Miscellaneous Writings Part 74

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lawgiver to matter, and good has the same power or modes as evil, it has the same consciousness, and there is no absolute good. This error, carried to its ultimate, would either extinguish G.o.d and His modes, or give reality and power to evil _ad infinitum_. [30]

Christian Science rends this veil of the temple of G.o.ds, and reproduces the divine philosophy of Jesus and Paul.

[Page 365.]

This philosophy alone will bear the strain of time and [1]

bring out the glories of eternity; for "other founda- tion can no man lay than that is laid," which is Christ, Truth.

Human theories weighed in the balances of G.o.d are [5]

found wanting; and their highest endeavors are to Science what a child's love of pictures is to art. The school whose schoolmaster is not Christ, gets things wrong, and is ignorant thereof.

If Christian Science lacked the proof of its goodness [10]

and utility, it would destroy itself; for it rests alone on demonstration. Its genius is right thinking and right acting, physical and moral harmony; and the secret of its success lies in supplying the universal need of better health and better men. [15]

Good health and a more spiritual religion form the common want, and this want has worked out a moral result; namely, that mortal mind is calling for what im- mortal Mind alone can supply. If the uniform moral and spiritual, as well as physical, effects of divine Science [20]

were lacking, the demand would diminish; but it con- tinues, and increases, which shows the real value of Christian Science to the race. Even doctors agree that infidelity, bigotry, or sham has never met the growing wants of humanity. [25]

As a literature, Christian metaphysics is hampered by lack of proper terms in which to express what it means.

As a Science, it is held back by the common ignorance of what it is and of what it does,-and more than all else, by the impostors that come in its name. To be [30]

appreciated, it must be conscientiously understood and introduced.

[Page 366.]

If the Bible and "Science and Health with Key to the [1]

Scriptures" had in our schools the time or attention that human hypotheses consume, they would advance the world. True, it requires more study to understand and demonstrate what they teach than to learn the doctrine [5]

of theology, philosophy, or physics, because they con- tain and offer Science, with fixed Principle, given rule, and unmistakable proof.

The Scriptures give the keynote of Christian Science from Genesis to Revelation, and this is the prolonged [10]

tone: "For the Lord He is G.o.d, and there is _none beside Him_." And because He is All-in-all, He is in nothing unlike Himself; and nothing that worketh or maketh a lie is in Him, or can be divine con- sciousness. [15]

At this date, poor jaded humanity needs to get her eyes open to a new style of imposition in the field of medicine and of religion, and to "beware of the leaven of the scribes and Pharisees," the doctrines of men, even as Jesus admonished. From first to last, evil insists on [20]

the unity of good and evil as the purpose of G.o.d; and on drugs, electricity, and animal magnetism as modes of medicine. To a greater or less extent, all mortal conclusions start from this false premise, and they necessarily culminate in sickness, sin, disease, and death. [25]

Erroneous doctrines never have abated and never will abate dishonesty, self-will, envy, and l.u.s.t. To destroy sin and its sequence, is the office of Christ, Truth,-ac- cording to His mode of Christian Science; and this is being done daily. [30]

The false theories whose names are legion, gilded with sophistry and what Jesus had not, namely, mere book-

[Page 367.]

learning,-letter without law, gospel, or demonstration, [1]

-have no place in Christian Science. This Science re- quires man to be honest, just, pure; to love his neighbor as himself, and to love G.o.d supremely.

Matter and evil are subjective states of error or mortal [5]

mind. But Mind is immortal; and the fact of there being no mortal mind, exposes the lie of suppositional evil, showing that error is not Mind, substance, or Life. Thus, whatever is wrongfully-minded will dis- appear in the proportion that Science is understood, [10]

and the reality of being-goodness and harmony-is demonstrated.

Error says that knowing all things implies the neces- sity of knowing evil, that it dishonors G.o.d to claim that He is ignorant of anything; but G.o.d says of this fruit [15]

of the tree of knowledge of _both_ good and evil, "In the day that thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die." If G.o.d is infinite good, He knows nothing but good; if He did know aught else, He would not be infinite. Infinite Mind knows nothing beyond Himself or Herself. To [20]

good, evil is never present; for evil is a different state of consciousness. It was not against evil, but against _know-_ _ing_ evil, that G.o.d forewarned. He dwelleth in light; and in the light He sees light, and cannot see darkness.

The opposite conclusion, that darkness dwelleth in light, [25]

has neither precedent nor foundation in nature, in logic, or in the character of Christ.

The senses would say that whatever saves from sin, must know sin. Truth replies that G.o.d is too pure to behold iniquity; and by virtue of His ignorance of [30]

that which is not, He knoweth that which _is_, and abideth in Himself, the only Life, Truth, and Love,

[Page 368.]

-and is reflected by a universe in His own image [1]

and likeness.

Even so, Father, let the light that s.h.i.+neth in dark- ness, and the darkness comprehendeth it not, dispel this illusion of the senses, open the eyes of the blind, and cause [5]

the deaf to hear.

"Truth forever on the scaffold, Wrong forever on the throne.

Yet that scaffold sways the future, and, behind the dim unknown, Standeth G.o.d within the shadow, keeping watch above His own."


"Take Heed!"

We regret to be obliged to say that all are not meta- physicians, or Christian Scientists, who call themselves so. Charlatanism, fraud, and malice are getting into the ranks of the good and pure, sending forth a poison [15]

more deadly than the upas-tree in the eastern archi- pelago. This evil obtains in the present false teaching and false practice of the Science of treating disease through Mind. The silent address of a mental malpract.i.tioner can only be portrayed in these words of the apostle, [20]

"whisperers," and "the poison of asps is under their tongue."

Some of the mere puppets of the hour are playing only for money, and at a fearful stake. Others, from malice and envy, are working out the destinies of the [25]

d.a.m.ned. But while the best, perverted, on the mortal plane may become the worst, let us not forget that the Lord reigns, and that this earth shall some time rejoice in His supreme rule,-that the tired watchmen on the

[Page 369.]

walls of Zion, and the true Christian Scientist at the foot [1]

of the mount of revelation, shall look up with shouts and thanksgiving,-that G.o.d's law, as in divine Science, shall be finally understood; and the gospel of glad tidings bring "on earth peace, good will toward men." [5]

The Cry Of Christmas-Tide

Metaphysics, not physics, enables us to stand erect on sublime heights, surveying the immeasurable universe of Mind, peering into the cause which governs all effects, while we are strong in the unity of G.o.d and man. There [10]

is "method" in the "madness" of this system,-since madness it seems to many onlookers. This method sits serene at the portals of the temple of thought, while the leaders of materialistic schools indulge in mad antics. Metaphysical healing seeks a wisdom that is [15]

higher than a rhubarb tincture or an ipecacuanha pill.

This method is devout enough to trust Christ more than it does drugs.

Meekly we kneel at our Master's feet, for even a crumb that falleth from his table. We are hungry for Love, [20]

for the white-winged charity that heals and saves; we are tired of theoretic husks,-as tired as was the prodi- gal son of the carobs which he shared with the swine, to whom he fed that wholesome but unattractive food.

Like him, we would find our Father's house again- [25]

the perfect and eternal Principle of man. We thirst for inspiring wine from the vine which our Father tends.

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