A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 Part 3

A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 -

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[Sidenote: Ordre of Frere Carmes began.]

[Sidenote: A gret wynd.]

[Sidenote: Firy dragons were seyne.]

This yere of oure lord a m^{l}ccxxiiij,[3] the emperour Baldewyn which whanne he wente to bataile to fyghte with G.o.des enemyes he hadde a croos boren before hym, whiche crosse seynt Eleyne made of the crosse that Cryst deyde upon; and there was an Englyssh prest that tyme with hym that was called S^{r}. Hughe, and he was borne in Norfolke, the whiche preest broughte the same crosse to Bromholm in Norfolke. Also in this yere the plees of the crowne were pletyd in the tour of London. Also in this yere was the castell of Bedford beseged, whiche endured fro the ascencione of oure lord unto the a.s.sumpcion of oure lady; at whiche day be greet crafte and strong a.s.saught it was wonne and distroid: and sithe it was not beldyd ayeyne because it was rebell to the kyng. Also in this yere began the ordre of Frere Carmes. Also in this yere upon seynt Lukes day there blew a gret wynd out of the north, whiche caste doune manye houses, steples and torrettes of chirches, and turned up so downe trees in wodes and in orchardes, at whiche tyme fyry dragons and wykkes spirytes grete noumbre were seyn openly fleyng in the eyre.

[Footnote 3: _Sic in the Harl. MS., and_ m^{l}ij^{c}xxiij _in the Cotton MS._]

Id'm maior. Ric' Reng'. Anno vi^{to}.

Th' Lambard.

This yere a gret discencione aros in London be empechement of Walter Bokerell, so that Constantyne Fitz Arnulf the morwe aftere oure lady daye, the a.s.sumpcion, was drawe and hanged. And in this yere the kyng was purposed to have cast down the walles of London.

REX HENRICUS T'CIUS. [1222-1225.]

Ric' Reng', maior. Will's Joynour. Anno vij^{o}.

Thomas Lamberd.

[Sidenote: Frere Meno', ven' in Angl'.]

In this yere, that is for to seye the yere of oure lord a m^{l}ccxxiiij, in the feste of seynt Bertylmewe the apostell, the ordre of Frere Menours[4] cam ferst into Engelond. Also in this yere a man of Alderbery feyned hym Cryst, whiche was brought to Oxon', and there he was crucifyed.

[Footnote 4: Prechours _in the Cotton MS._]

Id'm maior. John Travers. Anno viij^{o}.

Andrew Bokerell.

[Sidenote: Alyens put out of the ream.]

The same yere were alle the alyens put out of the reaume.

Id'm maior. Martin Fitz William. Anno ix^{o}.

Rog'us Duke.

[Sidenote: Plees of the crowne.]

In this yere the plees of the crowne were pletyd in the tour of London; and John Harleon failed of his lawe for the deth of Lambard his liege.

Id'm maior. Roger Duke. Anno x^{mo}.

Martin Fitz William.

REX HENRICUS T'CIUS. [1226-1228.]

Rog'us Duke, maior. Steph'us Bokerell. Anno xj^{mo}.

Henr' Cobham.

[Sidenote: Weres in Tempse were stroid.]

[Sidenote: The citezeynes of London scholde paye noo toll on this syde the see, no beyonde the see.]

This yere the schirrevehood of London and Midd' weren leten to ferme to the schirreves of London for ccc^{li} be yere, whiche was graunted the xviij day of Feverere in this sayd yere. Also the same day it was graunted be the kyng that alle the weres in Thamyse schulde ben broken up and distroied, and never after schulde be set ayene. Also the xvj day of March in this yere the kyng graunted be his chartre to hise citezeyns of London, that no toll schulde be taken of them in no kynges lond, as well on this syde the see as beyonde the see; and yf ony toll were taken of ony citezeyn of London, that thanne the schirreves of London schulde taken at London distresse of the folk of the contre, what tyme that they myghte be founden in London notwithstondynge. Also the xviij day of August suynge the kyng graunted to the maire of London waryne.

Id'm maior. Steph'us Bokerell. A^{o}. xij^{o}.

Henr' Cobham.

[Sidenote: Clerkes and seriaunts of the schirreve.]

[Sidenote: A comown seal.]

In this yere, the viij day of Juyn the libertes and the fraunchises of London were ratified; and also the kyng graunted that every schirreve of London schulde have too clerkes and too seriauntes and no mo for that office. Also the kyng graunted the same tyme to the citezeyns of London that they schulde have a comown seal, whiche schulde ben in kepynge of too aldermen and too commons of the citee: and the forsaid seal scholde nought be denyed nor warned to poure no riche of the same citee whanne thei hadde nede, yf there cause were resonable; and that no mede schulde be take no payed of eny man in no manner wyse for the said seall.

REX HENRICUS T'CIUS. [1228-1232.]

Id'm maior. Walt' Wynchestre. Anno xiij^{mo}.

Rob' Fitz John.

Id'm maior. Ric' Fitz Walter. Anno xiiij^{mo}.

John Wobourne.

In this yere it was be the maire and be the aldermen, with the counseill and a.s.sent of alle the citee, and be othe sworne on the Evaungelies, that fro this tyme forth there schull never schirreves of London abyde leng' in that office thanne on yere. And in this yere the same Roger was discharged of the office of the meiralte.

Andrew Bokerell, m'. Mich' of Seynt Eleynes. A^{o}. xv^{o}.

Walt' Senford.

In this yere aroos a gret discord betwen the kyng and Hubert of Burgh; which Hubert fledde to the chapell of Brendewode, and there he was taken and thanne imprisoned in the tour of London, and after he was exiled. Also this yere was a gret harm done in the citee of London for the fyere of dame Jonet Lumbarde.

Id'm maior. Herry Edelmetone. Anno xvj^{o}.

Gerard Batte.

Id'm maior. Simon Fitz Marie. Anno xvij^{mo}.

Rog' Blounte.

[Sidenote: Quarantisme parte.]

In this yere S^{r}. Edmond was sacred erchebysshop of Caunterbury, whiche now is called seynt Edmond of Pounteney, whiche Edmonde dede afterwarde revoke Hubert of Burgh, that com ayene into Engelond and submitted hym to the kynges grace. This yere, in the iiij idus of Feverer', was a gret wynd, a gret erthequake, and a gret thondyr.

Eodem anno idem rex accepit ab om'ib' reb' mobilib' le quarantisme p'

totam Angl' in adjutor'm sibi in suis bellis.

REX HENRICUS T'CIUS. [1233-1238.]

Andrew Bokerell, m'. Ric' a.s.sheby. A^{o}. xviij^{o}.

John Norman.

Id'm maior. Gerard Batte. Anno xix^{o}.

Robert Hardell.

[Sidenote: Henr' accep' in uxore' filiam count' P'vincie.]

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