto the tyme that pees was stablisched thorough alle Engelond.

[Footnote 8: Gloucestre _in the Cotton MS._]

REX HENRICUS T'CIUS. [1260-1263.]

Id'm maior. John Northt'. A^{o}. xlv^{to}.

Ric' Pychard.

John Tallour. A^{o}. xlvj^{to}.[9]

Ric' Walbrooke.

[Footnote 9: _See note_ C.]

[Sidenote: Note:--That no record makes mention of an earle of Worcester in this time.]

This same yere, abought the fest of the traunslacion of seynt Thomas, the kyng with the quene sailled over the see into Fraunce, and the erle of Worcestre[10] deyde.

[Footnote 10: Gloucestre _in the Cotton MS._]

Th' Fitz Thomas, m'. Philip Walbrok. A^{o}. xlvij^{mo}.

Ric' Taillour.

[Sidenote: The barons werres.]

In this yere began the barons werres, in whiche there were many ful worthy lordes sclayn, and moche myschief and sorwe was that time in Engelond.

REX HENRICUS T'CIUS. [1263-1265.]

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