A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 Part 4

A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 -

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[Sidenote: Statutu' Merton.]

In this yere, the morwe after seynt Hiller day Edmond the erchebisshop of Caunterbury spoused the kyng and dame Elianore the erles doughter of Provynce togidere at Caunterbury; and on the viij day of seynt Hillar sche was crowned at Westminster, and thanne the statut of Mertone was mad.

Andrew Bokerell, m'. Herry Cobham. A^{o}. xx^{mo}.

Jordan Coventre.

Id'm maior. John Colsan. A^{o}. xxj^{mo}.

Gerveys Cordewan'.

Ric' Reng', maior. Joh'nes Wyghale. A^{o}. xxij^{mo}.

Joh'n Saundres.

[Sidenote: Trantesime parte.]

This yere on seynt Botolf even was borne Edward the kynges sone. It'm in cest an prist le roy en son eide le x.x.x^{me} des moebles p' tout la terre.

REX HENRICUS T'CIUS. [1238-1242.]

William Joynour, m'. Renerus Bungey. A^{o}. xxiij^{o}.

Rauf a.s.shewy.

[Sidenote: Edwardus long' femorib'.]

Eod'm anno d'n's Simon Mountfort desponsavit Alianoram sororem d'm reg' H. et comitissam Pembr'. Et anno sequ' fecit d'c'm d'n'm comitem Leyc'. Et eodem anno, _i.e._ anno iiij^{to} natus fuit filius eius Edwardus, int' ip'm et Alianoram reginam, qui postea vocab' Edwardus longis femorib'.

Gerard Bate, m' John Gysors. A^{o}. xxiiij^{to}.

Michael Tony.

[Sidenote: Seynt Poules was halwed.]

In this yere seynt Poules chirche was halowed.

Renerus Bungey, m'. John Vyell. A^{o}. xxv^{to}.

Thomas Durh'm.

[Sidenote: Obiit Rog'us ep'us London'.]

This yere deide Rog' bysshop of London: and William of the Marche was drawen and hangyd.

Id'm maior. John Fitz John. Anno xxvj^{to}.

Rauf a.s.shewy.

In this yere seyled the kyng on the see ryally to Burdeux.

Rauf a.s.shewy, m'. Hugo Blount. A^{o}. xxvij^{o}.

Adam Basynges.

[Sidenote: The plees of the crowne. The kyng did cu' frome Burdeux.]

This yere the kyng com into Engelond fro Bordeux; and the plees of the crowne were pletyd in the tour of London before William of York, Richard Paschelewe, Herry Braha and Jerome of Saxton, justices. Also werre began betwen the kyng and Thlewelyn prince of Walys; also Griffith Thlewelyn sone fel out of the tour of London and brak his nekke.

REX HENRICUS T'CIUS. [1243-1246.]

Mich' Tony, m'. Ric' Spyc' A^{o}. xxviij^{o}.

Nich's Batte.

John Gisors, m' p' John Cornehull. A^{o}. xxix^{o}.

maiore p'te ann'. David Benteley.

This yere Mich' Tony meire of London, and Nicholl Batte schirreve, were convicte before the kyng of periuracion be the othe of alle the aldermen, for as muche as Nicholl Batte lefte schirreve over his yere; wherefore Michael Tony was deposed fro the meiralte and Nich' Batte fro the schirevehod, and another chosen as it is aforeseid.

Idem maior. Simon Fitz Marie. A^{o}. x.x.x^{mo}.

Laurens Frowyk.

[Sidenote: Renovacio Westm'.]

Eod'm anno idem rex renovavit eccl'iam Westm' ult' med'm p' unam archam. And this same yere was seynt Edmond of Pounteney translatyd.[5]

[Footnote 5: _See note_ B.]

Petrus Fitz Aleyn, m'. John Vyell. Anno x.x.xj^{mo}.

Nicholl Batte.

[Sidenote: Mon' de Hayles.]

Eod'm anno s'c'us Edmundus fuit canonizatus eciam frat' reg' H. et comes Cornub' incep^{t} fundamentu' monast'ij de Hayles.[6]

[Footnote 6: _See note_ C.]

REX HENRICUS T'CIUS. [1247-1252.]

Mich' Tony, m'. Nicholl Jocie. A^{o}. x.x.xij^{do}.

Geffrey Wynchestr'.

Rog' Fitz Rog', m'. Rauf Hardell. A^{o}. x.x.xiij^{cio}.

John Tholosan.

John Norman, m'. Humfrey Bras faber. Anno x.x.xiiij^{to}.

Will'm Fitz Richard.

In this yere, the Thorsday before the feste of Simond and Jude was a gret wynd and an horrible tempest whiche dede muche harme thorugh all Engelond; and Lodowyke the kyng of Fraunce tok Damaske the iiij kal.

of Juyne.

Adam Basynges, m'. Laur' Frowyk. A^{o}. x.x.xv^{to}.

Will's Fitz Richard.

[Sidenote: Ordre of frere Austyns began.]

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