A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 Part 6

A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 -

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Id'm maior. Robert Mounpylers. A^{o}. xlviij^{o}.

Osbert Vynt'.

In this yere the town of Northampton was taken, and manye of the men that were founden withinne were sclayn, forasmoche as thei hadde ordeyned wyldefeer for to abrent the citee of London. Also this yere, after the purificacion of oure lady, the kynges litell halle at Westm'

with the chaumbre were brent. Also in this yere, at Whitsontyde, there aroos a grete discord betwen the kyng and his barons, and the bysshop of Hereford was taken and lad into Walys into a castell. Also in that discord Elianore the quene was foule repreved and almost sclayn upon London bregge: and after this, a litel before Mighelmesse, the kyng and the quene sailed into Fraunce, to the kynges parlement of Fraunce.

Id'm maior. Th' de la Ford. A^{o}. xlix^{o}.

Gregor' Rokesley.

[Sidenote: A parlement at Redyng.]

[Sidenote: Barons werre.]

[Sidenote: Bellum de Lewes.]

[Sidenote: Stella comata.]

This yere the kyng com fro Fraunce and held his parlement at Redyng, fro which parlement the kyng and the lordes departed in wrathe; and the kyng wente ayene to the parlement into Fraunce: and after this, for werre and defaute, the stretes of London were cheyned. And abought the purification of oure lady the kyng com home fro Fraunce; and the barons token the town of Northt' the Satirday nest before Pa.s.sion Sonday; and the Wednesday nest folwynge there were manye Jewes sclayn and distroyd. And in the morwe of seynt Pancras, in the monthe of May, was the bataile of Lewes, betwen the kyng and the barons of the reaume, in whiche bataile manye men were sclayn on both parties: and in this bataile the kyng was taken and S^{r}. Edward his sone, and Richard erle of Cornewayle and manye othere were lad into diverses castelles. And in the same yere appered stella comata whiche endured xv dayes.

REX HENRICUS T'CIUS. [1265-1267.]

Id'm maior. Edwardus Blount. A^{o}. l^{mo}.

Petrus Aunger.

[Sidenote: Bellu' de Evesham.]

In this yere Edwarde the kynges sone brak oute of warde of Sire Simond Mountford erle of Leycestre and of Hereford, and he wente to the barons of the March, and they reyceyved hym withe moche honour. And on the Satirday in the myddes of August he scomfited Simon of Mountford at Kelyngworth. And on the Wednesday nest after was the batall of Evesham; and there was sclayn Simond of Mountford erle of Leycestre, the lord Spenser, S^{r}. Rauff Ba.s.sett, S^{r}. Thomas Asteley, William Maundevyle, S^{r}. John Beauchamp, S^{r}. Guy Bailliof, S^{r}. Roger Roule, &c. and the barouns discomfited.[11]

[Footnote 11: _See note_ D.]

William Fitz Ric', custos. John Lynde. A^{o}. lj^{o}.

John Walravyn.

In this yere S^{r}. John Savylle was taken with strong hond at Cesterfeld; atte whiche tyme the lord Ferrers fledde, and be a woman was betrayed in the chirche, and so taken. And Octobon the popes legat held a counseill at Northt', where he accursed alle thoo that stoden with the erle of Leycestre Simond, or hym helpith or favoureth.

REX HENRICUS T'CIUS. [1267-1270.]

Aleyn South, custos. John Adryan. A^{o}. lij^{do}.

Lucas Batencourt.

[Sidenote: The greate Caem.]

This yere, that is to seye the yere of oure lord a m^{l}cclxvij, began the empire of Tartaryn, the whiche emperour is called the grete Cane; and he is now holden grettest and most myghty lord of alle the world.

In this yere the kyng held his parlement at Marleburgh, in the octaves of seynt Martyn, where, be the a.s.sent of alle the n.o.bles and choson comoners of Engelond, were mad the statuts called the Statuts of Marleburgh.

Id'm custos. Walter Hervy. A^{o}. liij^{o}.

Wiliam Duremsone.

This yere Octobouns the popes legat held his counseyll at seynt Poules in London.

Hugo Fitz Thom's, custos. Th' Basyng. A^{o}. liiij^{to}.

Rob't Cornhill.

[Sidenote: T'us s'c'i Edward.]

[Sidenote: Hoc A^{o} concessit civib' Londo'.]

[Sidenote: T're mot'.]

This yere the kyng lete translate ayeyne the body of seynt Edward into a precious schryne; and there weren alle the lordes spirutuelx and temporelx of Engelond. And in the xvj day of March the kyng ordeyned that no man schulde gon ought of the citee of London be water no be londe to regrate ony vitaile. Also in this yere after Estren the kyng graunted to the citezens of London alle there liberties and fraunchises. And on the morwe of seynt Lucye the virgyne was gret erthequake aboughte evesong tyme.

REX HENRICUS T'CIUS. [1270-1272.]

John Adryan, m'. Walter Potter. A^{o}. lv^{to}.

John Taillour.

In this yere Edwarde the kynges sone, in the feste of Philip and Jacob, tok his vyage into the holy lond with manye othere grete lordes bothe of Engelond and of other londes.

Id'm maior. Gregorius Rokesley. A^{o}. lvj^{to}.

Herry Waleys.

[Sidenote: Bowe stepil fil doun.]

[Sidenote: The Sowdon sente l'res to Edward the kynges sone be a Sarasyn, whiche wolde a sclayn the said Edward, whiche Edward strangled the Sarasyn.]

In this yere, the V kal. of Feverer', the yere of oure lord a m^{l}clxx, the stepil of the chirch of seynt Marie at the Bowe fel down in Chepe, and perysshed moche peple. And in this yere Edwarde the kynges sone was wounded of a Saresyn at Acres, whiche broughte hym lettres fro the Sowdone, the whiche Sowdone menynge tresone hadde sent the same Sarasyn with the lettres unto the said kynges sone Edward, whiche for hete of the contrey eyre satt on a bedde in his doublet, and opened them. Whiles the lettres weren in redynge, the said Sarasyn, knelynge befor hym, drowe out a knyf yvenymed, and wolde have smyten the sayd S^{r}. Edward in the bely, and failed; but he smot hym in the arm and eft ayeyne in the foot: whiche Saresyn he stranglyd betwen his too handes to the deth; and sithens he was cured therof, blessyd be G.o.d. Also in this yere the said S^{r}. Edward comynge hom thorough Fraunce, he dede the tornement at Chalons, whiche was proposed for his distruccion for envye.

Sire Wat' Hervy Miles, m'. Robert Milborne. A^{o}. lvij^{o}.

Petir Cosyn.

[Sidenote: The schirreves were deposyd for takynge mede of the bakers.]

These two scherreves were convict before the barons of the Escheker, in the fest of seynt Andrew; forasmoche as they token mede of the bakers of London, and wolde nought leten them be corrected and justified: wherefore they were deposyd of there offices; and in there stedes were seet John Bedle and Richard Parys. And in this yere, on seynt Edmondes day the bisshope, in the yere of oure lorde a m^{l}cclxxij, kyng Herry the thridde deyde, and rially was beryed at Westm'.




Sire Wat' Hervy Miles, m'. John Horn'. A^{o}. p^{o}.

Walter Pott'.

This yere Thlewyne the prynce of Walys rebelled ayens the kyng; and the kyng scomfited hym in bataile, and drof hym to so muche myschief that he cam and yeld hym, and paied to the kyng l m^{l} marc of silver for to have his pees, and made hys othe for to comen to the kynges parlement too tymes in the yere. Eod'm anno f'res in vestimentis saccor' in exules mitabant'. It'm stat' erat concessum p' bigamis; it'm p' p'sonis p'motis non consecratis ad eccl'ias.

Herry Waleys, m'. Nicholl Wynchestre. A^{o}. s'c'do.

Herry Coventre.

[Sidenote: For chastyse bakers and mellers.]

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