Antony and Cleopatra -
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Scar. G.o.ds, & G.o.ddesses, all the whol synod of them!
Eno. What's thy pa.s.sion
Scar. The greater Cantle of the world, is lost With very ignorance, we haue kist away Kingdomes, and Prouinces
Eno. How appeares the Fight?
Scar. On our side, like the Token'd Pestilence, Where death is sure. Yon ribaudred Nagge of Egypt, (Whom Leprosie o're-take) i'th' midst o'th' fight, When vantage like a payre of Twinnes appear'd Both as the same, or rather ours the elder; (The Breeze vpon her) like a Cow in Iune, Hoists Sailes, and flyes
Eno. That I beheld: Mine eyes did sicken at the sight, and could not Indure a further view
Scar. She once being looft, The n.o.ble ruine of her Magicke, Anthony, Claps on his Sea-wing, and (like a doting Mallard) Leauing the Fight in heighth, flyes after her: I neuer saw an Action of such shame; Experience, Man-hood, Honor, ne're before, Did violate so it selfe
En.o.b. Alacke, alacke.
Enter Camidius
Cam. Our Fortune on the Sea is out of breath, And sinkes most lamentably. Had our Generall Bin what he knew himselfe, it had gone well: Oh his ha's giuen example for our flight, Most grossely by his owne
En.o.b. I, are you thereabouts? Why then goodnight indeede
Cam. Toward Peloponnesus are they fled
Scar. 'Tis easie toot, And there I will attend what further comes
Camid. To Caesar will I render My Legions and my Horse, sixe Kings alreadie Shew me the way of yeelding
Eno. Ile yet follow The wounded chance of Anthony, though my reason Sits in the winde against me.
Enter Anthony with Attendants.
Ant. Hearke, the Land bids me tread no more vpon't, It is asham'd to beare me. Friends, come hither, I am so lated in the world, that I Haue lost my way for euer. I haue a s.h.i.+ppe, Laden with Gold, take that, diuide it: flye, And make your peace with Caesar
Omnes. Fly? Not wee
Ant. I haue fled my selfe, and haue instructed cowards To runne, and shew their shoulders. Friends be gone, I haue my selfe resolu'd vpon a course, Which has no neede of you. Be gone, My Treasure's in the Harbour. Take it: Oh, I follow'd that I blush to looke vpon, My very haires do mutiny: for the white Reproue the browne for rashnesse, and they them For feare, and doting. Friends be gone, you shall Haue Letters from me to some Friends, that will Sweepe your way for you. Pray you looke not sad, Nor make replyes of loathnesse, take the hint Which my dispaire proclaimes. Let them be left Which leaues it selfe, to the Sea-side straight way; I will possesse you of that s.h.i.+p and Treasure.
Leaue me, I pray a little: pray you now, Nay do so: for indeede I haue lost command, Therefore I pray you, Ile see you by and by.
Sits downe
Enter Cleopatra led by Charmian and Eros.
Eros. Nay gentle Madam, to him, comfort him
Iras. Do most deere Queene
Char. Do, why, what else?
Cleo. Let me sit downe: Oh Iuno
Ant. No, no, no, no, no
Eros. See you heere, Sir?
Ant. Oh fie, fie, fie
Char. Madam
Iras. Madam, oh good Empresse
Eros. Sir, sir
Ant. Yes my Lord, yes; he at Philippi kept His sword e'ne like a dancer, while I strooke The leane and wrinkled Ca.s.sius, and 'twas I That the mad Brutus ended: he alone Dealt on Lieutenantry, and no practise had In the braue squares of Warre: yet now: no matter
Cleo. Ah stand by
Eros. The Queene my Lord, the Queene
Iras. Go to him, Madam, speake to him, Hee's vnqualitied with very shame
Cleo. Well then, sustaine me: Oh
Eros. Most n.o.ble Sir arise, the Queene approaches, Her head's declin'd, and death will cease her, but Your comfort makes the rescue
Ant. I haue offended Reputation, A most vnn.o.ble sweruing
Eros. Sir, the Queene
Ant. Oh whether hast thou lead me Egypt, see How I conuey my shame, out of thine eyes, By looking backe what I haue left behinde Stroy'd in dishonor
Cleo. Oh my Lord, my Lord, Forgiue my fearfull sayles, I little thought You would haue followed
Ant. Egypt, thou knew'st too well, My heart was to thy Rudder tyed by'th' strings, And thou should'st towe me after. O're my spirit The full supremacie thou knew'st, and that Thy becke, might from the bidding of the G.o.ds Command mee
Cleo. Oh my pardon
Ant. Now I must To the young man send humble Treaties, dodge And palter in the s.h.i.+fts of lownes, who With halfe the bulke o'th' world plaid as I pleas'd, Making, and marring Fortunes. You did know How much you were my Conqueror, and that My Sword, made weake by my affection, would Obey it on all cause
Cleo. Pardon, pardon
Ant. Fall not a teare I say, one of them rates All that is wonne and lost: Giue me a kisse, Euen this repayes me.
We sent our Schoolemaster, is a come backe?
Loue I am full of Lead: some Wine Within there, and our Viands: Fortune knowes, We scorne her most, when most she offers blowes.
Enter Caesar, Agrippa, and Dollabello, with others.
Caes Let him appeare that's come from Anthony.
Know you him
Dolla. Caesar, 'tis his Schoolemaster, An argument that he is pluckt, when hither He sends so poore a Pinnion of his Wing, Which had superfluous Kings for Messengers, Not many Moones gone by.
Enter Amba.s.sador from Anthony.
Caesar. Approach, and speake